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Everything posted by Nanawatai

  1. Just upgraded to version 6.5.7 and I can confirm that these are working fine alongside this morning's mini-patch update: mouse-over works fine on Service Record screens switching/selecting equipment in garage is working no delay in loading Tech Tree
  2. Is it just me, or is there an issue with the armor values in tooltips.xc? (specifically, turretArmor and hullArmor) I am using a default copy of this file in my XVM config, copied straight from \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\default\, and all I see is skipped space where the information should be present: Something I'm doing wrong, or is this a known issue? Thanks/Спасибо!
  3. Thanks for your response, @scyorkie. I ended up disabling def.hitlogBody and modifying def.hitlogHeader like so: "hitlogHeader": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_DAMAGE_CAUSED, ON_PANEL_MODE_CHANGED", "x": 242, "y": -30, "width": 420, "height": 160, "screenVAlign": "bottom", "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 }, "format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}" // Format of the full hitlog (header and body) // "format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}" }, You were right - adding "screenVAlign" made all the difference. The only thing I couldn't figure out was the Y coordinate -- it took several tries before I landed it where I needed the hitlog to sit on the screen. I have no idea what the negative 30 pixels is in relation to. Thanks again.
  4. I am attempting to move my hitlog to the bottom left-hand corner, in the space where the current damage log resides (which is disabled now and will be moved elsewhere). In the past, I populated the "y" coordinate with a negative value so that it would hug the bottom of the screen regardless of screen resolution. Here was the code that I used: // X position (negative values - bind to right side of screen). "x": 250, // Y position (negative values - bind to bottom side of screen). "y": -100, // Width. "w": 400, // Height. "h": 100, // Number of lines with hits. Old lines will be pushed out. "lines": 4, // Log direction: up - lines will be added from up to down, down - from down to up. "direction": "down", However, that no longer seems to work. I've modified the two hitlog entries in battleLabelsTemplates.xc, like so: "hitlogHeader": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_DAMAGE_CAUSED, ON_PANEL_MODE_CHANGED", "x": 250, "y": -228, "width": 400, "height": 20, "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 }, "format": "{{hitlog-header}}" // Format of the full hitlog (header and body) // "format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}" }, "hitlogBody": { "enabled": true, "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": false, "updateEvent": "ON_DAMAGE_CAUSED, ON_PANEL_MODE_CHANGED", "x": 250, "y": -218, "width": 400, "height": 180, "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 }, "format": "{{hitlog-body}}" }, ... but when I use a negative integer in the "y" variable, the hitlog disappears from view. I noticed that def.damageLog uses Python macros for its X,Y assignments, but I don't think it will be suitable for my purpose. What do I need to do in order to place the hitlog in the bottom left corner, next to the damage status, and have it work for different users and their different screen resolutions? Is there a Python macro that will give me screen resolution width and height, allowing me to apply py:math.sub(a, b)? Спасибо, and thanks in advance.
  5. At the log in screen, there's a display of version information in the upper left-hand: The text reads: World of Tanks v. #363 | XVM 6.5.5 (WoT Now, what are the chances of me being able to append a string to the end of this line as a means of identifying or "branding" my mod's configuration? For example, so that it would now read: World of Tanks v. #363 | XVM 6.5.5 (WoT | GenericXVM Mod v.1.0 (by Nanawatai) ... indicating to users the configuration version that they are using. (I can see how popular modders like Aslain, J1mB0, Solo, etc., would find this useful.) Anyway, thought I would ask -- or suggest. :-)
  6. Ah, thank you gentlemen! Worked like a charm. I was able to consolidate all of my marker def.* values into marker.xc which cleaned things up immensely (using scyorkie's suggestion so that I could put everything in its own "def" section). Now, when I change a variable, I only need to change it in one place and the value is shared throughout all four files. For future reference, don't forget to modify your textField lists by doing the same: // Block of text fields (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt). "textFields": [ ${ "markers.xc":"def.iconEnemyTankWR" }, ${ "markers.xc":"def.tankName" }, ${ "markers.xc":"def.tankPtsInteger" }, ${ "markers.xc":"def.topTankers" }, ${ "markers.xc":"def.position" } ]
  7. I have attributes in all four markers files (AliveExtended, AliveNormal, DeadExtended, DeadNormal) that are the same. Is it possible to consolidate them somewhere, say like in markers.xc, where they can be in only one spot and easily read by all markers files? For example, I have the value "def.healthBar" defined in all four files and they share the same values. If I make a change to the healthBar in one file, I have to remember to make the same edit in the other three. I'd like the values for "healthBar" to exist in one location and in one entry. What is the easiest way of accomplishing this, or is there something that I can put at the beginning of markers.xc? Thank you in advance.
  8. That makes sense. And, of course, I haven't gotten around to editing the markersDead*.xc files yet. Thanks, konrad509.
  9. I have a possible bug that I wanted to mention, or maybe I'm editing the wrong entry in my custom XVM config? The problem is here in markersAliveNormal.xc: // Floating damage values. "damageText": { // false - disable / не отображать. "enabled": true, // Axis field coordinates "x": 0, "y": -67, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see macros.txt). "alpha": 100, "align": "center", // Font options. "textFormat": { "font": "Impact", // Font name "size": 18, // Font size // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see macros.txt). "color": null, "bold": false, // True - bold "italic": false // True - italic }, // Shadow options. "shadow": { // false - no shadow "enabled": true, "distance": 0, // (in pixels) / offset distance "angle": 45, // (0.0 .. 360.0) / offset angle "color": "0x000000", // "0xXXXXXX" / color "alpha": 100, // (0 .. 100) / opacity "blur": 3, // (0.0 .. 255.0) / blur "strength": 1 // (0.0 .. 255.0) / intensity }, // Rising speed of displayed damage (float up speed). "speed": 3, // Maximum distance of target for which damage rises. "maxRange": 50, // Text for normal damage (see description of macros in the macros.txt). "damageMessage": "{{dmg}}", // Text for ammo rack explosion (see description of macros in the macros.txt). "blowupMessage": "{{l10n:blownUp}}\n{{dmg}}" }, I have set up the font face as Impact, and for the most part, it works. When you deal damage to the enemy, you'll see the damage points float up correctly in the Impact font. However, when it comes to the killshot, the last number that is displayed when the enemy dies switches to $FieldFont. Likewise, the "Blown up!" message is displayed in $FieldFont as well (not Impact). Do I need to edit the font face elsewhere? I would assume the "font": "Impact" attribute in textFormat would be enough. I tried putting <font face='Impact'></font> in the "blowupMessage" field but there was no effect. Thanks in advance.
  10. Would it be possible to add a personal macro for the player that displays current number of shots fired? I would like to add this value to my config's Hit Log so that I can display the statistic showing the number of shots attempted versus shots that hit. And if possible, adding another macro showing the calculated hit ratio (shot attempts divided by shot hits) would be appreciated. Thank you, keep up the great work! ~ Nanawatai
  11. I was hoping to expand my config's hit log statistics and display number of shots fired compared to shots that hit. Does a macro exist that would display the number of times you've pulled the trigger, and if there isn't, how would I go about requesting such a attribute be created? Thanks, Nanawatai
  12. Surely OP must be joking. Some days I spend more time working on my clan's XVM config than playing the actual game... and I enjoy it! All the changes are documented in the changelog, readily available. It also helps to run a diff utility, comparing your XVM config to that of the default (which is kept updated throughout XVM releases).
  13. You could just edit minimap.xc and adjust the "iconScale" value to your liking. That might fix your issue, especially if you're running an older config that has a iconScale of less than 1. For the record, I used to run .8 on my XVM, but ended up changing it to 1 for XVM
  14. Has img:// been deprecated? It's still being used in, in the \configs\default\carousel.xc file, around line #72 ... // Extra cell fields (see playersPanel.xc). // Дополнительные поля ячеек (см. playersPanel.xc). "extraFields": [ // Sign of mastery. // Знак мастерства. { "x": -1, "y": 10, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>" } ]
  15. Having a similar problem, and I suspect it's the Halloween garage animation. Didn't notice any issues with 5.4.0.x before the seasonal hangar was introduced, and the scrolling was fine.
  16. Will do, thanks for letting me know. Also, big thanks for that solution there. Can't wait to implement it.
  17. @Dumadidak I tried for almost an hour to recreate the garage clock that you have in your first picture because I liked how it looked. I tried half a dozen different combinations, and ended up reverting back to my original format. I think the problem is that XVM is using the ActionScript 3.0 API and it's htmlText property is pretty limited. (See the reference here.) I thought I could create a table and use colspan to emulate stacked table cells, but htmlText doesn't support table formatting. Putting a <br> text break tag pushes everything down. I even changed around alignment and rotation, but that didn't get the desired effect. If you can figure this out, please let me know. In the meantime, I'll leave a copy of what I ended up with: { "clock": { // Show clock in hangar. "enabled": true, // Horizontal position. "x": -6, // Vertical position. "y": 53, // Width. "width": 200, // Height. "height": 33, // true - place at top of other windows, false - at bottom. "topmost": true, // Horizontal alignment of field at screen ("left", "center", "right"). "align": "right", // Vertical alignment of field at screen ("top", "center", "bottom"). "valign": "top", // Horizontal alignment of text in field ("left", "center", "right"). "textAlign": "right", // vertical alignment of text in field ("top", "center", "bottom"). "textVAlign": "center", // Transparency in percents [0..100]. "alpha": 100, // Rotation in degrees [0..360]. "rotation": 0, // If set, draw border with specified color ("0xXXXXXX"). "borderColor": null, // If set, draw background with specified color ("0xXXXXXX"). "bgColor": null, // If set, draw image at background. "bgImage": null, // Anti aliasing mode ("advanced" or "normal"). "antiAliasType": "advanced", // Macros available (case sensitive): // // {{Y}} - full year (4 digits) // {{MMM}} - full month name (January) // {{MM}} - short month name (Jan) // {{M}} - month number (1-12) // {{D}} - day number (1-31) // {{WW}} - full weekday name (Monday) // {{W}} - short weekday name (Mon) // {{h}} - hour // {{m}} - minute // {{s}} - second // {{H}} - hour in 12-hour format // {{AM|PM}} - AM/PM // Macros formatting allowed, for example: {{AM?a.m.|p.m.}} // // Clock format. "format": "<font color='#E5E4E1' face='$FieldFont' size='15'>{{WW}}, {{MM}} {{D%02d}}</font> <font color='#E6B34D' face='Impact' size='21'>{{H%02d}}:{{m%02d}}</font> <font color='#D9A640' face='Impact' size='14'>{{AM|PM}}</font>", // Shadow. "shadow": { // false - no shadow. "enabled": true, "distance": 0, // (in pixels) "angle": 0, // (0.0 .. 360.0) "color": "0x000000", // "0xXXXXXX" "alpha": 70, // (0 .. 100) "blur": 4, // (0.0 .. 255.0) "strength": 2 // (0.0 .. 255.0) } } } On another note, I had originally put my ping info and clock and the top bar the same way you did, but found out that it would not work with other users due to absolute positioning (x/y coordinates). Apparently the elements on the top bar uses relative positioning horizontally, and this changes due to the length of the player's name.
  18. I think you might want to try out the config that I created for my clan. It's called BadalXVM, and you can download it from here: http://clan4id.5gb.co/depot/?dir=BadalXVM (Please take the time to read the instructions and requirements found in the README.txt file, especially the notes on display resolution and native language.) This config is based on an XVM modification called SimpleVM that the author hasn't updated in a while. I've updated his code and customized aspects of it to suit my tastes and the needs of my clan. With a few exceptions, BadalXVM offers all the features that you requested in your original post. Let me know if it helps.
  19. The left [alt] key controls the toggle between the normal/extended player markers and the hitlog/hitpoints information. I cannot find any information on how to remap that key. I play my tank's directional control using the keypad on the right side of my keyboard, not the WASD keys. I am able to remap the minimap from left [ctrl] to right [ctrl], but unable to do the same for [alt]. Would it be possible to remap the [alt] key? I think this would be a good addition to hotkeys.xc. Thanks!
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