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Korean Random


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  1. Thanks for an answer sirmax and sorry for misunderstanding your first one. I just saw new tank filters being developed by WG, thus leaving my request pointless.
  2. Any chance to see this cosmetic chang being implemented? Or at least small guide how to do it yourself?
  3. It is very useful in my opinion for blue/purple players who play against artillery, which usually is focusing fire on most dangerous tanks/players. What is the difference between orange and grey icon again? Two above answers are kind of denying themselves.
  4. I can fully recommend using XVM Updater which allows you to install / update XVM straight from their servers without interfering with your config. Even though QB might update his modpack every WoT patch, there might be some micro patches to xvm itself meanwhile.
  5. But you can still scroll them with mouse, forcing filter to change instantly. I am not sure if we are on the same page here: point cursor on a filter and without clicking, scroll mouse wheel.
  6. They are pretty intuitive imo, it's more about functionality. I have to click shit loads of time in order to choose a tank I will play next. I am aware this is minor issue, is there any chance for hotfix to make it work the same as Nation and Type filters? It seems to me it shouldn't be complicated while other two filters are scrollable already.
  7. Hey there, I just create an account to ask about very same thing. Would much appreciate any help changing it even manually. Thank you
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