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Player Panel - ContourIcons not showing after map-loading

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thank you for the update for playerspanel approx. an hour ago. Unfortunatelly it fixed only one thing for me. (so I m using nightly 3812)
On Full Panel (III.) the WN8 numbers and other stats were in much bigger font than player name font... now its the same, but it wont show any stats for the very last player in the list. His/Her nick has the color of their WN, but it wont show stats, just empty field. (its not just for that one certain player, it depends just who is at the bottom of the list at the moment - the poor fellow who just loaded in as a low tier and is on the bottom... 1st dead person, etc...)

Second problem (and most annyoing for me).. I'm using short panel (I.) with only a contour tank icon. After the game loads and the countdown ends I have no icons visible, if I cycle through panels the icons are there and visible for Medium, Medium 2 and Full panels. So to make the isons visible I have to click on for example Medium Panel and than on Short Panel again.. and voila, icons are there.

I hope I ve explained it well enough... I can post screenshots if needed.

Thanks for the help/response in advance.

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