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Korean Random


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Everything posted by osl4f

  1. sorry I dont have a replay...but when I encounter another Spectator ill post a replay... cant say for sure when :/
  2. hey noticed a little bug in the spotted macro when there is a spectator in game, see screenshot below. this was taken from a team training battle since a spectator can not be spotted/neverSeen/lost the macro shouldnt work on spectators but it does.
  3. why do we have a file texts.xc then? isnt that the purpose of texts.xc file?! wouldnt it be better to have all macro texts in one file instead of some in texts.xc and others in other files?
  4. shouldn't this part in minimapLabels.xc be moved to texts.xc? // {{vehicle-class}} macro substitutions. // Подстановки макроса {{vehicle-class}}. "vehicleclassmacro": { // LT / ЛT ♦. "light": "\u2022", // MT / СТ. "medium": "\u2022", // HT / ТТ. "heavy": "\u2022", // TD / ПТ ▼. "td": "\u2022", // Artillery / Арта. ■ "spg": "\u25AA", // HeavyTank10 by gui_settings.xml. // ТТ10 посредством gui_settings.xml. "superh": "\u2022" // Special symbols website / Сайт со спец символами: // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/25a0/index.htm // Great symbolic font by Andrey_Hard for {{vehicle-class}}: // Отличный символьный шрифт от Andrey_Hard для замены букв от {{vehicle-class}} макроса: // http://goo.gl/d2KIj },
  5. Hey. Sadly I can't speek russian, I tried to google translate but it would take me ages to read through bogus translations so please don't be mad if this got asked a million times before. Will XVM implement something like this mod or even an ingame WN8 calculator like this mod has? I know there is already a pull request here but its a couple of months old and I couldn't find a answer to this. So does anyone have an idea if its in the works at the moment or will it always be a seperate mod and not built into XVM?
  6. Yes, but with more options to configure it (via .xc file). I also linked to this in my first post. It would be a nice addition to have it implemented in XVM by default
  7. It would be nice to have something like this built into xvm by default. Since we already have the possibility to add the HP per tank to the playersPanel and Minimap it would make a nice addition to XVM. It could be fully customizable with x,y axis and html/formatting A setting in battle.xc can look something like this: "hpPoolbar" { // false - Disable. "enabled": true, // X position (negative values - bind to right side of screen). "x": 270, // Y position (negative values - bind to bottom side of screen). "y": -255, // Width. "w": 500, // Height. "h": 1000, // Style of HPBar (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt). "format": "........", // Shows how much damage for HighCaliber medal needed "showHighCaliber": true } So what do you think? I would really love to see this feature added in XVM!
  8. please implement a way to change the text "Crew incomplete" & "In Battle" in carousel.xc and add a option to disable the default text formating it with the already available options (html) would be nice but even better would be the possibility to replace those text with an icon/image maybe as an macro, for example: {{v.crewstatus}} == > 'crewincomplete' for incomplete crew, 'inbattle' for crew in battle, empty for default (crew complete/not in battle) thank you in advance!
  9. +1 I would also like to see this implemented. If you use macros in the carousel the text "Crew incomplete" is overlapping. It would be nice if we could resize this text or even change it to an icon or something
  10. ok thank you it works! i hadnt tried it before because macros.txt doesnt show that it is available thank you!
  11. ok maybe i didnt made myself clear what i was talking about. i'm talking about macros like: {{c:wn8}} {{c:wn6}} {{c:xwn8}} {{c:xwn6}} so we can have the playername colored like in the playerspanel or statisticsform here is an example config with the {{c:wn8}} color macro for the playername and clan.. "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-3' tabstops='[13,48,87,130,238]'><b><font color='#B5B5B5'><font size='13'>×{{n-player}}: </font></font><font size='13'><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| <img src='xvm://configs/myconfig/icons/{{dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0' align='middle'><tab>| <font color='{{c:vtype}}' size='14' face='XVMSymbol'>{{vtype}}</font> <font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font><tab>| </b><font color='#F8F8F8'><font color='{{c:wn8}}'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font></font> <font size='12'>{{dead}}</font></font></textformat>",
  12. as requested (some time ago) here it would be nice to have statstic macros like wn8/eff/etc in hitlog. i'm sorry if this has already been requested but since i cant speek russian i'm unable to read the threads in this forum. please let me know if you guys are planning to implement statistic macros in the hitlog in the near future. regards
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