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Posts posted by Paladin_Tank

  1. Можешь сделать единый архив для скачивания на первой странице?

    Я там дописал нужный порядок действий, ради одного танка перезаливать архивы не хочется, тем более, что в ближайшее время еще будут шкурки, вот тогда уже сделаю общий архив с поправленными файлами.

    tricsi, если редактировать на прямую dds-файлы в фотошопе, то сохранить их можно только через dx5 интерполированный альфа-канал, иначе будут черные текстуры. Поэтому делал так как делал. В последствии когда у меня будут в наличии все файлы в формате psd я смогу делать это без альфа-канала. Таких шкурок не так много, и в последствии не будет совсем. В конце концов считаю, что некоторое увеличение объема (тем более временное) не так критично для современных сетей и компьютеров.

  2. Действительно в 0.9.2 изменилось название файла с пушкой у М103, поэтому можно поставить апдейт от 17.08.2014, затем зайти в ..\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.2\vehicles\american удалить папку A66_M103, а вместо нее расспаковать этот архив.

    После установки у вас пропадут crash-файлы и появится полоски на топовой пушке.


    • Upvote 2
  3. tricsi, нормально... кое-где пришлось с альфа-каналом сохранять.

    P.S. шкура м103 с белыми текстурами трупика, тем кто не использует белые текстуры убитых танков удалить из папки А66_М103 все файлы в имени которых есть "_crash_"

    • Upvote 2
  4. drVadz, значит качали не с нашего сайта, на 1 странице данного топика только самая актуальная сборка этих шкурок, все остальное это какие-то пользовательские адаптации, или "доделки".


    P.S. хотя конечно пользовательские адаптации могут работать и быть актуальными и иметь большее количество шкурок, но они не являются официальными.

  5. StranikS_Scan, а вот ты не можешь сказать почему при обычном 100% рисовании на шкурках в 0.9.2 на том же ИС-7 к примеру все такое бледное, а при рисовании на Т-54 все как и должно быть яркое. Я так понимаю, что откуда-то берутся данные об основном слое "чего-то" на модели танка, на который потом натягивается с каким-то уровнем прозрачности шкурка.

    Опять же почему тогда краш-шкуры адекватного белого цвета, при всех прочих равных условиях они бы были полупрозрачные?

  6. Доброго дня, уважаемые ))

    Долгое время пользуюсь прицелом от zayaz со стандартными маркерами и увеличенным шрифтом. К сожалению в очередной раз с выходом обновления 0.9.2, прицел сдвинуло куда-то влево. Искал на различных сайтах этот прицел, нашел рабочую версию, но у всех копий этой версии один недостаток из всего списка стандартных маркеров работает только А-образный центральный маркер, а мне нужен Перекрестье-2 (как в снайперском, так и в аркадном режимах)


    Если у кого найдется решение проблемы буду очень благодарен ))

    К вопросу прикладываю 2 архива в одном версия 0.9.1 с перекошенным прицелом, но зато с нормальными маркерами, во втором версия для 0.9.2 с А-образным центральным маркером. 

    scaleform для 0.9.1.rar

    scaleform 0.9.2.rar

  7. Amigo86, все как всегда, старые шкурки поддерживаются за исключением тех, что переделаны )))

    P.S. Мне вот кажется, что в последнее время выпуском обновлений занялись не профи, возможно нужный чел ушел.. а может даже команда.. ну как-то они не о чем, Какие-то старые проекты "лежащие под сукном" стали появлятся, ребалансы техники и карт... вот и вся работа за последние полгода.

    С одной стороны конечно лето, отпуска и вообще работать не охото..)) но как-то упал проект вам не кажется?

    Да и вообще игры на ПК как-то в последние год-полтора "ниочем".

  8. RoxXx, а еще говорят лучше Фортуна задом, чем Фемида передом. Играйте честно друзья :)

    По теме же, я думаю, что вряд ли задача реализуема, без постоянной тех.поддержки. Почти каждый патч игры приносит все больше нагрузки на железо.

  9. Mr A, благодарю, думал pmod тот, что есть на нашем форуме последний от 20.05.2014, а оказалось что на оф.форуме игры лежит аж от 09.07.2014. Поставлю новую версию проверю как будет себя вести клиент. 

  10. pmod не причастен к этому, File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 863, in __setupModels это тоже не причем.. 

    что делает верхняя часть я не знаю, лаг этот не постоянный может 2-3 боя нормально, а вот в 4м убили выхожу в ангар и черный экран.

    ну я практически не играл в 0.9.1 вначале когда только вышло обновление с этим столкнулся.. потом не до игры было, теперь установил клиент и моды и опять тот же баг. Я думал его решат.. но видно не у всех он возникает...


    вообще я методом исключения получил результат что возникает все из-за __init__.pyc пробовал менять его но результата нет.. тоже время от времени виснет, видимо что-то использующее его вызывает этот баг.



    P.S. т.к. использую моды и не собираюсь от них отказываться, то заявить в тех.поддержку не могу.. у них на все ответ.. удалите моды..

  11. Черный экран при выходе из боя (убили -> нажимаю вернутся в ангар), появилась эта ерунда в 0.9.1, возможно вызывает какой-либо мод, внятных ответов при помощи поиска не нашел. Может кто еще сталкивался с этим?



    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 20:53:12 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Executing: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel by GambitER ]
    Executing: GunConstraints
    Executing: iamspotted
    Executing: PMOD
    Executing: ProSights
    Executing: ProSound
    Executing: ProStatControl
    Executing: SafeShot
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=56.3588766539, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=96.3748785323, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/19_monastery
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=136.405515395, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=176.428023033, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=216.437139471, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=256.436688628, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=296.434689074, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=341.421689489, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=381.423233042, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=421.431336024, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=471.431336683, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=516.427337268, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=530.168337345, databaseID=0, error=COOLDOWN),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    2014-07-12 21:02:17: [XPM] kwg_waiting_fix: showS throwed exception: PyGFxValue - Failed to invoke method show.
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=530.168337345, databaseID=0, error=COOLDOWN),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 33): Method "close" takes too much time 0.579999923706


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:03:52 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Executing: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel by GambitER ]
    Executing: GunConstraints
    Executing: iamspotted
    Executing: PMOD
    Executing: ProSights
    Executing: ProSound
    Executing: ProStatControl
    Executing: SafeShot
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 121): Received chat token is empty


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:08:37 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Load mods: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Load mods: GunConstraints
    Load mods: iamspotted
    Load mods: NoBinoculars
    Load mods: PMOD
    Load mods: ProSights
    Load mods: ProSound
    Load mods: ProStatControl
    Load mods: SafeShot
    Load mods: saveServer
    Load mods: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=40.5509603093, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=80.5456634727, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=120.561881917, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/23_westfeld
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=160.583149191, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=200.616293697, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=240.615077709, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=280.611015759, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=320.624016274, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=360.622016818, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=410.615017493, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=460.621018, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=530.648194097, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=575.571742195, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:49:52 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Load mods: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Load mods: GunConstraints
    Load mods: iamspotted
    Load mods: NoBinoculars
    Load mods: PMOD
    Load mods: ProSights
    Load mods: ProSound
    Load mods: ProStatControl
    Load mods: SafeShot
    Load mods: saveServer
    Load mods: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=51.3806683337, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 287, in __loadSpaceCallback
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 321, in __onSpaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 61, in _invokeListenersMethod
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaLoadController.py", line 15, in spaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 538, in onSpaceLoaded
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2597, in __onInitStepCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2700, in __startGUI
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 418, in start
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 556, in enable
    File "aims.py", line 141, in enable
    File "ProSights.py", line 474, in new_applySettings
    TypeError: applySettings() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=91.9746226305, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=91.9746226305, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/Avatar.py, 479):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 476, in onLeaveWorld
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2731, in __destroyGUI
    File "scripts/client/gui/WindowsManager.py", line 129, in destroyBattle
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:52:26 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Load mods: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Load mods: GunConstraints
    Load mods: iamspotted
    Load mods: NoBinoculars
    Load mods: PMOD
    Load mods: ProSights
    Load mods: ProSound
    Load mods: ProStatControl
    Load mods: SafeShot
    Load mods: saveServer
    Load mods: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/fortifications/fort_provider.py, 137): Fort provider already is stopped
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 287, in __loadSpaceCallback
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 321, in __onSpaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 61, in _invokeListenersMethod
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaLoadController.py", line 15, in spaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 538, in onSpaceLoaded
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2597, in __onInitStepCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2700, in __startGUI
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 418, in start
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 556, in enable
    File "aims.py", line 141, in enable
    File "ProSights.py", line 474, in new_applySettings
    TypeError: applySettings() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
    RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
    [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py, 865):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 863, in __setupModels
    ValueError: Cannot attach given WGVehicleFashion to Model 'vehicles/french/F17_AMX_13_90/normal/lod0/Chassis.model' as 'wg_fashion' because it is yet not initialized or some parameters is incorrect.
    2014-07-12 21:52:53: ERROR: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods/lib\xpm.pyc
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "xpm/mods/lib/xpm.py", line 155, in __event_handler
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1027, in vehicle_onEnterWorld
    File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 579, in startVisual
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'vMarkersManager'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'explosionSnow'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'bumpExplosionSnow'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'explosionSnowHE'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'bumpExplosionSnow'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'explosionGround'
    [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 53): Invalid texture name 'bumpExplosionGround'
    RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
    [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py, 865):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 863, in __setupModels
    ValueError: Cannot attach given WGVehicleFashion to Model 'vehicles/russian/R40_T-54/normal/lod0/Chassis.model' as 'wg_fashion' because it is yet not initialized or some parameters is incorrect.

    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:53:59 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Load mods: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Load mods: GunConstraints
    Load mods: iamspotted
    Load mods: NoBinoculars
    Load mods: PMOD
    Load mods: ProSights
    Load mods: ProSound
    Load mods: ProStatControl
    Load mods: SafeShot
    Load mods: saveServer
    Load mods: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/fortifications/fort_provider.py, 137): Fort provider already is stopped
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 287, in __loadSpaceCallback
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 321, in __onSpaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/listeners.py", line 61, in _invokeListenersMethod
    File "scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaLoadController.py", line 15, in spaceLoadCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 538, in onSpaceLoaded
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2597, in __onInitStepCompleted
    File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2700, in __startGUI
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 418, in start
    File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 556, in enable
    File "aims.py", line 141, in enable
    File "ProSights.py", line 474, in new_applySettings
    TypeError: applySettings() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
    RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
    [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py, 865):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 863, in __setupModels
    ValueError: Cannot attach given WGVehicleFashion to Model 'vehicles/russian/R40_T-54/normal/lod0/Chassis.model' as 'wg_fashion' because it is yet not initialized or some parameters is incorrect.

    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 21:55:00 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/fortifications/fort_provider.py, 137): Fort provider already is stopped
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 33): Method "__run_read" takes too much time 1.45200014114
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/05_prohorovka
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=89.0554674319, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=133.94725523, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=178.972254648, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=223.955254239, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=268.966113741, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=313.956434552, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=313.956434552, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 22:12:18 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Executing: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Executing: GunConstraints
    Executing: iamspotted
    Executing: NoBinoculars
    Executing: PMOD
    Executing: SafeShot
    Executing: saveServer
    Executing: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.


    BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:03:39 Jun 17 2014) starting on Sat Jul 12 22:13:45 2014

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.1: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.1/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.3.1 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Executing: DamagePanel
    [ Damage Panel 0.9.0 by GambitER ]
    Executing: GunConstraints
    Executing: iamspotted
    Executing: NoBinoculars
    Executing: PMOD
    Executing: SafeShot
    Executing: saveServer
    Executing: SessionStatistic
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 130): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
    [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/account_helpers/SyncController.py, 129):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/SyncController.py", line 128, in __onSyncStreamComplete
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/DossierCache.py", line 181, in
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/DossierCache.py", line 245, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/DossierRequester.py", line 394, in
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/abstract.py", line 41, in _response
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/abstract.py", line 70, in request
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/ItemsRequester.py", line 221, in request
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/ItemsCache.py", line 103, in cbWrapper
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "PMOD.py", line 1648, in GetDossier
    File "PMOD.py", line 1351, in processPlayer
    AttributeError: 'AccountTotalStatsBlock' object has no attribute 'getLosses'
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=42.6641006856, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/14_siegfried_line
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=82.9174204585, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=122.71320682, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=162.699238692, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=202.716187778, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=242.711949924, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=282.722285468, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=322.709143089, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=367.713143778, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    Exception in thread Thread-1:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/common/Lib/threading.py", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
    File "scripts/common/Lib/threading.py", line 504, in run
    File "PMOD.py", line 1077, in mainLoop
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/BattleResultsCache.py", line 76, in get
    File "PMOD.py", line 1100, in battleResultsCallback
    File "PMOD.py", line 1351, in processPlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1489, in updateMacros
    KeyError: 'SpottedEnemies'

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 310, in onCmdResponseExt
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/SyncController.py", line 92, in __onSyncResponse
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 189, in __onSyncResponse
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 123, in call
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 146, in caller
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 575, in checkAccount
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 663, in getGold
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 155, in get
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 95, in waitForSync
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 123, in call
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 146, in caller
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 575, in checkAccount
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 673, in getFreeExperience
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 155, in get
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 95, in waitForSync
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "PMOD.py", line 1655, in GetAccStat
    File "PMOD.py", line 1351, in processPlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1489, in updateMacros
    KeyError: 'SpottedEnemies'
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=437.75678638, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=477.647220416, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=517.635931084, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=567.676481883, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=607.731483503, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=647.735485263, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 346): Player's team not found.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 352): Player's vehicle ID not found.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 359): Uses slow player search by name
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 252): Team not found
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 252): Team not found
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/38_mannerheim_line
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=682.463418426, databaseID=0, error=COOLDOWN),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=732.710350726, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=772.701029087, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=837.696587041, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=907.703632003, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 86.000000, dir: (2.58138, -0.933308, 1.03496)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 107.000000, dir: (2.63029, -2.12889, -0.752625)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 114.000000, dir: (2.2354, -1.51536, 0.312332)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 121.000000, dir: (2.2289, -1.54905, 0.277405)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 135.000000, dir: (2.27679, -1.17293, 1.14601)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 135.000000, dir: (2.27679, -1.17293, 1.14601)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 135.000000, dir: (3.36676, -1.79173, -1.22395)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/AimingSystems/ArcadeAimingSystem.py, 188): Invalid arg for acos: -1.000000; distanceFromFocus: 149.000000, dir: (2.57274, -1.64939, -0.196396)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts\SessionStatistic.py", line 385, in new_onBecomePlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1668, in hangarSessionStatonBecomePlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1256, in setPlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1351, in processPlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1489, in updateMacros
    KeyError: 'SpottedEnemies'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 310, in onCmdResponseExt
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/SyncController.py", line 92, in __onSyncResponse
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 189, in __onSyncResponse
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 123, in call
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 146, in caller
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 575, in checkAccount
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 663, in getGold
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 155, in get
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 95, in waitForSync
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 123, in call
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 146, in caller
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 575, in checkAccount
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 673, in getFreeExperience
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 155, in get
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/AccountSyncData.py", line 95, in waitForSync
    File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Stats.py", line 325, in __onGetResponse
    File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/requesters/__init__.py", line 986, in __valueResponse
    File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 133, in callback
    File "PMOD.py", line 1655, in GetAccStat
    File "PMOD.py", line 1351, in processPlayer
    File "PMOD.py", line 1489, in updateMacros
    KeyError: 'SpottedEnemies'
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=972.752605336, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1012.850606, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1077.72960703, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1142.79360806, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1217.66460936, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1267.75261038, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1352.73523769, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1397.68323843, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1482.7852398, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1542.75424076, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1582.83724145, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1642.79724242, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1737.71124399, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1787.65024478, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/messenger/proto/xmpp/connection.py, 137): Received chat token is not valid (ChatTokenResponse(receivedAt=1787.65024478, databaseID=0, error=TIMEOUT),)
    [WARNING] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 33): Method "close" takes too much time 0.587999820709



    Если ошибся темой, то прошу перенести в нужный раздел.

  12. MoD, если они просто проецируются, то шкурки слетать не могут. Ведь эмблемы и надписи ставятся и шкурки не слетают.

    С одной стороны можно отказаться от обозначения топовой пушки (правда это подойдет только для HD моделей), но с другой если они слетают и после этого не работают ни насечки, ни шкурки с зонами пробития, то следовательно есть какой-то механизм который ставит дефолтные шкуры из архивов игнорируя res_mods я это по крайней мере так понимаю.

  13. gld_, аt the moment, this is the last skins for WOT they come to version 0.9.1

    Installation order:
    1. http://webfile.ru/file/8e96c61d4987cd39fd7dcf724eac2c7d the main archive with 10 levels
    2. http://webfile.ru/file/2d3f663e20777c5a3f5b605c5008b394 UPD 26.04.2014
    3. http://webfile.ru/file/9648caaea706c120fbb87d644e10f65a UPD 18.05.2014
    4. http://webfile.ru/file/a4493a69d5aeabf625ff3f1937379969 UPD 26.05.2014
    Or put a customized version of 0.8.11 for 0.9.1
    http://webfile.ru/file/a4d6f186a6526f1d7712ddfce80652d9 but there are a few nuances.



    На данный момент, это последние шкурки для WOT они подходят к версии 0.9.1
    Порядок установки:
    1. http://webfile.ru/file/8e96c61d4987cd39fd7dcf724eac2c7d основной архив с 10 уровнями
    2. http://webfile.ru/file/2d3f663e20777c5a3f5b605c5008b394 UPD 26.04.2014
    3. http://webfile.ru/file/9648caaea706c120fbb87d644e10f65a UPD 18.05.2014
    4. http://webfile.ru/file/a4493a69d5aeabf625ff3f1937379969 UPD 26.05.2014
    Или же поставить адаптированную версию 0.8.11 для 0.9.1
    http://webfile.ru/file/a4d6f186a6526f1d7712ddfce80652d9 но там есть несколько нюансов.
    • Upvote 2
  14. У всех та же беда? При получении первого отличительного знака на этом танке перестаёт работать шкурка при чём не отображается не знак не шкурка. При удалении мода знаки отличия видны при возвращении папки ни знаков ни шкурки не отображаются. Отключения знаков в меню не помогает.


    Хм.. а это на всех танках, или какие-то отдельные модели? Я немного выпал из игрушек, если есть у кого-нибудь возможность потестить данную особенность, буду благодарен, попробую придумать как это дело обойти.


    Да заметил такую проблему, думаю обнову выпустят и буит все ок. Хотя кто то говорил мне из знакомых что поддержку модов собираются убирать с WOT, может и легенда, но как то она уж больно печальная


    Не думаю что такое возможно, хотя они своими постоянными "микро" патчами, после которых большинство модов слетают, конечно раздражают.

  15. Идея программы лично мне нравится, теперь хочу сказать чего не хватает :)

    1. Как любой программист знаю, что это не приятно НО необходима нормальная система помощи, либо hint'ы прописать всплывающие, что делают всякие галочки при включении/выключении.

    2. Лично мне не нравится оформление 1 страницы, ну т.е. реклама. Пользователь с ходу должен понимать, что за программа и зачем она нужна.

    3. Прочитав ленту форума понял, что не прописаны требования к программным и аппаратным средствам, это необходимо сделать.

    4. В систему помощи необходимо включить FAQ, тем более уже есть типичные ошибки и их решения.


    А в остальном, автору успехов в работе. Не обижайтесь на то, что многие пишут о недочетах и совсем мало кто может похвалить. На начальных этапах любого проекта это неизбежно. С другой стороны вы можете заметить, сколько уже людей посетило тему и решило что-то написать, значит ваш проект не безразличен. 

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  16. Amigo86 ну их и сейчас не мало.. когда вышло обновление 0.9.0 с 10ми ур.. каждый день около 1,5к скачиваний, а порой и до 7к было... так что шкурки и так достаточно популярны. Хочу заметить, что в самые распространенные модпаки, именно эта версия шкурок с зонами пробития попадает чаще всего.

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