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Everything posted by blue___phoenix

  1. XVM is usually pretty good at releasing a compatible XVM for each WoT's update. It's been a bit while since we have not seen the release of update 7.8.8 (compatible with World of Tanks When will it be released?
  2. I do not want XVM stats and colors to show on the regular player panel. Only wanna see it when I press ALT. How do I accomplish this?
  3. XVM now shows some stats on the tank's profile. Rather than messing with the carousel, would it be possible to do it there? See Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/935EaSn.jpg
  4. I would like to see the % needed to get a mark of excellence while in the garage's carousel. This means I would have to remove some items and replace them with this info. What code do I need and where to go to remove items from the tank's "icon" carousel?
  5. Right after I click to fire a shot, with my artillery, the camera shakes. It only happens with artillery. How can I disable it?
  6. I made the proper edits, https://pastebin.com/rVinwxbL It works, with a caveat. The game has 4 different views (5 if you count null). To switch between views, you press ctrl+tab. The map and icons only are displaying on option 1 (TypeIcon + Contour + Tier + Flag) How can I make it so they show on all 4?
  7. After dying and switching to another player, I see the player's name and durability on the center of the screen: -Please see attached screenshot How can disable it?
  8. Since you mentioned the "extraFieldsLeft", that's the only section I copied and pasted. Can't find the attach option >_< /** * Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears"). */ { // Definitions (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt). "def": { // Enemy spotted status marker. "enemySpottedMarker": { // false - отключить. "enabled": true, // Opacity percentage of spotted markers in the panels. 0 - transparent (disabled) ... 100 - opaque. "alpha": "{{a:spotted}}", // x position. "x": 88, // y position. "y": -2, // Horizontal alignment "align": "center", // true - x position is bound to vehicle icon, false - bound to edge of the screen. "bindToIcon": true, // enemy spotted status marker format. "format": "<font color='{{c:spotted}}'>{{spotted}}</font>", // shadow (see below). "shadow": {} }, // XMQP service marker definition. "xmqpServiceMarker": { "enabled": true, "x": 88, "y": -2, "align": "center", "bindToIcon": true, "textFormat": { "font": "xvm", "size": 24 }, "format": "<font color='{{alive?{{x-spotted?#FFBB00|{{x-sense-on?#D9D9D9|#BFBFBF}}}}|#FFFFFF}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{alive?{{x-spotted?p|{{x-sense-on?p|{{x-enabled?z}}}}}}}}</font>", "shadow": {} }, // "Top tankers" rank definition. "topTankers": { "enabled": true, "x": 77, "y": 6, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "bindToIcon": true, "src": "{{top_tankers_emblem}}" }, // Clan icon. "clanIcon": { "enabled": true, "x": 65, "y": 6, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "alpha": 90, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "{{clanicon}}" //"format": "<img src='{{clanicon}}' width='16' height='16'>" }, // XVM user marker. "xvmUserMarker": { "enabled": false, "x": 10, "y": 5, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png" }, // HP bar background. "hpBarBg": { "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": true, "x": 96, "y": 6, "width": 72, "bindToIcon": true, "height": 14, "bgColor": "0x000000", "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, // HP bar. "hpBar": { "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": true, "x": 97, "y": 7, "bindToIcon": true, "width": "{{hp-ratio:70}}", "height": 12, "bgColor": "{{player?#FFDD33|{{c:system}}}}", "alpha": "{{alive?50|0}}" }, // Remaining HP. "hp": { "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": true, "bindToIcon": true, "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "x": 96, "width": 72, "y": 4, "textFormat": { "font": "$FieldFont", "size": 11, "color": "0xD9D9D9", "bold": "true", "align": "center" }, "format": "<font alpha='{{alive?{{ready?#FF|#80}}|#80}}'>{{alive?{{hp|{{l10n:No data}}}}|{{l10n:Destroyed}}}}</font>", "shadow": { "enabled": true, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "blur": 4, "strength": 1, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } } }, // Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears"). "playersPanel": { // false - Disable. "enabled": true, // Opacity percentage of the panels. 0 - transparent, 100 - opaque. "alpha": 80, // Opacity percentage of icons in the panels. 0 - transparent ... 100 - opaque. "iconAlpha": 100, // true - disable background of the selected player. "removeSelectedBackground": false, // true - Remove the Players Panel mode switcher (buttons for changing size). "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false, // Start panels mode. Possible values: "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "startMode": "large", // Alternative panels mode. Possible values: null, "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "altMode": null, // Options for the "none" panels - empty panels. "none": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over "expandAreaWidth": 230, // Layout ("vertical" or "horizontal") "layout": "vertical", // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) "fixedPosition": false, // Opacity of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorAlpha": 100, // X position offset of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorX": 0, // Y position offset of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorY": 0, // Extra fields. "extraFields": { "leftPanel": { "x": 0, // from left side of screen "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, // Set of formats for left panel // example: // "formats": [ // // simple format (just a text) // "{{nick}}", // "<img src='xvm://res/img/panel-bg-l-{{alive|dead}}.png' width='318' height='28'>", // // extended format // { "x": 20, "y": 10, "borderColor": "0xFFFFFF", "format": "{{nick}}" }, // { "x": 200, "src": "xvm://res/contour/{{vehiclename}}.png" }, // { "x": 200, "src": "img://gui/maps/icons/vehicle/{{vehiclename}}.png" } // { "x": 200, "src": "cfg://user/img/{{vehiclename}}.png" } // ] // // * all fields are optional // "formats": [] }, "rightPanel": { "x": 0, // from right side of screen "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "formats": [] } } }, // Options for the "short" panels - panels with frags and vehicle icon. "short": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Displayed standard fields in this mode and their order. // Available names: "frags", "rank", "nick", "vehicle". "standardFields": [ "frags" ], // Width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over "expandAreaWidth": 230, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of the squad icon // прозрачность иконки взвода "squadIconAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for vehicle icon. "vehicleIconXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleIconXOffsetRight": 0, // Offset of X value for vehicle level. "vehicleLevelXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleLevelXOffsetRight": 0, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for frags column. "fragsXOffsetLeft": 0, "fragsXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the frags column. Default is 24. "fragsWidth": 24, // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Shadow for frags field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "fragsShadowLeft": null, "fragsShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for rank column. "rankXOffsetLeft": 0, "rankXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the rank column. Default is 24. "rankWidth": 24, // Offset of X value for player name column. "nickXOffsetLeft": 0, "nickXOffsetRight": 0, // Minimum width of the player name column. Default is 46. "nickMinWidth": 46, // Maximum width of the player name column. Default is 158. "nickMaxWidth": 158, // Display format for player name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "nickFormatLeft": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font> {{name%.15s~..}}<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>{{name%.15s~..}} <font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font>", // Shadow for player name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "nickShadowLeft": null, "nickShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for vehicle name column. "vehicleXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the vehicle name column. Default is 72. "vehicleWidth": 72, // Display format for vehicle name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "vehicleFormatLeft": "{{vehicle}}", "vehicleFormatRight": "{{vehicle}}", // Shadow for vehicle name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "vehicleShadowLeft": null, "vehicleShadowRight": null, // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) "fixedPosition": false, // Extra fields. Each field have default size 350x25. // Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"def.topTankers"}, ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.xmqpServiceMarker"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"def.topTankers"}, ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.enemySpottedMarker"} ] }, // Options for the "medium" panels - the first of the medium panels. "medium": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Displayed standard fields in this mode and their order. // Available names: "frags", "rank", "nick", "vehicle". "standardFields": [ "frags", "rank", "nick" ], // Width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over "expandAreaWidth": 230, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of the squad icon "squadIconAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for vehicle icon. "vehicleIconXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleIconXOffsetRight": 0, // Offset of X value for vehicle level. "vehicleLevelXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleLevelXOffsetRight": 0, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for frags column. "fragsXOffsetLeft": 0, "fragsXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the frags column. Default is 24. "fragsWidth": 24, // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Shadow for frags field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "fragsShadowLeft": null, "fragsShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for rank column. "rankXOffsetLeft": 0, "rankXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the rank column. Default is 24. "rankWidth": 24, // Offset of X value for player name column. "nickXOffsetLeft": 0, "nickXOffsetRight": 0, // Minimum width of the player name column. Default is 46. "nickMinWidth": 46, // Maximum width of the player name column. Default is 158. "nickMaxWidth": 158, // Display format for player nickname (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.12s~..}}</font> <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.12s~..}}</font>", // Shadow for player name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "nickShadowLeft": null, "nickShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for vehicle name column. "vehicleXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the vehicle name column. Default is 72. "vehicleWidth": 72, // Display format for vehicle name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", // Shadow for vehicle name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "vehicleShadowLeft": null, "vehicleShadowRight": null, // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) "fixedPosition": false, // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.xmqpServiceMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.enemySpottedMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ] }, // Options for the "medium2" panels - the second of the medium panels. "medium2": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Displayed standard fields in this mode and their order. // Available names: "frags", "rank", "nick", "vehicle". "standardFields": [ "frags", "vehicle" ], // Width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over "expandAreaWidth": 230, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of the squad icon "squadIconAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for vehicle icon. "vehicleIconXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleIconXOffsetRight": 0, // Offset of X value for vehicle level. "vehicleLevelXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleLevelXOffsetRight": 0, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for frags column. "fragsXOffsetLeft": 0, "fragsXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the frags column. Default is 24. "fragsWidth": 24, // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Shadow for frags field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "fragsShadowLeft": null, "fragsShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for rank column. "rankXOffsetLeft": 0, "rankXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the rank column. Default is 24. "rankWidth": 24, // Offset of X value for player name column. "nickXOffsetLeft": 0, "nickXOffsetRight": 0, // Minimum width of the player name column. Default is 46. "nickMinWidth": 46, // Maximum width of the player name column. Default is 158. "nickMaxWidth": 158, // Display format for player nickname (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.12s~..}}</font> <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.12s~..}}</font>", // Shadow for player name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "nickShadowLeft": null, "nickShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for vehicle name column. "vehicleXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the vehicle name column. Default is 72. "vehicleWidth": 72, // Display format for vehicle name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", // Shadow for vehicle name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "vehicleShadowLeft": null, "vehicleShadowRight": null, // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) // true - не изменять позиции игроков при уничтожении (по умолчанию false) "fixedPosition": false, // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.xmqpServiceMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.enemySpottedMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ] }, // Options for the "large" panels - the widest panels. "large": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Displayed standard fields in this mode and their order. // Available names: "frags", "rank", "nick", "vehicle". "standardFields": [ "frags", "rank", "nick", "vehicle" ], // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of the squad icon "squadIconAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for vehicle icon. "vehicleIconXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleIconXOffsetRight": 0, // Offset of X value for vehicle level. "vehicleLevelXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleLevelXOffsetRight": 0, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100, // Offset of X value for frags column. "fragsXOffsetLeft": 0, "fragsXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the frags column. Default is 24. "fragsWidth": 24, // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Shadow for frags field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "fragsShadowLeft": null, "fragsShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for rank column. "rankXOffsetLeft": 0, "rankXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the rank column. Default is 24. "rankWidth": 24, // Offset of X value for player name column. "nickXOffsetLeft": 0, "nickXOffsetRight": 0, // Minimum width of the player name column. Default is 46. "nickMinWidth": 46, // Maximum width of the player name column, Default is 158. "nickMaxWidth": 158, // Display format for player nickname (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "nickFormatLeft": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r|--}}</font> {{name%.15s~..}}<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>{{name%.15s~..}} <font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font>", // Shadow for player name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "nickShadowLeft": null, "nickShadowRight": null, // Offset of X value for vehicle name column. "vehicleXOffsetLeft": 0, "vehicleXOffsetRight": 0, // Width of the vehicle name column. Default is 72. "vehicleWidth": 72, // Display format for vehicle name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "vehicleFormatLeft": "{{vehicle}}", "vehicleFormatRight": "{{vehicle}}", // Shadow for vehicle name field (default null = no shadow, as in vanillas client). "vehicleShadowLeft": null, "vehicleShadowRight": null, // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) "fixedPosition": false, // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.xmqpServiceMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, ${"def.hp"}, ${"def.clanIcon"}, ${"def.xvmUserMarker"}, ${"def.enemySpottedMarker"}, ${"def.topTankers"} ] } } } Result on pressing Alt: Is there a way to always have it "on" without having to press alt?
  9. I am referring o the TANK's country, NOT the user scyorkie, on 06 Jun 2017 - 01:52, said: For #1, you can refer to this post, under the first part of his "code & picture" spoiler. For #2, you can use this as a starting point: a. Create an extraField definition in playersPanel.xc: "def": { ... "nationIcon": { "enabled": false, "bindToIcon": true, "hotKeyCode": 56, "visibleOnHotKey": true, "x": 55, "y": 4, "align": "center", "layer": "bottom", "alpha": 90, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/barracks/nations/{{nation}}.png'>" }, ... }, b. Refer to the definition in the "extraFieldsLeft" and "extraFieldsRight" field where you want the flag to appear (there are 4 instances of each in playersPanel.xc): "extraFieldsLeft": [ ... ${"def.nationIcon"}, ... ], Result on pressing Alt: RcGAy0B.jpg 1) I went to the link you provided and is giving me a code. But I have no idea on what file to add it and exactly where to add it. 2) How do I create an extraFieldsLeft? This is how my playersPannel.xc looks: "playersPanel": { // false - Disable. "enabled": true, // Opacity percentage of the panels. 0 - transparent, 100 - opaque. "alpha": 80, // Opacity percentage of icons in the panels. 0 - transparent ... 100 - opaque. "iconAlpha": 100, // true - disable background of the selected player. "removeSelectedBackground": false, // true - Remove the Players Panel mode switcher (buttons for changing size). "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false, // Start panels mode. Possible values: "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "startMode": "large", // Alternative panels mode. Possible values: null, "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "altMode": null, // Options for the "none" panels - empty panels. "none": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, // Width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over "expandAreaWidth": 230, // Layout ("vertical" or "horizontal") "layout": "vertical", // true - don't change players positions on dead (default false) "fixedPosition": false, // Opacity of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorAlpha": 100, // X position offset of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorX": 0, // Y position offset of dynamic squad invite indicator "inviteIndicatorY": 0, // Extra fields. "extraFields": { "leftPanel": { "x": 0, // from left side of screen "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, // Set of formats for left panel // example: // "formats": [ // // simple format (just a text) // "{{nick}}", // "<img src='xvm://res/img/panel-bg-l-{{alive|dead}}.png' width='318' height='28'>", // // extended format // { "x": 20, "y": 10, "borderColor": "0xFFFFFF", "format": "{{nick}}" }, // { "x": 200, "src": "xvm://res/contour/{{vehiclename}}.png" }, // { "x": 200, "src": "img://gui/maps/icons/vehicle/{{vehiclename}}.png" } // { "x": 200, "src": "cfg://user/img/{{vehiclename}}.png" } // ] // // * all fields are optional // "formats": [] }, new reply
  10. First and foremost, I am new to XVM; please, make your replies extensive and easy to understand >_< At the top of the screen, you have a list of users, along with the name of the tank, tier and ranking. Yes, I know, you press ctrl+tab and the views changes. 1) What I want to do is, to display the Type of vehicle icon (HT/MT/LT/TD/Arty) next to the tank/tier icon. 2) If it is also possible, the flag of the country where that tank is from, to remove any guessing work od where the tank is from and go buy it. Just to be clear, I am referring to the country of the tank (tech tree's country). NOT the user In advance, thank you for your help!
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