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  1. Thank you for your support. It is correct that the problem is the compression of the files. I tried to add nocompression flag to all the files and it works nice (now less than 5 seconds)
  2. Hello, sorry for using English, but I have a question I made a setup for my mod, but currently the loading time of it is abnormally long (about 50 seconds). The size of the setup file is not affect to this long loading time (i tried to reduce to 10MB, and it's still 50 seconds, same as 1,7GB originally). Question is: how to reduce this 50 seconds? Below is my script Components.issscript.issMessages.iss And pictures to describe what is happening:
  3. Hello I need the name of music event for the new WG anniversary hangar. Could anyone help?
  4. Hello, I need to know the Event name of the Football Garage for my music mod. Could anyone help?
  5. Hello, sorry for using English. Could anyone give me all the event names for the newly updated map "Province" (Провинции) ? The old event name used on 1.0.0 is not working anymore
  6. Hello, I have confirmed that this event works with current hangar for Standard Accout. Is there any difference on hangar for Premium Account?
  7. Followed your steps and downloaded the new BanksLoader. At first the mod is still not work. Later on, I figured out that there is another xml file named sound_notifications.xml in the gui folder. There were the following lines in the sound_notifications.xml : <sight_convergence> <fx> <wwsound>sight_convergence</wwsound> <playRules> 0 </playRules> <shouldBindToPlayer> True </shouldBindToPlayer> </fx> </sight_convergence> When I changed "sight_convergence" to "SM_sight_convergence", the mod works perfectly. Does this xml file affect to the BankLoaders functionality? Anyway, thank you a lot @Polyacov_Yury for your help.
  8. The audio_mods.xml file were generated by sound bank loader mod (you can see from my python log above). It looks fine. I also checked in Random Battles, but it's still play the game original sound. With or without pck file are still have the same result. As you can see in the audio_mods.xml, I also created other sound mods based on your work. All of them works fine with the same method, except for this one. audio_mods.xml
  9. Hello, Sorry for using English, but I have a question I used the given source code to build setup, but it has an error: The browsed location of World of Tanks game folder automatically add another text "World_of_Tanks" to the end of the address, leads to the wrong output folder after installation. I used 3 ISS files to build this setup, attached below. Could anyone show me how to fix this? Components.iss Messages.iss script.iss
  10. Here is full python log, but its pretty large. Recommend check from below to above. I can see that there is Code 64 at the beginning and Code 54 in the end of each log. I will try to build using WWise 2017.1.1. Will inform result when done. Thanks for your advice. python.log UPDATE: I tried to build again with WWise 2017.1.1 Portable and wwise_project downloaded from page 1 of this thread However the result is still not work. There is no error in python log, but the file simply does not have effect to the sound of sight_convergence (sound played when gun is fully aimed), it still plays the sound from original game. python.log
  11. Hello, Sorry for using English, but I have a question. Recently I tried to create a sound mod for sight_convergence , but got error code 54 (Unknown bank ID) Could it be that the bank of this event has changed ? 2018-01-27 23: 46: 56.951: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Can not unload sound bank: SM_sight_convergence.bnk. Code: 54 2018-01-27 23: 49: 26.828: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Can not unload sound bank: sight_convergence.bnk. Code: 54
  12. Hello, I'm having error code 15: "ID not found" while trying to create music for current Chirstmas hangar. Is there anyway to fix this?
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