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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Kodak

  1. It works with plain xvm, sorry :( I will investigate further It was my (chat filter) mod actually. Lame... You can remove this thread if possible
  2. 12:42 I was using T near enemy position Message was correctly pointing to C5 location but instead of drawing circle around my aiming point - A1 cell was being selected Intended marker can be seen here: https://videos.files.wordpress.com/zZu1hWuV/arty_support_dvd.original.jpg (new in 9.18) python.log is clear as it is most probably problem in AS3 replay_last_battle.wotreplay
  3. I was trying to locate the issue without luck. On python side functionality is triggered by self.guiSessionProvider.shared.chatCommands.handleSPGAimAreaCommand(self) from within PlayerAvatar On AS3 side it is probably implemented as StaticArtyMarker and probably XVM's AS3 side somehow fails to implement this fairy new functionality Neither disabling minimap nor vehicle markers in xvm helps.
  4. It seems to me that xvm messes with functionality in subject (corner is selected instead of aiming point). Vanilla works fine.
  5. I have ended up using simpleWindow.swf which I am just now able to position it using x/y from python :/
  6. Hi, I would like to draw something from python. It is possible to use GUI.Window() with GUI.Text() for that purpose. I would like to use html formatting of the text but I am not able to find anything in GUI package providing access to htmlText method. Is it doable from python only without touching AS3?
  7. yes, thank you; as JPEXS AS capabilities are so limitted (I can;t export script from one file to import it in another one) I will probably look for other mod endeavours :) I highly prefer pure python ones...
  8. But it feels attractive to see results on the battlefield :) Hmm, how about copying battleResults.swf into inBattleResults.swf and putting all necessary code there? Normal results will stay untouched and this will be just used in the replay
  9. yes, thank you; i now see that battleResults.swf has no scripts; could i potencially try to patch battleResults.swf and copy codebase there from lobby.swf?
  10. ...but it is available in battleResults.swf which is being loaded during view creation; isn't that enough? Why battle.swf need to know anything about battle result window to be created? Isn't it python initiating flash object and adding it to existing battle app?
  11. net.wg.gui.lobby.* is just a namespace; I see no functional connection between battle result and the lobby itself Are there any possibilities to debug AS3 somehow?
  12. Hi, as wotreplay has battleResult structure inside one could use it to display BattleResultsWindow at the end of replay. I was able to trigger BattleResultsWindow creation using some tweaks but of course nothing shows up. For sure AS3 got stuck as python.log is clear. Any hints? def showReplayResultsWindow(): from helpers import dependency from skeletons.gui.battle_results import IBattleResultsService battleResults = dependency.instance(IBattleResultsService) battleResults.postResult( { hash with battle result }, False) from gui.Scaleform.daapi.settings.views import VIEW_ALIAS from gui.shared.utils.functions import getViewName arenaUniqueID = 2141373401651619 from gui.Scaleform.framework import g_entitiesFactories g_entitiesFactories.addSettings(GroupedViewSettings(VIEW_ALIAS.BATTLE_RESULTS, BattleResultsWindow, 'battleResults.swf', ViewTypes.WINDOW, 'BattleResultsWindow', None, ScopeTemplates.DEFAULT_SCOPE)) g_appLoader.getDefBattleApp().loaderManager.loadView(VIEW_ALIAS.BATTLE_RESULTS, getViewName(VIEW_ALIAS.BATTLE_RESULTS, str(arenaUniqueID)), {'arenaUniqueID': arenaUniqueID}) Using procmon I see that battleResults.swf with required swf files are being loaded...
  13. Hi, as I am having occasional lags I was trying to put more entries into pinger's hosts to have any idea whether ISP has problem or WG has it (basically putting a host or two from a traceroute to WG servers). I wanted to create a mod for it: import pinger and add some entries to _ping.hosts. I have done that successfully but all the ping info in the game still show only two (EU) entries. Can someone give me a hint what am i doing wrong here? Thanks in advance. ... Config routine try: from xvm_main.python.pinger import _ping except ImportError: _ping = None if _ping: del _ping.hosts[1] for entry in _config.get("hosts", []): _ping.hosts.append({ 'Name': 'WOT ' + str(entry.get('name', 'unknown')), 'Url': str(entry.get('url', 'localhost'))}) DOLOG("pinger hosts: %s" % str(_ping.hosts)) else: DOLOG("no _ping object available")
  14. It would be great to be able to add enemy's gun caliber to the vehicle marker f.e. E100 150mm We already have turret indicator pointing to the top gun but why not go for the gun itself? I know that this info is available after vehicle enters our world so it is doable
  15. As i see from commit logs rounding was removed from the code in favor of display formatting: try changing {{dmg-avg}} into {{dmg-avg%d}} made three battles today with 2838 with no crash sirmax: do you need any development support? I could try to involve having some 15 years of various development experience
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