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XVM counted my stats wrong for last week.

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Hello guys, first time posting here, i am having a very strange problem that i have not had before. It seems my stats for last week were miscalculated.Everything seems fine except i get questions marks in certain fields, including the tier of the tanks i played.It shows that i have had 850 wn8 for last week, but having used session stats i know it was around 3k+.My opinion is that the problem is it did not calculate my tier/tank correctly.Average damage is around 1700 but there is no tier field shown, most of my games were played in a t6 cromwell (got 3 barrels last week). So for a cromwell to have 1700 avg is very high wn8.If it calculated it based on tier 10 statistics then ok i guess 850 wn8 makes sense, but that is not the case, that is not the tank i played last week.It was mostly cromwell as i was chasing 3 marks, which i did get.


I attached a screenshot of the noobmeter page with my name on it showing the very strange question mark fields..my account name is johan_porta on the NA server..Thank you.


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XVM does not show or even calculate your week/month/year or any other period of time statistics. Noobmeter or any other sites have nothing to do with XVM. On a side note, noobmeter hasn't even updated WN expected values yet, so it shows incorrect WN8 anyways. And it seems there's been some issue with collecting data for your account on that site.

Other stat sites show your ratings correctly (including your last week stats)


Update: Oh, it looks like noobmeter broke down or something, it shows question marks and some odd data for my account too

Edited by Andrew05
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Any idea if noobmeter will fix what it is showing ? also, which other sites are you referring to that show my stats correctly ? my recent battles should be over 3k, even wotlabs is showing at 2900~

I think noobmeter is where all the other sites get their info from as well..even if wotlabs for example shows some different info the end result is the same, which is a loss of 100-200 wn8 on my recents.

Edited by johan_porta
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Any idea if noobmeter will fix what it is showing ? also, which other sites are you referring to that show my stats correctly ? my recent battles should be over 3k, even wotlabs is showing at 2900~


I can only assume that noobmeter will fix that issue some time soon. As well as update wn expected values.

Try www.kttc.ru for example. Works perfectly fine for me. It shows some interesting stuff too like top clans and top players (up to top 1000). Just change the "Ru" in the upper left corner to "Na". Most of good stat sites are russian anyways (including noobmeter)


I think noobmeter is where all the other sites get their info from as well..even if wotlabs for example shows some different info the end result is the same, which is a loss of 100-200 wn8 on my recents.


Thinking it is like that is just so ridiculous, that it actually made me giggle a bit.

All stat sites get all the data from Wargaming API

Edited by Andrew05
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