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Korean Random


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Everything posted by hatefield

  1. thank you... I feel really stupid now probably not researching my problem as much as I could have :(
  2. Here is my problem -after the patch deleted my old addons from wot and fresh installed xvm 4.0.0 from the site -I went to the xvm config editor and saved a config that suits me (tried both full config save and simple save) -copied the config files (tried with both simple and full config save) to my D:\wot\res_mods\0.8.6\gui\flash folder (where I have wot installed) and checked to see if the file was there and it was -loaded the game using xvm stat 1.5.0 and when in game the xvm config file used was the default one. -when I checked xvm stat I saw that , so it didn't load my config because a file xvm.xvmconfig was missing. As when I searched I didn't find any file in xvm 4.0.0 I want to know how I can fix this problem and get xvm to work with my config. here is my full xvm config file http://www.uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1371676551 xvm.xc
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