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Loading multiple versions of XVM

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When I start WOT it tells me I am loading two different versions of XVM.  See attached picture (Capture.png) .... One is the current build and the other appears to be an old Dev Build.


I also attach my configs directory, I am using the OMC Modpack (Odem Mortis).


This is causing me problems with minimap


Can you tell me how I might be able to stop this?


I have tried removing XVM from my mods but it still loads the "Old" dev version if I do this.


Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.






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Hi Sech - thanks for responding


I used the Odem Mortis installer from their website and installed the modpack without XVM.  when I did this it still showed the "Earlier" 3548 version in the startup.


I also removed their whole modpack from my system and reinstalled new again as this forces it to download fresh versions of their configuration files for all mods.


It is incredibly strange...








It is interesting that the secondary one is also 3548 like mine.  Too much of a coincidence ... I'm sure the guys here will work it out though - anyone clever enough to create something like XVM is clearly way above my pay grade :)

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Remowing XVM is not only deleting res_mods/xvm folder!



I also removed their whole modpack from my system and reinstalled new again
 New one comes with XVM or what?
The thing is that there are some obsolete XVM files in 0.9.5 folder. You should try renaming 0.9.5 to 0.9.5_, creating an emty one and installing mods. If that helps - it's the case. Else we'll need to search for some other reason.
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mod pack removes the whole res_mods folder every time you reinstall the modpack
I am not sure about that. Just try:
  1. Manually rename the folder to 0.9.5_ 
  2. unzip the xvm only
  3. log in to hangar

It's a matter of two minutes. If you still get two messages - post a python.log, please.

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I did as you asked and that did indeed resolve the issue I was seeing ...  as a result I have spent the afternoon reinstalling the OMC mod pack over and over adding one mod option at a time to see what was causing the problem.


The modpack does remove the whole res_mods folder.  I had not "Just" installed XVM with nothing else.


The problem only occurs if I load Grandpa's KISS Contour Icon Mod - it does not occur with any other contour mod.


On that basis I think it is fair to say the problem is not due to XVM in anyway - apologies :)


Tikia - I suspect you may also have that mod installed ... it was the only combination that gives me the problem

And the strange minimap issues I had have disappeared now also

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