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xvm and the penetration markers

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I am having a strange issue with the xvm and the new patch, at least I think it has something to with the xvm and here is why. When I am playing with the xvm instaled I can not see places on my or enemy tanks where shells are hiting, but when I play without it, everything is fine, I can see where on a tanks shells are hiting. This is happens no matter how low or how high I ser my graphic setings. Any help is welcome.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


I am having the same issue. I was trying out different modpacks with different colored damage stickers and found that I didn't see them anymore since using 9.12 version. Also, the default penetration markers don't show without the mod but XVM installed.

Only completely deinstalling XVM lets them show again.

Let me know if you would like some additional information.


Thanks for all the hard work.

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I just deleted my complete res_mod folder, installed the official XVM installer - no penetration markers.
Without it they are shown...

I am they type that assumes the fault is with me in the first place, so let me know if deleting res_mod is not doing the whole trick but I am not quite willing to delete and reinstall WOT right now...


Thanks and cheers

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Hi, Tinhead_Ausf_B.
Yes, additional information would help. For starters, which "colored damage stickers" mod are you attempting to use? Or did that last test you made not include the stickers mod? Also, did you configure the newly-installed XVM in any particular way?
Anyway, let's test this another way: i've got the earliest 0.9.12 replay i could find at QuickyBaby's site: this one. Opened it in WoT with XVM on and watched until i've got to a nice hit from up close, and the hole wasn't there before the shot (see image below), and it appeared after the penetration. So my XVM seems to work as intended. Can you see the scene i've mentioned (and screen-capped)?




And, finally, as a last resort, can you attach the whole contents of your config folder?

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Hi there,


thanks for the effort. To make up, I played through a proper test scenario for you. ;)


I was trying the damage stickers from refaol and vlad but in the end it turns out, I don't even see penetration markers without them installed, just XVM original is installed.

So let's just forget about an extra damage stickers.

So for my testing, I only used vanilla WOT and WOT with XVM original (as per your download) installed. I just installed, no special configuration.

I set my shadow settings in game to None, so we can see under the side of the T-54 and then I took that screenshot once with XVM and once without.

For completeness: I use Windows 10 Home Edition, Nvidia drivers 358.80, in case it's relevant.


As you can see, when running XVM, the markers are missing, when deleting XVM (emptying res_mod), the penetration markers appear...

I attached both screenshots, my python.log, XVM.log and my zipped res_mods folder.


Let me know if there are any other files you need to make sense of this.




P.S.: As an additional measure, I will check if installing a newer graphics drivers makes a difference but I can definitely pinpoint the missing markers to the release of 9.12. and the corresponding XVM package.


P.P.S: Latest Nvidia drivers (359.00) make no difference to the above test.






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I tried what you sugested even before I posted this topic. The last time I`v tried it was last night when I downloaded version. I also tried to reinstall the game two times SD and HD, I tried to set my graphic setings low and high. Fact is that on the day the new patch came out and I instaled the new xvm the pen. markers stoped showing and the only way for me to get them back is by removing the xvm.


Thank you for youre help, for a time I thought noone will reply to this topic.

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So for my testing, I only used vanilla WOT and WOT with XVM original (as per your download) installed. I just installed, no special configuration.

I set my shadow settings in game to None, so we can see under the side of the T-54 and then I took that screenshot once with XVM and once without.

For completeness: I use Windows 10 Home Edition, Nvidia drivers 358.80, in case it's relevant.

This is quite strange... Using the full config you attached, i can see the penetration markers just fine on my laptop. My shadows are OFF too, so the only differences i can detect are: i'm using Windows 7 not 10 (but this really shouldn't have any effect), and i'm not subscribed to XVM stats. (And i'm using the SD client, not the HD, but Awatche mentioned he tried them both, so that shouldn't matter.) So the only idea i have now is to disable the stats, improbable as this seems. Unfortunately, i see no settings in the configs anywhere, so i guess you will have to temporarily uncheck the top 3 "stat" checkboxes at www.ModXVM.com/en/ in the Settings menu. If this doesn't work, i'm officially stumped. :-s


I am sorry, but I have no idea what am I suposed to be looking for in python log

You don't have to look inside it yourself, my guess is that TwoPizza was requesting that you attach them. :-B
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This is quite strange... Using the full config you attached, i can see the penetration markers just fine on my laptop. My shadows are OFF too, so the only differences i can detect are: i'm using Windows 7 not 10 (but this really shouldn't have any effect), and i'm not subscribed to XVM stats. (And i'm using the SD client, not the HD, but Awatche mentioned he tried them both, so that shouldn't matter.) So the only idea i have now is to disable the stats, improbable as this seems. Unfortunately, i see no settings in the configs anywhere, so i guess you will have to temporarily uncheck the top 3 "stat" checkboxes at www.ModXVM.com/en/ in the Settings menu. If this doesn't work, i'm officially stumped. :-s


You don't have to look inside it yourself, my guess is that TwoPizza was requesting that you attach them. :-B


Hey C..,


I did as you asked and I think we are now both officially stumped.. ;) Still no penetration marks.


As I see it, it is something that was introduced in the XVM version for 9.12. but also something that only poses a problem for a few people.

Nothing changed on my machine during the transition from 9.11 to 9.12 and corresponding modpacks (no new drivers, no new software installed).

Whatever it could be connected to on my machine, I have no clue of course, not understanding the inner workings of XVM.

I suppose I have to live with it and hope it might fix itself in a future version.


I'll keep you posted if that happens.


Thanks & Cheers

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I set my shadow settings in game to None

Actually... There is no "None" setting for Shadows. And i just started trying a great number of graphics settings, just out of curiosity. What got me riled up was that having everything to the lowest possible setting would still show me those holes! (see attachment) So i started checking each on at a time. When i got to Shadows, it became clear: having it on Low or higher hides those "decals", even though i would have expected the "Decals Quality" ("[...] marks of shell penetration, [...]") to be the setting which would control them... So i guess you need to make absolutely sure the shadows are OFF?


**Edit** On the other hand, maybe it's not related to XVM? The new 0.9.12 client is a bit wacky, IMO, all by itself... :-|


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Actually... There is no "None" setting for Shadows. And i just started trying a great number of graphics settings, just out of curiosity. What got me riled up was that having everything to the lowest possible setting would still show me those holes! (see attachment) So i started checking each on at a time. When i got to Shadows, it became clear: having it on Low or higher hides those "decals", even though i would have expected the "Decals Quality" ("[...] marks of shell penetration, [...]") to be the setting which would control them... So i guess you need to make absolutely sure the shadows are OFF?


**Edit** On the other hand, maybe it's not related to XVM? The new 0.9.12 client is a bit wacky, IMO, all by itself... :-|


You are right with the shadows, I worded it wrongly. I meant the 'OFF' setting in my post above when I talked about 'None'. I definitely tested with Shadows 'OFF'. In my screenshots you can see all the way under the fender of the tank, right to it's wall.

I certainly can't say if the WOT client itself is not whacky (wouldn't wager against it ;)) what speaks for at least an interactive bug between the client and XVM is the fact that with no mods (i.e. XVM), the penetration markers show just fine for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 because I still cant see them.


Is your "dynamic change of effects quality" checked or unchecked? Because if it is checked, maybe XVM activity is pushing the CPU usage over the threshold at which dynamic effects don't show decals anymore... :que:

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I am interested to know if the new patch has solved your issue with the pen markers, because I still cant see them.


Hey Awatche,


same for me, I still don't see penetration markers under the described conditions in 9.13.

Before the patch came yesterday, I even completely uninstalled my WOT, including everything in \App\Roaming and \Documents and then re-installed.

It didn't do a thing...


Dynamic change is unchecked for me, too, btw.


Edit: I just had installed the latest Nightly (included in Aslains modpack) and then checked my settings in game again, saw that Dynamic Adjustment under the 3D Render resolution slider was checked (probably after my re-installation of WOT - I usually have it unchecked), unchecked it and played a battle, in which I suddenly saw the penetration marks (even the colored ones from the mod, I am using).

I then went out and re-checked that checkbox, to make sure.

After that, no more penetration marks anymore, even when I unchecked it again... Pretty stumped.

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The thing is, when I first noticed the issue I had my friend, who is also using xvm, tell me his graph.config. and still I was unable to see pen markers. And as for Dynamic Adjustment, it was always checked for me.


I don`t know, maybe we are missing something in graphic setings or someplace, I dont see many people having this issue, beside the two of us :p

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