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Korean Random


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  1. Same problem here! Update Stats button not working!
  2. Your WN8 will reset and you need to play at least 100 battles to get new WN8 rating
  3. Thank you for the answer and a happy new year to you!
  4. Hello, I'd like to know if and when we get an Update for the WN8 and Efficiency Tables for the new M46 Patton KR tank?
  5. Thanks, already figured out how to do it. Here's the images: How I did it: battleLoading.xc statisticForm.xc playersPanel.xc
  6. Hello, I would like to know if there's a way to disable XVM Stats for Enemy Team, but keep the stats showing for Allied Players (So you can see the Tomatoes in your team) Thanks in advance, Mikkaav
  7. YOU DESERVE to be rated 129 WN8 you clicker...
  8. Maybe you just suck? Me and other people who had the WN8 issue 2 weeks back are now fixed and the correct values are shown!
  9. How much more are you going to SPAM the same shit all over the recently opened Topics about this exactly same problem? Every "#¤%!& Topic has you crying again and again! Maybe it's enough?
  10. Did you open this Topic with your eyes closed? If no, then why didn't you see the other couple dozen Topics with excactly the same subject?
  11. Just took a look at your stats... What can I say... http://www.wotstats.org/stats/eu/vampo/ T26E4 much... Comparing to other Tanks then tell me who played your T26E4? And when you seriously think that you get bad MM due to XVM, then, dear sir, god bless you! And this confirms: http://wotlabs.net/eu/player/vampo You are a BAD RE-ROLL!
  12. Open your eyes when you are browsing this Forum and you might find a couple of dozen new Topics regarding false XVM WN8 Stats...
  13. It might be like that for another 360 days...Who knows.
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