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Help with Carousel variable

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Hello ,


After several brain operations to dig out tumors my memory is really bad .


I would like to put each tank I own in the carousel with its own listed vertical Gun Depression .


The last variable I asked for allowed me to put the average experience earned on the carousel for each of my vehicles.


Thank you . 


If anyone knows the variable for Gun Depression and can share it I would be very thankful as remembering all


the different values is impossible for me and for some vehicles can dictate how they should be played.



Thank you ,


' Scummy '



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vertical Gun Depression
there is no such macro in mod by the moment, so this topic should be placed to "Suggestions" subforum as a feature request, I suppose.
Personally I support the idea of displaying depression, but in a tooltip. 
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Personally I support the idea of displaying depression, but in a tooltip. 

good idea!

however, i'm little concerned: information in game about gun depression varies from information here: http://wiki.wargaming.net and here: http://tank-compare.com


for example, Waffenträger auf Pz. IV with stock gun, 12,8 cm Kanone 44 L/55.

info that i get in game: -8..24

info from wiki.wargaming.net: -5…+45°

info from tank-compare.com: -5°/+45°


another example, WZ-111. (i, personally, feel total lack of depression on this vehicle)

info in game: -6..25

info from wiki.wargaming.net: -5…+23°

info from http://tank-compare.com: -5°/+23°


for m18 Hellcat, however, the information is same in game an on those sites.

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