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Posts posted by Straszny_Cienias

  1. Hi,


    Please let me know if it is my config fault, other mods interference or xvm bug?


    1. On players panel i can't see the what is defined in "nick", but only for the last player on the list each team. And always only for the last one. I.e. if someone is killed and is landing on the last position on the list instead the alive who was the last before, then the "nick" part is not visible for the dead one, and for the alive one appears. My definition is:


    "nickFormatLeft": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|CT}}/{{language|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8%-6s|-??-}}</font>   {{kb%-2.0f~k|--}}   {{nick%-25s}}",
    "nickFormatRight": "{{nick%25s}}   {{kb%2.0f~k|--}}   <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8%6s|-??-}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|CT}}/{{language|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",




    2. I see no flags... - solved in another topic. Need ot remove "{{region|CT}}/"


    3. I have problem with the "v.wn8effd" in carousel section. It was working before, but now it does not. I think i did not change it accidentally and see also no mistake. My definition is:

    { "x": -1, "y": 75, "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_wn8effd}}'>WN8: {{v.wn8effd%4.02f|-}}</font>" },

    but i see only white:

    WN8: -

  2. I am looking forward too. Hope it will come soon. Thanks!



    I am not sure if it work (maybe just no battles with no top clans) but probably i have temporary solution:

    • Delete directory "icons" in "res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\cache\"
    • create an empty file there with name "icons"
    • change attributes of the file to system and hidden

  3. Thanks sech_92. It is working now.

    I was changing already some formats of macro before, but i did not changed all (macro formatting was changed already months ago, isn't it?) I though already it can be the cause, but I found it impossible.

    What fooled me was the fact that same xvm version was able to interprete this macro format properly in "one config version".


    Thanks again!

  4. Hello,


    I have a problem with some stats i want to see on markers. All is working correct with my old config, where whole configuration is placed in one xvm.xc file. But i would like to follow your new method and split configs into smaller ones. It is much easier to edit, find and understand. So i placed in "MarkersAliveNormal.xc" my definition. Line saying what to display looks like below:

    "format": "<font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8%4s|-??-}}</font>   / {{kb:3}}",

    and in "MarkersAliveExtended.xc

    "format": "T:{{rating:3}}    V:{{t-rating:3}}     WN6:<font color='{{c:wn6}}'>{{wn6}}</font>",


    If i use my configuration packed in one file i see for example:

    for normal: 1856 / 23k

    for extended: T:54% V:56% WN6:1422


    But if i use new configuration method i see:

    for normal: 1856 /

    for extended: T: V: WN6:1422


    {{kb:3}}, {{rating:3}} and {{t-rating:3}} are not displayed at all. What am i doing wrong?

  5. Hi,

    I have a problem with minimap hotkey. In config it is defined as always:


    "hotkeys": { "minimapZoom": { "enabled": true, "keyCode": 17, "onHold": true } },


    but minimap is opening after pressing "w" key. I just can't drive, because minimap is on the screen... I installed last (3101) XVM, still the same. Any idea what is wrong?

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