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Korean Random


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  1. Thanks a lot, It helped me understand something else too
  2. /** * Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears"). */ { // Enemy spotted status marker format for substitutions in extra fields. "enemySpottedMarker": { // Opacity percentage of spotted markers in the panels. 0 - transparent (disabled) ... 100 - opaque. "alpha": "{{a:spotted}}", // x position. "x": 6, // y position. "y": 1, // Horizontal alignment "align": "center", // true - x position is binded to vehicle icon, false - binded to edge of the screen. "bindToIcon": true, // enemy spotted status marker format. "format": "", // shadow (see below). "shadow": {} }, // Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears"). "playersPanel": { // Opacity percentage of the panels. 0 - transparent, 100 - opaque. "alpha": 60, // Opacity percentage of icons in the panels. 0 - transparent ... 100 - opaque. "iconAlpha": 100, // true - disable background of the selected player. "removeSelectedBackground": false, // true - Remove the Players Panel mode switcher (buttons for changing size). "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false, // Start panels mode. Possible values: "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "startMode": "medium", // Alternative panels mode. Possible values: null, "none", "short", "medium", "medium2", "large". "altMode": "medium", // Display options for Team/Clan logos (see battleLoading.xc). "clanIcon": { "show": false, "x": 0, "y": 6, "xr": 0, "yr": 6, "w": 16, "h": 16, "alpha": 90 }, // Options for the "none" panels - empty panels. "none": { // false - disable "enabled": true, // Layout ("vertical" or "horizontal") "layout": "vertical", // Extra fields. "extraFields": { "leftPanel": { "x": 0, // from left side of screen "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, // Set of formats for left panel // example: // "format": [ // // simple format (just a text) // "{{nick}}", // "<img src='xvm://res/img/panel-bg-l-{{alive|dead}}.png' width='318' height='28'>", // // extended format // { "x": 20, "y": 10, "borderColor": "0xFFFFFF", "format": "{{nick}}" }, // { "x": 200, "src": "xvm://res/contour/{{vehiclename}}.png" } // ] // // types of formats available for extended format: // - MovieClip (for loading image) // - TextField (for writing text and creating rectangles) // if "src" field is present, MovieClip format will be used // if "src" field is absent, TextField format will be used // // fields available for extended format: // "src" - resource path ("xvm://res/contour/{{vehiclename}}.png") // "format" - text format (macros allowed) // // fields available for both MovieClip and TextField formats: // "enabled" - enable/disable field creation (global macros allowed) // "x" - x position (macros allowed) // "y" - y position (macros allowed) // "w" - width (macros allowed) // "h" - height (macros allowed) // "bindToIcon" - if enabled, x position is binded to vehicle icon (default false) // "alpha" - transparency in percents (0..100) (macros allowed) // "rotation" - rotation in degrees (0..360) (macros allowed) // "align" - horizontal alignment ("left", "center", "right") // for left panel default value is "left" // for right panel default value is "right" // "scaleX", "scaleY" - scaling (use negative values for mirroring) // // fields available for TextField format only: // "valign" - vertical alignment ("top", "center", "bottom") // default value is "top" // "borderColor" - if set, draw border with specified color (macros allowed) // "bgColor" - if set, draw background with specified color (macros allowed) // "antiAliasType" - anti aliasing mode ("advanced" or "normal") // "shadow": { // "distance" (in pixels) // "angle" (0.0 .. 360.0) // "color" "0xXXXXXX" // "alpha" (0.0 .. 1.0) // "blur" (0.0 .. 255.0) // "strength" (0.0 .. 255.0) // } // // fields available for MovieClip format only: // "highlight" - highlight icon depending on the player state, default false // // * all fields are optional // "formats": [] }, "rightPanel": { "x": 0, // from right side of screen "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "formats": [] } } }, // Options for the "short" panels - panels with frags and vehicle icon. "short": { // false - disable "enabled": true, // Minimum width of the column, 0-250. Default is 0. "width": 0, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 0, // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ // enemy spotted status marker (see above). ${"enemySpottedMarker"} ] }, // Options for the "medium" panels - the first of the medium panels. "medium": { // false - disable "enabled": true, // Minimum width of the player's name column, 0-250. Default is 46. "width": 46, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 0, // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp| - }}</font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp| - }}</font>", // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ // enemy spotted status marker (see above). ${"enemySpottedMarker"} ] }, // Options for the "medium2" panels - the second of the medium panels. "medium2": { // false - disable "enabled": true, // Maximum width of the vehicle name column, 0-250. Default is 65. "width": 65, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 0, // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp| - }}/{{hp-max}}</font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp| - }}/{{hp-max| - }}</font>", // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ // enemy spotted status marker (see above). ${"enemySpottedMarker"} ] }, // Options for the "large" panels - the widest panels. "large": { // false - disable "enabled": false, // Minimum width of the player's name column, 0-250. Default is 170. "width": 65, // true - disable platoon icons "removeSquadIcon": false, // transparency of vehicle level "vehicleLevelAlpha": 100, // Display format for player nickname (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "nickFormatLeft": "", "nickFormatRight": "", // Display format for vehicle name (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "vehicleFormatLeft": "{{vehicle}}", "vehicleFormatRight": "{{vehicle}}", // Display format for frags (macros allowed, see macros.txt). "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", // Extra fields. Each field have size 350x25. Fields are placed one above the other. // Set of formats for left panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsLeft": [], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) "extraFieldsRight": [ // enemy spotted status marker (see above). ${"enemySpottedMarker"} ] } } }
  3. Hi I'm having a problem with my config. Whenever I mouseover ears in battle, they hide, like the no ears option is automatically selected when I mouseover ears. I can't find the cause of this so if anyone can help me with this, this would be helpful. I hate that I can't invite someone in platoon, report idiots and so on.
  4. Yep, that's exactly what I requested in first post. Sorry for making it unclear. Tank Type and Tank Nation can me scrolled just like that: point cursor on filter and scroll mouse, but Tank Tier can't. I presume that's because currently you can select multiple tiers to be active. If anyone could show how to disable that, so I can make that in my XVM config, I would be VERY happy person.
  5. I just saw that, Tank nation and tank type filters are scrollable, but tank tier filter isn't. I would be really gratefull if you could implement that option. Anyway, keep up the good work on the XVM mate.
  6. Currently it is not avaliable anywhere, but it was on 4lCapwns mod which is pretty much same as one implemented in XVM, but it's missing an tank type/tier/nation filter scroll. Or atleast make that when you select eg. tier 8 and after that tier 10, that tier 8 is automatically unselected.
  7. Hello, Is there an option to make "Tiers" filter scrollable, the way it was in 4lCawpn's mod? I mean when you hover mouse over the tier filter and you could scroll to select desired tier, without needing to select the tier you want by clicking. Thanks in advance
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