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How Does One Remove The Damage Panel?

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Hi there. How does one remove the damage panel/vehicle condition panel? In which xc file should one edit and what?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It's not a component of XVM, so you should find a separate mod for that.

My fault, there is an option. But I don't know the right code.


@Uti-Puti, не знаешь каким кодом это сотворить? Я в сниппеты не лезу как-то.

Edited by sech_92
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не знаешь каким кодом это сотворить? Я в сниппеты не лезу как-то.


Не, я тоже сниппетами пользуюсь только стандартными, иначе сразу написал бы)



Try to put something like this in your elements.xc

"damagePanel": { "_alpha": 0 }

before last ]


and don't forget to add a comma behind } which is before pasted code

Edited by Uti-Puti
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