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Everything posted by leeuniverse

  1. AtotIK That doesn't actually help me..... You seem to have a bad habit in this thread of telling people of how stupid they are and what they should know, instead of simply helping them fix the problem as asked. I'm NOT a coder.... YOu are speaking greek to me.
  2. 1. Thanks for helping me fix the first part. 2. Sorry, you misunderstood. I want the #1 & #2 options to delete ALL files within res_mods on uninstall, they do not do this if people have added files "after" install. Uninstall will only delete the files installed. Like I said, I found the "UninstallDelete" code, but it will do it for ALL uninstalling done, but I don't want it to do it on the #3 option. Further, that particular uninstalldelete code will not restore the 0.9.3 folder into res_mods. Also, the deleting of the content of res_mods needs to for the #2 option to occur "before" the BACKUP folder is restored to res_mods. In other words, I want on Uninstall the #1 & #2 option to delete all the contents of res_mods, and for a 0.9.3 folder to be created.. #2 should do it before the backup folder is restored. #3 shouldn't be touched, but work as is. Does that make sense what I'm asking? I also got this error now.... I'm using ANSI InnoSetup.
  3. Hey all, I need help fixing two things ..... 1. Trying to figure out how I can add more 'text "to the bottom check box option as shown in the image .. The text width is getting cut off on the end, and I Would like the text to go to A Second line. Would Also I like the text to be A Particular Other color than black? ----- 2. During Uninstall, files that were installed manually to res_mods after the installer has been run are left-over within res_mods. In other words, Uninstall does not clean out res_mods and just leave the 0.9.3 folder. Would I like the res_mods Folder to be cleaned out on uninstall. I HAD found the: UninstallDelete] Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app} \ res_mods" command. HOWEVER, as it's formatted currently it can not be used now that I have a "Addon Install" option. We do not want everything in res_mods cleaned in That Case. The addon install option simply needs to clean out what it installs as is, it's uninstalling procedure should not change. As well, this does not install the 0.9.3 Directory Which Also we want to be in res_mods. Can anyone help me make the "Clean Install", and the "Clean Install W / Backup" to clean the res_mods Folder upon uninstalling, and of course a 0.9.3 directory added to the clean install version only, and the backup version the cleaning needs to occur BEFORE the backup files are put back into res_mods. Thus, the backup option of course doesn't "remain" empty, res_mods is only emptied before the backup files are put back.. The 3rd option, the Addon option should continue to work as it currently does. My script attached.... without the button_3.zip
  4. Thank you so much guys..... These fixes work great! :) I guess we don't need the License Page anyway. That's fine for now.
  5. Hey all, could someone help me fix two three issues with my code? I'm not a coder. I understand what needs to be done, but not how. 1. I need my code to be edited so that it allows the "Next" button to be highlighted when on the License Page, and the "Accept Agreement" checkmark is checked. As it currently is, clicking "Next" does not work, unless you click "Back" and then "Next", and then you can continue. 2. For the "Progress Bar" to not show when on the Credit Page, thus messing up the page formating. BTW, the code also needs to be able to work still without problems IF I choose NOT to have some or any of those pages show: //(InfoBeforeFile=faq.rtf //LicenseFile=license.rtf //InfoAfterFile=credit.rtf), i.e. commented out. However, if this makes fixing the code harder, don't worry about it. I'm fine to show all these pages in my installer. Thank you much, appreciated. Code: License Accept Page: (LicenseFile=license.rtf) End of Install Credits Page: (InfoAfterFile=credit.rtf) ---------- Forgot one other thing..... 3. Could you help me fix this alignment issue? I think the code took the alignment from the next page, which is the "Select Directory" section which has an "Image" in the empty Right Space area. I see the issue also occurs with the above "Licensing Page" section. Need it fixed there also. Introduction Page: (InfoBeforeFile=faq.rtf) Enjoy. (Thanks to san4o for help in making this possible.) P.S. These three issues do not occur when not including the three pages into the script. The installer works perfect. //InfoBeforeFile=faq.rtf //LicenseFile=license.rtf //InfoAfterFile=credit.rtf Also.... I think starting at line 600 or so is where one has to edit the code so the "Progress Bar" doesn't show in the Credit Page. Seems anyway. But again, not being a coder, not sure how.
  6. I've pretty much figured things out, save the last two issues I mention. However, reading through this thread 3 TIMES, seems it's not an issue, and people are fine with it. On that note..... My issue now is I'm trying to figure out how to get a properly working Image and Text Display when you hover over the mods in the mod list. I see a few people have gotten it working, but none have "shared" the final results. And all the info is peacemeal that I can't put together, and especially when the pieces are missing people to get the stuff to work. I wish someone would upload an "updated" version of the original OP's post, that included - "Image/Text" display, - Delete/Backup res_mods folder, & - Restore clean res_mods folder upon Uninstall. These are the most important things if I'm remembering that need to be added, that nearly this entire thread is discussing, and wouldn't be over and over if those things were added, OR we had a good working step by step example. I can "edit".... but I don't mix and match coding etc. I have no idea how they go together, and I'm too OLD to learn. :) I need examples, and instructions. I've just spent the last 12 hours going over this thread, trying the different things, but like I said, most of it's incomplete. There is no "working" examples. Looks like there is for the Delete/Backup, but I'm trying to get the image/text stuff to work first. If any kind soul is willing to donate their good working version, it would greatly appreciated and needed. I can then edit it per my design and needs, no problem. After all..... 88 pages now of mostly the same few issues people wanting and getting added to the installer, why hasn't anyone posted a more improved version for the community? I mean, MANY people have that now. People share "improved" mods all the time, making better what was original, this installer is no different. So, you guys out there reading this who have improved installers, please share. Thanks much guys.
  7. Может кто предоставляют полный рабочий вариант, потому что "пример" файлы, кажется, не работает или я делаю то неправильно. Я новичок в этом. Я пробовал просто "компиляции" пример, приведенный, и, хотя он "устанавливает", нет моды не установлены в папку res_mods. Кажется Components.iss файл не включен в составленный файл установки? Кроме того, представляется тот, кто создал этот удален по умолчанию английский язык часть сценариев. Вы должны отредактировать отдельный файл русского языка, чтобы иметь по-английски. Действительно нужна помощь здесь? спасибо Английский Хорошо, я понял, почему "Моды" не будет устанавливать. был ";" перед компонентов установить параметр. Так, установить теперь работает. Тем не менее, все еще есть недостающий проблему умолчанию английский файл. Кто знает, как это исправить? Я имею в виду, что это не имеет большого значения, это просто пропускает в файл RUS вместо я сделал ENG, но, я бы предпочел вещи правильно работал. Спасибо. Английский Хорошо, теперь я вижу, что вызывает «второй» проблему. Файл Messages.iss обычай файл, который более-едет стандартные языковые файлы, или, по крайней мере, некоторые из параметров от языковых файлов. Таким образом, я предполагаю, что я буду иметь, чтобы понять, как это работает, чтобы заставить их работать и показывать все правильно. Похоже, я могу понять это, просто займет некоторое время. Любые предложения о языковых файлов и Messages.iss файл? В принципе, я просто хочу английский, чтобы быть основной файл, а затем я хочу, чтобы иметь возможность добавить дополнительные языки. Кто может сказать мне, почему файл Messages.iss была создана? Не видя точку еще. Английский Okay..... So, I discovered how this works. If I want to use Custom Messages, the Messages.iss file over-writes the default. My issue was things like Next etc. was still in English, when I tried to use another file, but I likely just need to add eng to the front of those messages in the custom message file. So, if I don't want to use custom messages, which one doesn't necessarily have to, you delete that file, and in the scripts.iss file you have to add ";" in front of #include "Messages.iss" so the compile doesn't try to look for that file. You also apparently have to remove := ExpandConstant('{cm:Main}'); that is a part of begin Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:Main}'); end; This allowed the install file to be created. *** Now, someone please let me if I did that right? I don't know squat about coding, but my removing that gave me no errors on compile, and the Install file created just fine, and installed to the WOT directory just fine? Did I remove the right parts? Anyway, looks like I'm all good now..... At least for the basic working of this thing. If I use the custom messages file, I guess it's okay that it gives a small error on compile related to looking for a language file? The created install seems fine otherwise??? Thanks guys.... Okay..... So I have a problem. If I use the Custom Messages.iss file the "Main" option is always displayed according to what is there. Like, if I have the word "Install" there, no matter the Language I use for setup, the word "Install" will always show, instead of the language I want. All other words are in the respective language, just not that one for some reason. Now, as I mentioned above, I saw the "Main" in the scripts.iss file as a part of that parameter above. I'm guessing that that being there is what's causing the word Install to always be there. Like I mentioned, I know little about code. Could you all tell me how I edit that parameter above so "Main" and thus "Install" word is not always showing? Or, could you tell me what I need to do so that word shows in it's correct language? Something else about that. I don't even know where "Main" came from.In Default.isl the macro for that feature is "SetupWindowTitle"..... not "Main" as is in the custom file. I've tried that one different ways also put there instead of Main. So, I'm at a lose. Please help, thanks much guys. p.s. I just noticed that YES & NO are in English when I Cancel an Install.... even though I'm using a different language for install. Now why is that happening? :(
  8. Я., это просто странно, что законным программа даст это предупреждение.
  9. Почему я получаю заражение вирусом InnoUltra.exe? Троянский конь.
  10. Thanks.... That explains it then. But I'm wondering why it's in the "List of Available Macros" if it doesn't actually work? Tried one or two others also and they don't work either. Seems only certain ones work. Weird. Anyway, thanks.
  11. Hey, do certain macro's not actually work? For example, I've tried this one the {{teff}} and the {{e}} in my PlayersPanel.xc, and they don't work?
  12. Я сделал это сам .... Благодаря NooBooL за идею. 14 ангары с более хорошим модифицированной версии мода Изменить ангар. http://www.mediafire.com/download/c6blwk6qbi8zg6a/LAMP_Hangars.zip
  13. Так грустно, что этот мод будет запрещено на сервере НС. :( Как мне жаль, что враг перезагрузки мод не была запрещена. :(
  14. Большое спасибо NooBooL ..... за предоставление этой "Ангар" обновления. Не могли бы вы сделать нам одолжение и дать краткое "Учебник" о том, как вы бы обновить стаи каждое обновление? Как вы знаете, большинство ангары перестают работать после некоторых обновлений, так как Mod обновления Developer себя, что было бы хорошо, чтобы знать, как я могу добавить обновляются Ангары в ангар Pack. Я могу всего понять это сам, но учебник также будет приятно. Еще раз спасибо. UDPATE .... Дерьмо, только что узнал, что выше файл не обновлялся в течение 9,3. Он по-прежнему 9.2 и не работает, нужно причиной партия ангаров быть обновлена ​​до 9.3. Английский
  15. Привет .... Любите свою работу, пожалуйста, так держать. У меня есть вопрос. Я заметил, на протяжении многих версий теперь (особенно с новыми картами, которые вышли) есть много мертвых танков на картах, которые еще не были сделаны в мертвые белые шкуры. Есть ли у вас планы получить тех, кто перешел нибудь? Спасибо большое. :) --------- Hello.... Love your work, please keep it up. I have a question. I've noticed for many versions now (especially with the new maps that have come out) there are a LOT of dead tanks on maps that have not yet been made into the dead white skins. Do you have plans to get those converted sometime? Thanks much. :)
  16. lol welcome... was wondering that for a long time haa haa
  17. Hey Ded..... Why is your WN8 color coding #'s off some compared to the XVM Download? Compare yours to it: "wn8": [ { "value": 310, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 0 - 309 - very bad (20% of players) { "value": 750, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, // 310 - 749 - bad (better then 20% of players) { "value": 1310, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, // 750 - 1309 - normal (better then 60% of players) { "value": 1965, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, // 1310 - 1964 - good (better then 90% of players) { "value": 2540, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1965 - 2539 - very good (better then 99% of players) { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } // 2540 - * - unique (better then 99.9% of players)
  18. Figured it wasn't new..... but thought I would bring it to the forefront given some recent discussions elsewhere in the matter. Well, I thought I would post the Russian translation also for those who don't speak English, so it can "help" (even if not perfect) them understand what is being said. I'm just a thoughtful fellow that way. :)
  19. Изменение Функция предложение ..... Вместо подробных статистике истории в игре, отображать только недавнюю историю. As most know.... One of the most common complaints with XVM is people "belittling" others for their poor stats in game. So, I had an idea.... What if the Win8, Eff, WinRate, etc. in the Battleloading, StatisticForm, & Player'sPanel etc. stats you had to use a Macro that ONLY would show your stats for the Last 500 Battles? Of course, "In Hangar" ones full history etc. stats can still be shown. But in game, only a persons recent stats show. This does a couple of things. 1. Helps greatly curb the poor treatment of a person who has gotten better, but their stats don't actually show it yet. 2. This also gives a more REAL indication of the persons skill level. After all, what is the main reason for the stats in game? It's to see how good someone is for maybe if you need to modify how you play against them. The stats showing a more "recent" history would make this more accurate and reliable. 3. Newbies wouldn't really be affected because most don't care or even know what XVM is, and most people don't care about stats until people start playing top tier tanks. Of course, if a person is actually bad, or they are disabled or something, this wouldn't stop them from being criticized, but one of those can still do several things to not see criticisms, turn off chat, use the BattleMessenger mod, etc. I think this is a GREAT idea..... and would improve XVM as well as peoples view of it greatly. ------- Как большинство знает .... Один из наиболее распространенных жалоб с XVM это люди " принижение " других в своих бедных статистика в игре. Так , у меня была идея .... Что делать, если Win8 , Эфф , винрейт и т.д. в Battleloading , StatisticForm , и Player'sPanel т.д. статистике вы должны были использовать макрос, который только бы показать вашу статистику за последние 500 Battles ? Конечно, «В ангаре " те, вся история и т.д. Статистика может еще быть показаны. Но в игре , только человек недавние статистика показывает . Это делает несколько вещей . 1 . Помогает значительно обуздать плохое обращение с человеком, который стал лучше , но их статистика на самом деле не показывают еще. 2 . Это также дает более реальное представление об уровне лица квалификации. В конце концов, то, что является основной причиной для статистики в игре ? Это , чтобы увидеть , насколько хорошо кто-то для может быть, если вам нужно изменить , как вы играете против них. В статистике , показывающие более " недавнее " историю бы сделать это более точными и надежными. 3 . Новички не будет действительно зависеть , потому что большинство не волнует и даже не знают , что XVM есть, и большинство людей не заботятся о статистике , пока люди не начинают играть топ танков эшелона . Конечно, если человек на самом деле плохо, или они являются инвалидами или что-то , это будет не остановить их от критикуют , но один из тех, кто еще может сделать несколько вещей , чтобы не видеть критику , выключите чат , используйте мод BattleMessenger , и т.д. Я думаю, что это отличная идея ..... и улучшит XVM а также народы просмотреть его сильно .
  20. Hey, thank you for your work on this mod..... Have you fixed the Pz 38 na having "white tracks"? I know you've fixed some others apparently, but the last versions I download from your Dropbox that particular tank has white tracks, and I do believe I did a "fresh" Vehicles Folder. Эй, ​​спасибо за Вашу работу по этим модом ..... Вы исправили Pz 38 Na, имеющие «белые следы»? Я знаю, вы исправили некоторые другие, по-видимому, но последние версии загрузить с вашего Dropbox, что особое бак имеет белые следы, и я верю, я сделал "свежий" Техника папку.
  21. Thanks Stranik for the alternate download place..... Here's to hoping no mouse freezing or go back to hangar bugs like with others out there. Благодаря Страник для альтернативного загрузки месте ..... Вот к надеясь не замораживание мыши или вернуться к ангар ошибок, как с другими там.
  22. No, I've tried a few different browsers also..... Is my "Country" blocked or something (USA)? Is there a "workaround" solution, like a Proxy Server I can go through or something? Нет, я попробовал несколько разных браузеров тоже ..... моя "Страна" Заблокирован или что-то (США)? Есть ли решение "обойти", как прокси-сервер, я могу пройти, что ли?
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