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Помогите добавить статистику к маркерам технки в бою

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Просьба в шапке. С новыми разделенным конфигом не знаю, где что искать. Раньше просто открывал в редакторе xvm.xc и все менял за один раз.

Заранее спасибо за помощь!

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@Tarasovych, markersAliveNormal.xc - Обычные маркеры, markersAliveExtended.xc - Расширенные маркеры (Alt)

Нужно просто добавить новое текстовое поле в блок текстовых полей (TextFields)

        "name": "Stat", 
        "visible": true, 
        "x": 0, 
        "y": -20,
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": "0xFCFCFC",
        "font": {
          "name": "$FieldFont",
          "size": 11,
          "align": "center",
          "bold": true,
          "italic": false
        "shadow": {
          "alpha": 100,
          "color": "0x000000",
          "angle": 45,
          "distance": 0,
          "size": 4,
          "strength": 100
        "format": "{{xwn8}}" 

Назначение файлов можно посмотреть в xvm/configs/default/@xvm.xc

Edited by Azbuka_slovensko
  • Upvote 1
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@Tarasovych, markersAliveNormal.xc - Обычные маркеры, markersAliveExtended.xc - Расширенные маркеры (Alt)

Нужно просто добавить новое текстовое поле в блок текстовых полей (TextFields)

        "name": "Stat", 
        "visible": true, 
        "x": 0, 
        "y": -20,
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": "0xFCFCFC",
        "font": {
          "name": "$FieldFont",
          "size": 11,
          "align": "center",
          "bold": true,
          "italic": false
        "shadow": {
          "alpha": 100,
          "color": "0x000000",
          "angle": 45,
          "distance": 0,
          "size": 4,
          "strength": 100
        "format": "{{xwn8}}" 

Назначение файлов можно посмотреть в xvm/configs/default/@xvm.xc


P. S. Не работает...

Edited by Tarasovych
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Прикрипите xvm.log из корневой папки игры.


2014-09-15 19:31:42: xvm 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/) for WoT 0.9.0, 0.9.1, 0.9.2

2014-09-15 19:31:42: Branch: default, Revision: 3100

2014-09-15 19:32:01: FlashInit: Application.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:05: [iNFO] HTTP: /wn8.json

2014-09-15 19:32:05: [iNFO] Time: 276 ms, Size: 8157 (38322) bytes

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['minimapAlt.xc', 'statisticForm.xc', 'login.xc', 'vehicleNames.xc', 'iconset.xc', 'battle.xc', 'alpha.xc', 'markers.xc', 'battleResults.xc', 'hangar.xc', 'hitLog.xc', 'squad.xc', 'userInfo.xc', 'rating.xc', 'battleLoading.xc', 'colors.xc', 'texts.xc', 'captureBar.xc', 'hotkeys.xc', 'playersPanel.xc', 'minimap.xc']

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:002] LoadFiles: ['minimapLabels.xc', 'minimapCircles.xc', 'minimapLines.xc', 'elements.xc', 'markersDeadExtended.xc', 'markersDeadNormal.xc', 'markersAliveExtended.xc', 'markersAliveNormal.xc']

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:003] LoadFiles: ['ru.xc']

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:004] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:32:07: [X:005] Config loaded. Region: RU (detected), Language: ru (detected)

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: prebattleComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:010] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:011] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:012] [XVM] Preloading swf: TankCarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:013] [XVM] Preloading swf: nodesLib.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:014] [XVM] Preloading swf: serviceMessageComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:015] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileStatistics.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:016] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileTechnique.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:017] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:018] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:019] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:020] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:021] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-loginlayout.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:022] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:023] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:024] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:025] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-svcmsg.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:026] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-tcarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:08: [X:027] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-techtree.swf

2014-09-15 19:32:09: [X:028] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: introVideo

2014-09-15 19:32:46: [X:029] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: login

2014-09-15 19:32:46: [X:030] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: login

2014-09-15 19:32:46: [X:031] [XVM:LOGINLAYOUT] processView: login

2014-09-15 19:32:46: [X:032] [XVM:PING] processView: login

2014-09-15 19:32:57: [X:033] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:32:57: [X:034] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:32:57: [X:035] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:32:57: [X:036] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:32:57: [X:037] [XVM:SVCMSG] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:32:58: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/checkToken/3730656/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6

2014-09-15 19:32:58: [iNFO] Time: 317 ms, Size: 110 (106) bytes

2014-09-15 19:32:58: {"expires_at":1411752319910,"cnt":81,"_id":3730656,"status":"active","issued":1,"start_at":1409171437630}

2014-09-15 19:32:59: [X:038] [XVM:CREW] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:32:59: [X:039] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:32:59: [X:040] [XVM:TCAROUSEL] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:33:14: [X:041] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading

2014-09-15 19:33:14: [X:042] [battleLoading]

XVM_VERSION=5.3.4-dev for WoT 0.9.2





2014-09-15 19:33:14: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/stat/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6/23262599=1,31359752=11777,14668938=51713,21450000=4161,28086801=257,19062802=1057,15856149=10049,16129434=1041,17882544=54545,725551=52257,6425136=10529,29157810=10529,8311994=4161,27360958=257,14719584=1,23000773=5409,23454926=1377,21162064=10833,33116753=1,32012883=1,23698390=54353,4778329=2129,32958044=10273,30491487=4625,3730656=2129=1,12989409=11777,12829932=4129,496494=10529,835056=11089,21466739=257

2014-09-15 19:33:15: [iNFO] Time: 1398 ms, Size: 4786 (11897) bytes

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:043] ========== begin chance calculation ===========

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:044] playerNames: Lutui12, Driomov46rus, Burzum_1978, kostay05, ALEX_______205, FitcHen, sergius_hvat, dssa32, welmer, amanakskiy, Traktorist_FARA, Lordbmv, Otvagnei, murka_007, Shyler1, GROB222, andrei112498, Tarasovych, Fiery_phoenix39, krisahsa, CERBERUSDARK, sobko_sn, tatashka163, k1r1ll_, Sanchez261194, sergiozzz666, perez_ilya1, Dima02071978MOT, micluha, egorek2003

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:045] teamsCount=15/15

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:046] battleTier=5

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:047] Ka=1077.935005119775 Ke=590.7371890600981

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:048] RESULT=Шансы на победу: 72%

2014-09-15 19:33:16: [X:049] ========== end chance calculation ===========

2014-09-15 19:33:32: FlashInit: battle.swf

2014-09-15 19:33:33: FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf

2014-09-15 19:33:34: FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [V:001] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [V:002] Config: Loaded

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [V:003] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:002] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:005] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:33:35: [b:006] Config: Loaded

2014-09-15 19:33:36: [b:007] Minimap: localized map name: ТОПЬ

2014-09-15 19:39:23: FlashInit: Application.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:23: FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:23: FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['minimapAlt.xc', 'statisticForm.xc', 'login.xc', 'vehicleNames.xc', 'iconset.xc', 'battle.xc', 'alpha.xc', 'markers.xc', 'battleResults.xc', 'hangar.xc', 'hitLog.xc', 'squad.xc', 'userInfo.xc', 'rating.xc', 'battleLoading.xc', 'colors.xc', 'texts.xc', 'captureBar.xc', 'hotkeys.xc', 'playersPanel.xc', 'minimap.xc']

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:002] LoadFiles: ['minimapLabels.xc', 'minimapCircles.xc', 'minimapLines.xc', 'elements.xc', 'markersDeadExtended.xc', 'markersDeadNormal.xc', 'markersAliveExtended.xc', 'markersAliveNormal.xc']

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:003] LoadFiles: ['ru.xc']

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:004] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:39:24: [X:005] Config loaded. Region: RU (detected), Language: ru (detected)

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: prebattleComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:010] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:011] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:012] [XVM] Preloading swf: TankCarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:013] [XVM] Preloading swf: nodesLib.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:014] [XVM] Preloading swf: serviceMessageComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:015] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileStatistics.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:016] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileTechnique.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:017] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:018] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:019] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:020] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:021] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-loginlayout.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:022] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:023] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:024] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:025] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-svcmsg.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:026] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-tcarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:25: [X:027] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-techtree.swf

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [X:028] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [X:029] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [X:030] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [X:031] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [X:032] [XVM:SVCMSG] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:39:28: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/checkToken/3730656/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6

2014-09-15 19:39:29: [iNFO] Time: 409 ms, Size: 109 (106) bytes

2014-09-15 19:39:29: {"expires_at":1411752319910,"cnt":83,"_id":3730656,"status":"active","issued":1,"start_at":1409171437630}

2014-09-15 19:39:29: [X:033] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleResults

2014-09-15 19:39:30: [X:034] [XVM:CREW] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:39:30: [X:035] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:39:30: [X:036] [XVM:TCAROUSEL] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:44:10: [X:037] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading

2014-09-15 19:44:10: [X:038] [battleLoading]

XVM_VERSION=5.3.4-dev for WoT 0.9.2





2014-09-15 19:44:10: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/stat/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6/6362502=2113,22381100=5409,2749579=4865,21574672=11777,1491602=51713,21977114=10529,8891422=11089,24636194=1,33142564=15873,18462631=2129,30336455=51745,5848108=10529,27763886=3105,30105312=11777,32367043=3073,16035655=3361,32787913=11777,27943628=15105,22955473=10529,15889498=2049,12613348=11777,4606161=11281,27921257=1089,58730=10273,6305775=8017,24703088=1057,31908212=1,32826358=5905,15887739=1089

2014-09-15 19:44:12: [iNFO] Time: 1999 ms, Size: 4566 (11437) bytes

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:039] ========== begin chance calculation ===========

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:040] playerNames: AlexJBor, daynd3, Kraiz6490, OblivionRusa, te_alla_menta, a_n_d_r_e_y_1977, krupskoi, ghbdfn_1, Piligrimm96, vihsnik0075, sagitarius23, djkr1997, Ded_tankist666, temirbolatovv, zenit707, Tarasovych, V_G_171184, Bryk70, BAR969, Baranka_PRO, alex203049581, johngabor1234321, legioner_www1, andnek, Sholdy_231, VALEVICH, BEGEMOT07, kamar_stalnoj, Datts, 222UMR222

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:041] teamsCount=15/15

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:042] battleTier=5

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:043] Ka=916.73472526462 Ke=467.7764870167877

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:044] RESULT=Шансы на победу: 74%

2014-09-15 19:44:13: [X:045] ========== end chance calculation ===========

2014-09-15 19:44:29: FlashInit: battle.swf

2014-09-15 19:44:30: FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf

2014-09-15 19:44:31: FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [V:001] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [V:002] Config: Loaded

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [V:003] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:002] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:005] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:006] Config: Loaded

2014-09-15 19:44:32: [b:007] Minimap: localized map name: ЛАЙВ ОКС

2014-09-15 19:46:52: FlashInit: Application.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:52: FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:52: FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['minimapAlt.xc', 'statisticForm.xc', 'login.xc', 'vehicleNames.xc', 'iconset.xc', 'battle.xc', 'alpha.xc', 'markers.xc', 'battleResults.xc', 'hangar.xc', 'hitLog.xc', 'squad.xc', 'userInfo.xc', 'rating.xc', 'battleLoading.xc', 'colors.xc', 'texts.xc', 'captureBar.xc', 'hotkeys.xc', 'playersPanel.xc', 'minimap.xc']

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:002] LoadFiles: ['minimapLabels.xc', 'minimapCircles.xc', 'minimapLines.xc', 'elements.xc', 'markersDeadExtended.xc', 'markersDeadNormal.xc', 'markersAliveExtended.xc', 'markersAliveNormal.xc']

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:003] LoadFiles: ['ru.xc']

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:004] Locale: Loaded ru

2014-09-15 19:46:53: [X:005] Config loaded. Region: RU (detected), Language: ru (detected)

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: prebattleComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:010] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:011] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:012] [XVM] Preloading swf: TankCarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:013] [XVM] Preloading swf: nodesLib.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:014] [XVM] Preloading swf: serviceMessageComponents.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:015] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileStatistics.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:016] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileTechnique.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:017] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:018] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:019] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:020] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:021] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-loginlayout.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:022] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:023] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:024] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:025] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-svcmsg.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:026] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-tcarousel.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:54: [X:027] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-techtree.swf

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [X:028] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [X:029] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [X:030] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [X:031] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [X:032] [XVM:SVCMSG] processView: lobby

2014-09-15 19:46:56: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/checkToken/3730656/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6

2014-09-15 19:46:57: [iNFO] Time: 333 ms, Size: 109 (106) bytes

2014-09-15 19:46:57: {"expires_at":1411752319910,"cnt":85,"_id":3730656,"status":"active","issued":1,"start_at":1409171437630}

2014-09-15 19:46:57: [X:033] [XVM:CREW] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:46:57: [X:034] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:46:57: [X:035] [XVM:TCAROUSEL] processView: hangar

2014-09-15 19:54:02: [X:036] [XVM:SVCMSG] processView: notificationsList

2014-09-15 19:54:37: [X:037] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading

2014-09-15 19:54:37: [X:038] [battleLoading]

XVM_VERSION=5.3.4-dev for WoT 0.9.2





2014-09-15 19:54:37: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/stat/348f1726-****-****-****-8aee7e76c8f6/5228806=4113,21826055=6977,18381576=11553,26048266=11265,19246667=2817,5668236=10529,14696947=11041,7551054=1553,14676111=11777,4034448=11857,6439475=10529,5398868=5457,11297112=12289,1945113=55569,124

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а это что??

какие маркера.. .вы на стандарте ВГшном катаете :gg:

ставьте false (это в markers.xc) и уже потом смотрите что вам нужно

Edited by VicKing
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