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Korean Random


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  1. In damage log i want to show me vehicle contour icon from battle atlas like HEKPOMAHT show in picture but the specific icon for each tank...he showed the same icon for all tanks...
  2. Невозможно настроить размеры width и height ? А работает ли это в Хитлоге?
  3. Is it possible to add to the hitlog and damagelog files (.xc) to formatHistory so that for each hit (in damagelog) or group of hits (in hitlog) it shows me next to the name of the tank and the contour icon?
  4. XVM for Eu zone is so wg version XVM (archive) not work .
  5. Is it possible to add a unique background for totalEfficiency as in the first image (ex1) or 5 one for each value as in the second image (ex2)? I specify that currently I have the settings that are in image 3 (ex3) and that if I try to change the image, they disappear from my values. I tried to add a definition in battlelabels.xc and add a totalEfficiencyBg value, but it doesn't work. Thank you.
  6. Hello Please, if it is possible to help me with the configuration of this file, in the sense that I would like to add an extra field in the carousel for each tank in which to appear, as the case may be, on the nations, the specific image of the level of excellence of the tank that it is going to achieve and the percentage of achievement. With the same fixed image for all tanks....it works but if I try to make it choose the insignia according to the nation and the level reached....no. I mention that in the markson gun folder I have all the necessary images in the form nation_1 (or 2, or 3)_marks.png and check this with tanks witch have mark of excelence. Thank you. carouselNormal.xc Sorry... i solved...tank you
  7. Build 67 was released and work perfect for me (capture bar) . Thank you very much again.
  8. Thank you very much ...i wait for 67 nightly build ( https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm/-/merge_requests/556/diffs) !!!! I appreciate your support.
  9. This is your request:python.logpython.logxvm.logcaptureBar.xc
  10. Not work for me...shot 001 is with y=65, and shot 002 is with y=85.....
  11. Can someone tell me how I could lower the position of the 2 capture bars (allies and enemies) compared to the upper edge of the window?
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