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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Gorkde

  1. Thanks, good idea! I by now did let the shadow on and choose a light grey instead black for the font. But someone from the XVM Team should be looking into this I'm pretty sure thats a bug in XVM. Can you pls, also give me some info on my other question? In the beginning of the game I see players that have not joined. But if someone disconnects in game (crash or similar) it seems not to show him offline. We tested that in a test game with my buddy purposedly pulling out his WIFI Stick so he lost connection. Even after a very long period of time (3-5 Minutes) he was still shown as online in game.
  2. Another Problem: I tried to make the minimap color black when ready? == false (which works) and remove the shadow of the vehicle name in that case (to make it better readable). But: 1) If I add the macro in the global definitions (see attachment) it works in the beginning but as soon as the player comes online only the color changes but the shadow is still missing. or 2) If I add it to te local definitions all shadows of all players are removed from the beginning. Seems like a bug to me. minimapLabelsTemplates.xc 20180207_2324_china-Ch14_T34_3_28_desert.wotreplay
  3. Thanks very much! It works while Battle loads but it seems once a player was in game and is loosing connection in game then it doesn't show it. My goal was to see if players are online if they don't move in battle at some time. Do I have to set something other so it updates maybe? Or is this not possible? The UI normally greys it out once a player isn't online anymore right?
  4. Sorry that must have been Google translate. I translated the page to find the Edit button and he did translate my English back to German as I sent it. Can you somehow set this page so you see English buttons? - Above I said it really must have been an error me having not correctly copied the py folder. Thanks for your help!
  5. l10n.zip Habe schon in die deutsche Datei geschaut und gesehen, dass es einen Wert in APCR und ähnlichem gibt. Kopieren Sie nun erneut py_macro, testen Sie später und geben Sie eine Rückmeldung Scheint jetzt zu funktionieren, also nehme ich an, dass ich einen Fehler beim Kopieren des py_macro-Ordners gemacht habe, auch wenn ich sicher bin, dass ich es nicht getan habe .... Danke Leute.
  6. I Just updated to the latest version and deleted the regarding folders before copying them back from the latest XVM update. Will try to do it again maybe I did a mistake but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
  7. My damagelog is no longer showing the shell type. It did work earlier and I did not change any at it as far as I remember. I think it stopped working 2 or 3 updates before. I did compare my damagelog.xc to the default one and checked all other config files that have "damagelog" in them but did not find the reason for it. As far as I remember ricochet etc. is shown if so. Another strange thing is sometimes he shows "HE" but then for all tanks shooting at me that time. (I already wondered why suddenly all are shooting HE at me....) Using the latest XVM and a german client. Any Idea? damageLog.xc hitLog.xc
  8. The vehicle name is greyed a bit if a player is offline or still loading. But it should be a bit more visible for me. So how do I change the alpha value (or give it a specific color like black) if someone of offline?
  9. Where do I find the config for the player panel that appears when I ingame press TAB?
  10. XVI config. I just changed the battleloading and added the vehicle to it. But now the name overlays the vehicle. I could not find any information about all the offsets in that file. Is it about them? What do I need to do? "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}}<font face='Consolas' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:xr|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
  11. 1) There is the Archievement icon in the Sqad Window visible but I want it removed. In squad.xc is a line that I dont know what it does: // false - Disable display info. // false - выключить отображение информации. "enabled": true, 2) I'd like to see the name in that window in color of his WN8. Is that possible?
  12. Hello I'd like to make some changes to my battle loading screen: 1) I'd like to remove the tank icon and have the tank name there instead 2) There are some new icons in front of the flag showing the archievements or something that I want removed. My problem is I can't figure out how to do it or if it's possible at all to do that. I cant find some config referring to the arcievements in the regarding line and I don't know how to exchange the Tank icon for the name. Any tips? This is the actual config I have: /** * Parameters of the Battle Loading screen. * Параметры экрана загрузки боя. */ { "templates": { // Clan icon definition. // Шаблон иконки клана. "clanIcon": { "enabled": true, "x": 65, "y": 6, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "alpha": 90, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "{{clanicon}}" } }, "battleLoading": { // Format of clock on the Battle Loading Screen. // Формат часов на экране загрузки боя. // http://php.net/date "clockFormat": "H:i:s", // true - disable Platoon/rank icons. This blank space can house, for example, clan logos. // true - убрать отображение иконки взвода/ранга. На пустое поле можно вывести, например, иконку клана. "removeSquadIcon": false, // true - disable rank badge icons // true - убрать отображение иконки бейджа ранга "removeRankBadgeIcon": false, // Opacity percentage of vehicle icon. 0 - transparent ... 100 - opaque. // Прозрачность в процентах иконки танка. 0 - прозрачные, 100 - не прозрачные. "vehicleIconAlpha": 100, // true - disable vehicle level indicator. // true - убрать отображение уровня танка. "removeVehicleLevel": false, // true - disable vehicle type icon. This space will be used for formatted vehicle field. // true - убрать отображение типа танка. Пустое место будет использовано под форматируемое поле. "removeVehicleTypeIcon": false, // Show border for name field (useful for config tuning) // Показывать рамку для поля имени игрока (полезно для настройки конфига) "nameFieldShowBorder": false, // Show border for vehicle field (useful for config tuning) // Показывать рамку для поля имени танка (полезно для настройки конфига) "vehicleFieldShowBorder": false, // X offset for allies squad icons // Смещение по оси X значка взвода союзников "squadIconOffsetXLeft": 0, // X offset for enemies squad icons // Смещение по оси X значка взвода противников "squadIconOffsetXRight": 0, // X offset for allies player names field // Смещение по оси X поля ника союзников "nameFieldOffsetXLeft": 0, // Width delta for allies player names field // Изменение ширины поля ника союзников "nameFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, // X offset for enemies player names field // Смещение по оси X поля ника противников "nameFieldOffsetXRight": 0, // Width delta for enemies player names field // Изменение ширины поля ника противников "nameFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, // X offset for allies vehicle names field // Смещение по оси X поля названия танка союзников "vehicleFieldOffsetXLeft": 0, // Width delta for allies vehicle names field // Изменение ширины поля названия танка союзников "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, // X offset for enemies vehicle names field // Смещение по оси X поля названия танка противников "vehicleFieldOffsetXRight": 0, // Width delta for enemies vehicle names field // Изменение ширины поля названия танка противников "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, // X offset for allies vehicle icons // Смещение по оси X иконки танка союзников "vehicleIconOffsetXLeft": 0, // X offset for enemies vehicle icons // Смещение по оси X иконки танка противников "vehicleIconOffsetXRight": 0, // false - disable highlight of icons during battle start depends on ready state. // false - отключить затемнение иконки не загрузившегося игрока. "darkenNotReadyIcon": true, // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // Формат отображения для левой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt). "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <font color='{{c:xr}}'><font size='13'>{{name%.20s~..}}</font> <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt). "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:xr}}'><font size='13'>{{name%.20s~..}}</font> <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>", // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // Формат отображения для левой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt). "formatLeftVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:xr|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. macros.txt). "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:xr|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>", // Extra fields. Fields are placed one above the other. // Дополнительные поля. Поля располагаются друг над другом. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt) // Набор форматов для левой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. extra-field.txt) "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt) // Набор форматов для правой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. extra-field.txt) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ] } }
  13. Is there a way to play a sound when you are noticed in chat? For example if someone says "Torn around"? I always oversee that in fight!
  14. Hey, what do I need to to to change the enemy spotted sound once one appears on the map?
  15. any idea? Ok, found the reason was missing a comma before. But another problem: I was trying to show the Gunmark icon using this: // Gunmarks. { "enabled": true, "x": 1, "y": 41, "width": 20, "height": 18, "src": "img://gui/maps/icons/GunMarks/{{v.nation}}_{{v.marksOnGun}}.png" }, But the icon won't show up. Any Idea on that? Got the icon location of the internet. Has it been moved maybe? Or is it only shown when one has beeen archieved with that tank? Is there a way to show an empty gunmark icon if none has been archieved if so? I have some remains of Aslains Config in my config files and there it shows an MOE Icon when I hover over the tank (see Screenshot). But I cant find where the code for it is so I can try to use it. Any Idea on this maybe?
  16. I found this before at the Internet and changed it a bit (x value and enabled line etc.) but it doesnt show...... // Sign of mastery. { "enabled": true, "x": 145, "y": 40, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>" }, // damageRating { "enabled": true, "x": 158, "y": 40, "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>", "shadow": ${ "def.textFieldShadow" } }
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