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Question: PlayerPanel (Position of Frag Counter)

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sorry that I have to bother you guys with so many things today. I just run XVM with my configs (while integreated all changes with nww versions) so many years without problems, but now lots of questions come up while trying to convert all stuff for the new XVM.


So far my player panel looked like that all the years:


The "frags" are listed behind the name, but before the tankname.




Now it looks like that: The frags are in front of the name.




Looking into the playerPanel.xc just show me that there are no settings what are responsible for this.Not in the old XVM, neither in the new XVM. What I have to do to change to make this happen again?

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This was changed by WG, check vanilla client.

But you can change the order of fields in the XVM config:


"standardFields": [ "frags", "nick", "vehicle" ],


"standardFields": [ "nick", "frags", "vehicle" ],
Edited by sirmax
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