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Korean Random


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Everything posted by TacticaL_Mech_Tank

  1. Hello from the ASIA server 07 I have a question: how to find the event name for special hangar music (new year hangar, halloween hangar, ...)? Thank you in advance ^ _ ^
  2. Hello from the ASIA server 07 I have a question: how to find the event name for special hangar music (new year hangar, halloween hangar, ...)? Thank you in advance ^_^
  3. Sorry for English here, I'm from ASIA server >w< About the music mod, from 9.17, use the ExternalMusicSources.bnk file instead of the .pck one, it will work without affecting the other sounds.
  4. Hello from ASIA server I can't speak Russian, sorry about that. I followed the instruction and created a music mod successfully. However, in 9.15 update, the login music is muted. I found the original login music inside ExternalMusicSources.pck along with its event name, but the music still muted. I guess the problem is in the game sync parameter, because the login music is controlled by the button on the top right coner of the screen, not by the menu slider. Please help me to solve this, thank you in advance.
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