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Korean Random


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Everything posted by DaHax

  1. nope, i noticed the same thing, but now, me and the guys in my clan are now seeing not stats what so ever. Just started happening today.
  2. Thanks, thats exactly what it was. The flash files was the XVM, but the Minimap.pyc was still there and that was the issue.
  3. @Mr A, Thanks, I just had saw the MinimapCircles.xc a few hours before I saw you post about it. I had to do a little altering but works good now. As for the minimap. I am using the minimap flash files that came with xvm and this is what I am seeing. as you can see, the TD's like the T30 are showing up as squares and not upside down triangles. I am not sure what's up with this. Any idea's anyone?
  4. One other question to go along with the one I asked above, with the latest XVM, I have noticed not the minimap icons have changed a bit. Is there a way to have it the old style, so a square = Arty, TD is the triangle, Light = dimond, Med is the two bar, and heavy is 3 bar? It looks right with the icons over the tanks, but not the minimap. Also, does XVM have a setting for showing for arty the max range for the arty. Lick to add in another circle that would be set to the max arty range?
  5. Can anyone answer why XVM seems to pick and choose when it wants to work? This morning, everything was working fine. Stats and how everything looked in game. I tried playing a hour ago, and stats were not working. I asked a buddy of mine if the stats was working for him, and he said yes, then a games later, I guess they stopped working for him also. Would it be something in the XVM.xc. The XVM.xc is taken from our old XVM.xvmconf, just changed the file type and name. AttachedXVM.rar is what we have. If there is any other info you need besides the file I attached, let me know. -UPDATE- Nevermind, I got it fixed. I just used the online editor from here and modified it a little and it works fine. But I have one other question. I noticed that in a training room, the minimap stuff don't work. Is that because of the new update or is that just WoT being a pain?
  6. Is the folder path US or NA. If I remember right, it was changed recently. I believe it used to be NA. Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. thanks...
  7. I have a question for someone. i used the XVN Editor found here: http://www.koreanran...xvm-xvm-editor/ Well, my question is, how am I supposed to get clan icons to show? By the editor, they should be, but when i load them in, there is nothing. I know on previous versions in the past, I had to edit in a few lines to display our clan logo, but I did not see that in the editor. So I was wondering if that was still needed. If so, what do I have to edit in and where. I really like to get clan logo's showing back up, but they seem not to be working for me and a few others that are using the config. Attached is the config I been working on. XVM.xvmconf
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