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  1. Thanks for having a look, although that screenshot wasn't it. Thanks again, I think I'll leave it for now. Regards Hi, I have my config working. One last question, is it possible to split the config an easy way so I end up with it in separate files e.g. battle.xc, hangar.xc etc. Or does this have to be done manually? Thanks for help so far. Regards
  2. Hi, I've loaded in my old xvm.xvnconfig file amd then saved it, which simply gave me one xvm.xc file. I thought it would give me a series of split files? Anyway I tried placing the new xvm.xc file into \res_mods\xvm but when I start the game it isn't loaded at all? Anyone have any idea what I've missed? Thanks & Regards
  3. Sorry, for what seem like a stupid question, but what editor? Thanks & Regards
  4. Many thanks. Is that all, do I need to remove or edit the xvm.xc that's currently in there? Thanks & Regards
  5. Hi, Many thanks. Do you know if the old 'xvm.xvmconfig' files can still be used, and if so, where does it need to be placed? Thanks & Regards
  6. Hi & Good Evening, Is there a user guide that details all the available tags, elements (if that's what they are called?) that can be used for creating configs? I know you can download examples that others have made, but I was after a full listing, if there's such a thing? Many thanks & regards
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