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Korean Random


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Posts posted by Andrew05

  1. Can someone help me change the otm's back to default (with tank name,nick,hits bar), while keeping the floating damage text . I seem to be able to get the ally side to work but not the enemy side . Don't know much about it if you could just set it up and send me the alive and dead files from the current stable version , with the changes made that would be great . If not just instructions on what and where to put the text ..





    I'll do it for you. Tell me what exactly you want to be displayed for normal (I assume, that's what you've specified already - "tank name,nick,hits bar") and alternative mode (when pressing Alt). And whether you are okay with the little rating bar in the normal mode on the left end of the hp bar, displaying the WN8 color or you'd rather have it removed. And if you'd like to keep the exact WN8 rating on top for the Alt mode or to remove it.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hi,



    is there a topic with difference between winchance and new macro ally enemy strenght  ?




    There is. But it's only in Russian.




    I guess I'll make some translation very soon for understanding what that is.

  3. I would like to have the right players panel set up the same as the left in respect to the clan names .


    On the left the clan names come after the nick , on the right they are before the nick .


    (with no Xvm ,the default players panel has this set up this way, with clans after the nick on both sides)


    This happens on battle loading screen and right players panel in game.


    Any line info you can give me to change that would be greatly appreciated





    In BattleLoading.xc file for line "formatRightNick" put <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> after {{name%.15s~..}}

    In PlayersPanel.xc do the same thing for "nickFormatRight" lines (for each panel mode individually).

  4. Как мне убрать полосу хп маркер над танком как на картинке и сделать просто %

    Через настройки стандрартные нельзя а в файле markers.xc все стандартно


    Сделал. Закиньте прикрепленный файл в папку default с заменой.


    Делалось путем редактирования содержания секций "textFields" для "ally" и "enemy", добавлением в секцию "def" блока с описанием "hpPercent", а также изменением для "healthBar" значений с true на false


    Вы, вероятно, захотите настроить также и отображение в альтернативном режиме (по нажатию Alt). Для этого необходимо редактировать на ваш вкус файл markersAliveExtended.xc


  5. так и не стану зелёным xD


    Играйте лучше, старайтесь, самосовершенствуйтесь. Всё в ваших руках. При вашем количестве боёв улучшить цвет не так сложно, как кажется ;)

  6. But you could know what there is in the default config. If there is no such setting in the default config, then surely you won't find one in mine ;)


    There is. It is possible to add various shadow parameters, which is described in the commented out part of the default PlayersPanel.xc

     *   http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/filters/DropShadowFilter.html
     *   "shadow": {
     *     "enabled"
     *     "distance" (in pixels)
     *     "angle"    (0.0 .. 360.0)
     *     "color"    "0xXXXXXX"
     *     "alpha"    (0.0 .. 100.0)
     *     "blur"     (0.0 .. 255.0)
     *     "strength" (0.0 .. 255.0)
     *     "quality"
     *     "inner"
     *     "knockout"
     *     "hideObject"
     *   }
  7. Hi


    I would like to be able to choose the statistics that show up in player panels. I can see the xvm-stat line calls for different codes (13, 14, etc). what do they refer to, and how to I find out which is which?


    Thanks a bunch!


    You choose what you want to be displayed and edit PlayersPanel.xc for corresponding PlayersPanel sizes.


    For example, for "medium" PlayersPanel size you want nicknames to be shown, coloured with WN8 rating color, and for "medium2" PlayersPanel size you want it to show "eff" (wot-news) and WN6 numbers:

    "medium": {
          // false - disable (отключить)
          "enabled": true,
          // Minimum width of the player's name column, 0-250. Default is 46.
          // Минимальная ширина поля имени игрока, 0-250. По умолчанию: 46.
          "width": 46,
          // true - disable platoon icons
          // true - убрать отображение иконок взвода
          "removeSquadIcon": true,
          // transparency of vehicle level
          // прозрачность уровня танка
          "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100,
          // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Формат отображения для левой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt).
          "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.7s}}</font>",
          // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt).
          // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. readme-ru.txt).
          "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.7s}}</font>",
          // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Формат отображения фрагов (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt).
          "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}",
          "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}",
          // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other.
          // Дополнительные поля. Каждое поле имеет размер 350x25. Поля располагаются друг над другом.
          // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above)
          // Набор форматов для левой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. выше)
          "extraFieldsLeft": [],
          // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above)
          // Набор форматов для правой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. выше)
          "extraFieldsRight": [
            // enemy spotted status marker (see above).
            // маркер статуса засвета (см. выше).
        // Options for the "medium2" panels - the second of the medium panels.
        // Режим ушей "medium2" - вторые средние уши в игре.
        "medium2": {
          // false - disable (отключить)
          "enabled": true,
          // Maximum width of the vehicle name column, 0-250. Default is 65.
          // Максимальная ширина поля названия танка, 0-250. По умолчанию: 65.
          "width": 65,
          // true - disable platoon icons
          // true - убрать отображение иконок взвода
          "removeSquadIcon": true,
          // transparency of vehicle level
          // прозрачность уровня танка
          "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100,
          // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Формат отображения для левой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt).
          "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:eff}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{eff}}</font>    <font color='{{c:wn6}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn6}}</font>",
          // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt).
          // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. readme-ru.txt).
          "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:eff}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{eff}}</font>    <font color='{{c:wn6}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn6}}</font>",
          // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Формат отображения фрагов (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt).
          "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}",
          "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}",
          // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other.
          // Дополнительные поля. Каждое поле имеет размер 350x25. Поля располагаются друг над другом.
          // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above)
          // Набор форматов для левой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. выше)
          "extraFieldsLeft": [],
          // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above)
          // Набор форматов для правой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. выше)
          "extraFieldsRight": [
            // enemy spotted status marker (see above).
            // маркер статуса засвета (см. выше).

    Note: the example given is for previous WoT and XVM versions and not compatible with the current ones due to the fact that some of the parameters were renamed, see the changelog for more information.

    Other than that, the example delivers you the idea how to edit PlayersPanel.xc to display different information.

  8. i have installed this version....missing the name of tank and player and hitpoints above tank in game..can not change carousel to 3 rows..reload not there is this the right updated version?


    Yes, that is the correct version. You'll have to work on your config. Quite a lot of things have changed. Check out the changelog.

  9. Did as I always does:

    Updated XVM via LaCourgettes installer.

    There was no option in-game in garage to enable XVM/statistics, so did this via modxvm.com website.

    It says activated - just restart client. Did so...no XVM.

    DL XVM via modxvm.com website...same result. Logged out and in...nothing.

    modxvm.com says statistics is activated, just restart client.

    Strange thing is that XVM doesn't seem to work for the map either - like range rings etc.


    So to me it seems like it doesn't get installed at all.

    Also tried deleting tokens in C:\users....\wargaming.net\worldoftanks\xvm ...still no XVM


    Any ideas?


    Is statistics enabled in the config?


    The map hasn't been done yet. Wait for the next realeases.

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