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Everything posted by Andrew05

  1. Дак мы их и так совсем не учитываем?
  2. I'll get back to this shortly, this requires a long writing :)
  3. I'm not completely sure I have the exact understanding of what you mean. The previous poster has actually mentioned 2 issues, which are 2 seperate things: the first one is that it says his stats were updated, but he believes they are incorrect, most likely due to the fact that he had been playing on some tank(s) without expected values and some sites do count these battle, but XVM doesn't. The other issue is xTE not showing up for certain tanks. So, it would be better if we got a bit more details regarding your issue(s), so please specify which of them you have encountered and which tanks each of them involves.
  4. Hello, I'm a member of the XVM team, and to clear that one up, let me do a translation of seriych's post for you, thoroughly explaining this matter. Sometimes, when new tanks are added into the game, there are no WN expected values for them yet. WN ratings' devs don't have any regulations for such cases, which means that every service can choose a WN8 rating calculation method for such cases, using their own discretion. Formally, with the WN8 algorithm you are expected to use account's overall stats and divide them by the number of battles of the tanks that are present in the expected values table only. For example, if you have 1 battle on the MS-1 with 100 damage and 99 battles on some new tank (which doesn't have expected values assigned) with 100 damage as well, then the average damage, judging by the WN8's logic would be: (1*100+99*100)/1=10000). Obviously, this is a wrong method, nevertheless it was initially used by all the services, including XVM, until they encountered such an issue. For a player, this results in an enormous WN8 rating boost, but then (when the expected values for that tank(s) are added) WN8 all of a sudden drops dramatically. This issue can be solved with various methods, the major ones are the following: 1) Do not count unknown tanks (tanks with no expected values) at all 2) For unknows tanks - use certain independently (not by the WN ratings' team) calculated values (e.g., average values for tanks of the same tier and type). XVM (and some other services, like "kttc") use the first method. For the first time the solution was implemented in April-May, 2016, however, after some other problem's fix, the solution for the topic's issue stopped working, and the rating for new tanks started calculating wrong again (causing unreasonable growth again). By the end of August the WN8 calculation was fixed once more and now new tanks are not counted again. The most frequently asked question is "After my WN8 has dropped that much, will I get it back?" 1) Nobody has been reducing your WN8. It had been wrongly calculated before, which resulted in it's unreasonable significant increase. Here's a real example of such an increase: As we can see, it is increasing not because of "hard working" like the "victims" claim, but it is increasing by itself, no matter how good or bad you play. Even 1 (one) average dmg is enough for the rating to grow. And after the fix, it only gets back to what it should be. 2) After the tanks are added to WN expected values table, all these tanks stats are counted in the calculation, and the rating can again go up or down, depending on how good you were playing on these tanks, in comparison to the overall play on your account.
  5. From what you've said, I assume you are using the latest stable version of XVM. Please note, that due to in-battle interface moving from ActionScript2 to ActionScript3 language, everything needs to be completely redone in XVM, and the minimap hasn't been done yet. Please wait for the next release, which hopefully is coming out soon. Though, the features you are talking about have been already added to the default WG client and can be enabled in the in-game options. But unfortunately they cannot be customized.
  6. Пожалуйста, внимательно ознакомьтесь с данным постом
  7. Are you aware of the fact that the minimap is not finished yet? If were you, I would rather wait for the release version with the minimap completely redone.
  8. Ответ на ваш вопрос вы найдете в данной статье: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/14181-%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F-xvm-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8B-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8/
  9. No, there has been a fix, to prevent unreasonably high WN8 stats for tanks without WN expected values. Currently, XVM (and some other stats sites) doesn't count battles on tanks without expected values at all. Once the values for these tanks come out, all the battles on them will be counted and calculated.
  10. Нет, это, вероятнее всего, результат фикса, который исправил отображение завышенного рейтинга WN8 для танков без ожидаемых значений.
  11. Бои на танке Skorpion будут учтены в полной мере, как только для данного танка выйдут ожидаемые значения WN, а это, вероятно, произойдет не в самое ближайшее время
  12. Yes, it is. In markers config files you should increase the text "size", which can be found in "textFormat" sections of the corresponding features that are displayed (for the ones you want to be increased, of course).
  13. Чифтейн есть в таблице ожидаемых значений. Я думал, что и об.257 есть, но, по всей видимости, перепутал его с другим объектом. Был сделан фикс, исправляющий завышенный расчет рейтинга WN8 для танков, отсутствующих в таблице ожидаемых значений. В вашем случае, судя по всему, это произошло для танка Об.257
  14. Не волнуйтесь, всё что вы сейчас катаете никуда не пропадет и будет учитываться при рассчете. Вырастут ваши общие показатели на аккаунте или нет будет зависеть от того, насколько эффективна будет ваша игра на данном танке.
  15. Команда XVM не занимается "рассчетами рейтинга" WN8 и/или ожидаемых значений. Никаких изменений касательно названных вами танков не было. Нет ли у вас, случайно, танка Scorpion на аккаунте?
  16. Потому что необходимо время на сбор статистики по данному танку для рассчета xTE по нему.
  17. It is wrong because the percentile values provided are incorrect for respective rating values apparently.
  18. The first question should be addressed to those who made this table, I guess. The percentile numbers don't affect the color.xc file in any way. Only rating values matter. The percentile numbers are provided for information.
  19. Ok let's try to figure out what you want, because it is not possible with what you said. There is no percentage for default "markersAliveNormal.xc". So do you want the HP to be changed to percentage? Or what? I can see you have a bit of a struggle with English, but still, try to explain so that we could understand.
  20. Note that the percentile numbers are incorrect.
  21. Done. If you want something changed, let me know. The default Dead configs should be okay, no need for editing I guess. You're welcome markersAliveNormal.xc markersAliveExtended.xc
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