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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Pond_Scum

  1. Please can someone please tell me where the names for the female crew members are stored in the game. I can edit the normal crew po files with no problem. This unfortunately destroys the acquired female crew names for that tech tree. Please can someone give me a location.
  2. Hello , After several brain operations to dig out tumors my memory is really bad . I would like to put each tank I own in the carousel with its own listed vertical Gun Depression . The last variable I asked for allowed me to put the average experience earned on the carousel for each of my vehicles. Thank you . If anyone knows the variable for Gun Depression and can share it I would be very thankful as remembering all the different values is impossible for me and for some vehicles can dictate how they should be played. Thank you , ' Scummy '
  3. First post.... I would like to add a tanks average experience to my tank carousel like average damage can be displayed. I have tried to use Google to find it but no joy. Could someone share with me this elusive variable name so I can set up my carousel . Thank you in advance for any help.
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