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Everything posted by locorebelde

  1. thx, but i not I do not understand why those recharge times have so many decimalsI have tried to change its values in the file Exported-WotData-Guns-Wargaming-0.csv but it does not give result спасибо, я не понимаю, почему эти времена перезарядка столько знаков после запятой.Я пытался изменить их значения в файле экспортированных-WotData-Пистолеты-Wargaming-0.csv, но не приводит к
  2. I want to put in the icons the time of recharge of the tanuqes but I see that in some tanks I get a very large number, how can you fix this? Я хочу поставить иконки перезарядить время tanuqes, но я вижу, что в некоторых танков я получаю очень большое количество, как вы можете это исправить?
  3. Я получаю нет врагов время перезарядки I do not get enemies time to recharge
  4. Thanks, but this is not what I want, I want you in battles clan or team battles on the minimap the first option I see my team is their nicks and not the type of tank, I just want to see what type of tank if I press the alt key mode. The enemy i only see the vehicle type,not your nicks.
  5. Хорош в предыдущей версии в ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ WAS NELEAX MARKERS RECHARGE ВРЕМЯ TANUQES, но теперь, похоже, не работать, и это не представляется возможным? hello, in the previous version of neleax ,in the vehicles markers appeared recharge time but now seems to work, this version does not work?
  6. Thx Aslain, sorry, you can help me this question: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/34818-nicks-players-in-minimap/
  7. ok, thx but in the English forum there is a post about it, but I do not understand where the file is modified http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/592253-colorblind-mode-for-outline-of-the-tank-behind-bushes/
  8. I do not mean the icons of tanks, but the red contour tanks enemies in battle
  9. it is possible to put another color contour enemy tanks by some file of xvm? I'm not colorblind, but I want to put another color in some configuration I found the enemy tanks were not red contour.Thx
  10. my minimap configuration is the defaul /** * Minimap labels. * Надписи на миникарте. */ { // Textfields for units on minimap. // Текстовые поля юнитов на миникарте. "labels": { // Format set // Набор форматов "formats": [ //${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.xmqpEvent" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" } ] } } and by alt mode. /** * Minimap labels (alternative mode). * Надписи на миникарте (альтернативный режим). */ { // Textfields for units on minimap. // Текстовые поля юнитов на миникарте. "labels": { // Format set // Набор форматов "formats": [ //${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpottedCompany" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.xmqpEvent" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleDead" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickDead" } ] } }
  11. Я испанец, это переведена на Google, извините, если вы не понимаете меня. Я хотел, чтобы они появились имена игроков на миникарте, когда .Но кланы или команды сражений играют не нажимать клавишу альт, но уже в по умолчанию minimapa.es это возможно? I AM SPANISH, this is translated by google, sorry if you do not understand me. I wanted them to appear the names of the players on the minimap when we play clans or team battles and not to press the alt key, names of playes in default minimapa.es this possible?
  12. the default configuration that comes on the minimap are the names of the vehicles, both random and company, just by pressing the key control I see the nicks of players in the minimap center. I wanted that by default in clan wars and battles of equip on the minimap I see only the nicks on my team. Is this possible?.Sorry for my english.
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