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  • Nick
  1. Before installing XVM. As in, I don't have any other mod installed. If I disable the carousel mod (false in .xc), the slider works fine to be dragged.
  2. No other mod is installed (9.5 folder is empty). It might have something to do with the config file? As mentioned, works fine. gives me this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFfPOW7YNQo carousel.xc
  3. Installing the breaks the garage carousel. Basically when clicking to drag, it goes all weird. (bar empties, then starts getting populated form the right). I can only move it around via mouse wheel. Re-installing fixes it. I can post video / carousel.xc if required and it's localized problem.
  4. Hey guys. A couple of patches ago I had the problem where my vehicle stats, in my stats page, would not sort by battle. Someone helped me here: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/12246-stats-being-sorted-by-winrate/?do=findComment&comment=156421 Now it seems that with latest xvm update, my stats vehicle page its being sorted ascending, instead of descending. Basically my tanks with 1 battles are sorted at the top. What do I have to modify in my xvm to sort them descending, like it was before (basically the most battles vehicle will be listed at the top). Cheers
  5. Thank you, I appreciate your help. I do not understand exactly why this happened, as I used the exact same config as in 8.10, and that did not include any "additional" XVM info in the stats. Somehow it seems this XVM update it included that "userInfo" properties from the config
  6. I would like help if possible please so that my statistic panel (personal or when I look at another) would no longer be sorted by win rate. Win rate is also purple, plus a few other extra information. Where in the config editor can I change this? First I would like the stats to be sorted by the default number of battles, but also I would like to remove the purple colour. I am using an older config I have been using in the past few patches. Here it is for reference attached. Thanks xvm.xc
  7. As per title, I have checked to skip intro movie in the XVM configurator, but the movie still plays. Also, with the newest version, all the win % are now displayed in color. Not that I mind, but for my personal stats, they ALWAYS get sorted by win %. I don't want that, I want to leave it sorted by number of battles, as it is by default. Even if I change the sorting, it does not remember it, and after I close my stats, and re-open the stats, it's sorted by win % again
  8. Is there any way to dynamically set the rating text depending on other text? For example I would like to display win percentage after the tanks/player name, but since the name is always going to be short or long, I would like the rating text to move, otherwise if it's static, it will either overlap, or be a big space, depending on tank/player name length.
  9. I am trying to add a prefix to damageMessage, but it won't show up in-game (trying to add a "-" in front of {{dmg}}).
  10. Not sure if this was dirrected to me, but here is the difference between 3.0.1 and 3.1.1 Please note my config files from my previous post. They have not changed. The OTMData.xml shows I am forcing the font to be Arial. So I don't really understand my problem. Please note the friendly floating damage text from both screenshots. First screenshot is the 3.1.1, second is 3.0.1
  11. Hi I upgraded from xvm 3.0.1 to xvm 3.1.1. However, the floating damage values have changed. It does not look like it looked in version 3.0.1. I have tried to make it look the same, but it does not. Could you please tell me how I can fix it? I believe it has something to do with the xvm 3.1.1 change? But it should still overwrite it and use the "Arial" font I have set in my OTMData.xml shouldn't it? Thank you I have attached my config file that I use OTMData.xml XVM.xvmconf
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