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Korean Random


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-8 Oops


  • Nick
  1. So you are pro and smart,right?But you are relorel so dont telling me you know something i check you also!
  2. I didnt mean nothign wrong about what i say,its just,players report us in game becose of fake statistic and sometimes kill us also,and thay dont look stats of individual tanks and wr thay only see red collor!I know i dont pay to admins who work hard for this XWM works properly but in game is anojing like this!But each time i play with this 115 i lose statistik and geting bad mm every match!Its frustrating.If this fix soon,i will donate to you guys here also,money is not the problam at all!You all doing great job here.I didnt mean disrespect or something!
  3. Becose of this issue,my wn8 is 115,even i trying hard to win every battle,i cant win a single battle from day when this happend,calculated over my stats im geting very bad teams,and im losing.In several last days,becose of MM and my statistik what is not showing i getting reports becose thay think im tomato,also provocations a big ones,and losing my WR and WN8 for nothing,becose i cant win !So what i need to do?Wait a year to any body fix this?I feel damaged right now becose of this problam!And is not nice we wait so long.Ok i know maybe not XWM problam but this coorporation from you and WG is not good and im paying for game massive and i was give milions and tones of money,to lose my account now and become noob over night.
  4. So how you or any body else will fix this and when WN8 will be normal again ?
  5. Any new information about XWM?We wait more than a week now.When will be fixed?
  6. Did you fix XWM FFS we wait all most more than a week!?
  7. Hello,in my garage showing me [05] 115 wn8 and im 1800+ ,my eff is ok,and when i get into game my wn8 showing me 115 only wr stays and on tank wr %!!!Whats gpoing on and when will be fixed?
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