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Posts posted by SicFunzler

  1. 1 hour ago, RegularMan said:

    Нашел в логах с последним ночником wg ( записи подобного рода. Ничего не нашел похожего в конфиге, но может быть чего-то не хватает в атласе?

    2023-03-17 09:27:50.623: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_enemy_dead_red' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-17 09:27:52.545: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_ally_dead_green' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'


    2023-03-17 09:57:45.599: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item '' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'


    I have the same problem, I've tried everything and I don't get the error




    • Upvote 1
  2. 9 hours ago, ktulho said:

    Прикрепите реплей и логи.


    2023-03-08 22:25:22.929: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL
    2023-03-08 22:25:23.020: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:23.635: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:23.751: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:23.902: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.178: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.279: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.400: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.492: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.609: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.705: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.820: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.926: INFO: [Avatar] [INIT_STEPS] Avatar.onSpaceLoaded
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.937: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.939: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'system/maps/shadow.dds'
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.940: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'system/maps/shadow.dds'
    2023-03-08 22:25:24.941: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/debug_utils.py, 264): Invalid vehicle matrix
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.190: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: BattleLoadingSpace() -> BattleSpace()
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.198: INFO: [frameworks.wulf.windows_system.window] Loading window: SFWindow(uniqueID=366, layer=7, decorator=None, content=None, viewKey=ViewKey[alias=GUIFlash, name=GUIFlash])
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.199: INFO: [frameworks.wulf.windows_system.window] Loading window: SFWindow(uniqueID=367, layer=7, decorator=None, content=None, viewKey=ViewKey[alias=AchivmentsInjector, name=AchivmentsInjector])
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.205: INFO: [gui.battle_control.controllers.dog_tags_ctrl] DogTagsController._updateArenaVehicleVictimsDogTags: victimsDogTags []
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.795: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleCrosshairsApp.swf'
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.796: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleCrosshairsApp.swf'
    2023-03-08 22:25:25.875: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleVehicleMarkersApp.swf'
    2023-03-08 22:25:54.410: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'WindowGUIComponent'
    2023-03-08 22:25:54.411: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'TextGUIComponent'
    2023-03-08 22:25:57.030: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:26:39.719: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684133)
    2023-03-08 22:26:40.612: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684120)
    2023-03-08 22:26:40.625: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/en*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:26:40.665: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL
    2023-03-08 22:26:44.428: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/en*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:26:44.464: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL
    2023-03-08 22:26:45.219: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/en*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:26:45.257: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL
    2023-03-08 22:26:46.215: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:26:47.929: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684123)
    2023-03-08 22:26:49.111: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/en*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:26:49.128: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL
    2023-03-08 22:26:49.328: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:26:54.318: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684132)
    2023-03-08 22:27:03.424: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684132)
    2023-03-08 22:27:06.723: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684114)
    2023-03-08 22:27:07.624: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684109)
    2023-03-08 22:27:23.618: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684111)
    2023-03-08 22:27:24.516: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684130)
    2023-03-08 22:27:39.923: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684123)
    2023-03-08 22:27:39.954: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_ally_dead_green' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:27:41.617: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684105)
    2023-03-08 22:27:56.316: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684117)
    2023-03-08 22:28:04.513: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684122)
    2023-03-08 22:28:08.321: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684110)
    2023-03-08 22:28:09.412: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:28:10.318: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684109)
    2023-03-08 22:28:12.715: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684105)
    2023-03-08 22:28:14.016: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684117)
    2023-03-08 22:28:25.733: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_enemy_dead_red' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:28:27.316: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684115)
    2023-03-08 22:28:27.318: ERROR: [common_tank_appearance] Failed to attach VehicleStickers. Missing VehicleStickers. Vehicle: <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x00000000A5E68B88>
    2023-03-08 22:28:28.836: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_ally_dead_green' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:28:29.608: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:28:30.717: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684119)
    2023-03-08 22:28:31.514: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684133)
    2023-03-08 22:28:31.515: ERROR: [common_tank_appearance] Failed to attach VehicleStickers. Missing VehicleStickers. Vehicle: <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x00000000B0260948>
    2023-03-08 22:28:32.320: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684129)
    2023-03-08 22:28:34.510: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684112)
    2023-03-08 22:28:44.752: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_enemy_dead_red' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:28:46.516: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:28:55.820: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_enemy_dead_red' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:29:10.915: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684128)
    2023-03-08 22:29:18.813: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684112)
    2023-03-08 22:29:19.013: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:29:30.011: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684123)
    2023-03-08 22:29:30.613: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:29:30.710: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:29:33.616: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:29:41.217: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684129)
    2023-03-08 22:29:50.106: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684107)
    2023-03-08 22:29:51.362: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Friend/.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:29:55.081: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Friend/.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:29:57.720: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684112)
    2023-03-08 22:30:03.609: INFO: [DogTagComponent] DogTagComponent.setSlice_victimsDogTags: victimsDogTags [{vehicleId: 17684112, dogTag: {components: [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], }, }], changePath [(0, 1)]
    2023-03-08 22:30:03.609: INFO: [gui.battle_control.controllers.dog_tags_ctrl] DogTagsController.setVictimsDogTags: victimsDogTags [{vehicleId: 17684112, dogTag: {components: [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], }, }]
    2023-03-08 22:30:03.610: INFO: [gui.battle_control.controllers.dog_tags_ctrl] DogTagsController._updateArenaVehicleVictimsDogTags: victimsDogTags [{'dogTag': {'playerName': 'Leonid73N', 'components': [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], 'clanTag': ''}, 'vehicleId': 17684112}]
    2023-03-08 22:30:03.615: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.shared.postmortem_panel] PostmortemPanel.__onVictimDogTagSet: dogTagInfo {'dogTag': {'playerName': 'Leonid73N', 'components': [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], 'clanTag': ''}, 'vehicleId': 17684112}, dogTagModel {'engraving': {'imageStr': 'engraving_300_9', 'componentID': 300, 'value': '0', 'name': u'WoT-Dienstalter'}, 'playerName': 'Leonid73N', 'isEngravingMaxLevel': True, 'clanTag': '', 'background': {'imageStr': 'background_66_0', 'componentID': 66}}
    2023-03-08 22:30:06.108: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:30:10.409: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684129)
    2023-03-08 22:30:11.816: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:30:13.118: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684123)
    2023-03-08 22:30:16.809: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684107)
    2023-03-08 22:30:23.002: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684128)
    2023-03-08 22:30:27.510: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:30:30.515: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:30:33.312: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 2452206122 . Error The ID was not found
    2023-03-08 22:30:35.200: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:30:35.926: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684127)
    2023-03-08 22:30:38.103: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684134)
    2023-03-08 22:30:38.822: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684133)
    2023-03-08 22:30:38.823: ERROR: [common_tank_appearance] Failed to attach VehicleStickers. Missing VehicleStickers. Vehicle: <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x000000016E5E3B88>
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.345: INFO: [DogTagComponent] DogTagComponent.set_killerDogTag: killerDogTag {vehicleId: 17684134, dogTag: {components: [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], }, }
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.346: INFO: [gui.battle_control.controllers.dog_tags_ctrl] DogTagsController.setKillerDogTag: killerDogTag {vehicleId: 17684134, dogTag: {components: [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], }, }
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.346: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.shared.postmortem_panel] PostmortemPanel.__onKillerDogTagSet: dogTagInfo {'dogTag': {'playerName': 'ledovay', 'components': [{id: 300, progress: 0.0, grade: 9, }, {id: 66, progress: 0.0, grade: 0, }], 'clanTag': ''}, 'vehicleId': 17684134}, dogTagModel {'engraving': {'imageStr': 'engraving_300_9', 'componentID': 300, 'value': '0', 'name': u'WoT-Dienstalter'}, 'playerName': 'ledovay', 'isEngravingMaxLevel': True, 'clanTag': '', 'background': {'imageStr': 'background_66_0', 'componentID': 66}}
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.386: INFO: [Scaleform] Removing Component:  This 1138d2190, owner WindowGUIComponent
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.387: INFO: [Scaleform]   Removing Component:  This 1d48749d0, owner TextGUIComponent
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.387: INFO: [Scaleform] Component Removed
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.387: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'WindowGUIComponent'
    2023-03-08 22:30:41.387: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'TextGUIComponent'
    2023-03-08 22:30:43.316: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684109)
    2023-03-08 22:30:47.299: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684117)
    2023-03-08 22:30:48.010: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684125)
    2023-03-08 22:30:48.667: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Friend/.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:30:48.719: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684118)
    2023-03-08 22:30:50.427: INFO: [OwnVehicle] OwnVehicleBase __init__ 17684126
    2023-03-08 22:30:50.528: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to None
    2023-03-08 22:30:50.540: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to None
    2023-03-08 22:30:50.630: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x000000017FB91888>
    2023-03-08 22:30:50.640: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x000000017FB91888>
    2023-03-08 22:30:58.410: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684124)
    2023-03-08 22:30:59.508: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684134)
    2023-03-08 22:31:11.616: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684114)
    2023-03-08 22:31:14.424: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684134)
    2023-03-08 22:31:17.715: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Friend/.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags
    2023-03-08 22:31:21.915: WARNING: [arena_components.advanced_chat_component] __getCommandCreatorVehID: Vehicle state is invalid - using senderID
    2023-03-08 22:31:23.609: WARNING: [arena_components.advanced_chat_component] __getCommandCreatorVehID: Vehicle state is invalid - using senderID
    2023-03-08 22:31:24.204: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:31:26.821: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_enemy_dead_red' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:31:44.619: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684122)
    2023-03-08 22:31:44.620: ERROR: [common_tank_appearance] Failed to attach VehicleStickers. Missing VehicleStickers. Vehicle: <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x00000000A633D408>
    2023-03-08 22:31:49.115: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684116)
    2023-03-08 22:31:52.213: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684123)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.623: INFO: [OwnVehicle] OwnVehicleBase __init__ 17684108
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.645: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684109)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.653: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684132)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.677: INFO: [OwnVehicle] onDestroy 17684126
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.678: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684117)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.690: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684125)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.698: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684107)
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.784: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to None
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.790: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to None
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.820: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x00000000A95E8CA8>
    2023-03-08 22:32:05.823: INFO: [Avatar] Avatar vehicle has changed to <Vehicle.Vehicle object at 0x00000000A95E8CA8>
    2023-03-08 22:32:13.504: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684107)
    2023-03-08 22:32:15.922: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_ally_dead_green' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:32:15.926: ERROR: [Scaleform] AtlasManager can't find item 'lastlit_ally_dead_green' (altName: '' ) in atlas 'battleAtlas'
    2023-03-08 22:32:16.757: INFO: [Info] Screenshot saved - C:/Games/World_of_Tanks/screenshots/shot_001.jpg
    2023-03-08 22:32:28.722: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684128)
    2023-03-08 22:32:54.314: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(17684117)




  3. 23 minutes ago, ktulho said:

    Скрипт для 

    boosters.py 8.21 kB · 0 downloads

    Не проверял.


    In garage is take the booster but when i push it he say nothing but in the garage the are ;)


    2023-01-12 20:04:19.488: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 46):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
      File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/personal_reserves/personal_reserves_widget.py", line 108, in onClientUpdate
      File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/personal_reserves/personal_reserves_widget.py", line 116, in _update
      File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
      File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\boosters.py", line 149, in _fillViewModel
        model.setIsDisabled(not self._boosters.isGameModeSupported())
    TypeError: isGameModeSupported() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

    2023-01-12 20:04:19.488: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.488: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 913, in update
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.489: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 2211, in _update
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.489: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.489: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/personal_reserves/personal_reserves_widget.py", line 108, in onClientUpdate
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.489: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/personal_reserves/personal_reserves_widget.py", line 116, in _update
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.490: ERROR:   File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.490: ERROR:   File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\boosters.py", line 149, in _fillViewModel
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.490: ERROR:     model.setIsDisabled(not self._boosters.isGameModeSupported())
    2023-01-12 20:04:19.491: ERROR: TypeError: isGameModeSupported() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)



    THX you are the BEST




  4. pls Update


    2023-01-11 20:05:25: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_pymacro\python\__init__.py", line 101, in __load_lib
        __execute(code, file_name, {'xvm': XvmNamespace})
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_pymacro\python\__init__.py", line 93, in __execute
        raise ExecutionException("{} at file '{}' line {}: {}".format(error_name, file_name, line_number, message))
    ExecutionException: ImportError at file 'res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\boosters.py' line 14: cannot import name BoosterCategory



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