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Platoon information


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As XVM can gather data to show spotted enemies remaining health, is it possible, to display one/two healthbars for my platoonmates to see how much health they have left? If XVM isn't gathering teammates health, then sorry for suggesthing this. Sometimes we are far away from each other on the map and it would be quicker to know the situation than asking my mates how much HP do they have especially, if we are discussing tactics or something on TS.

Here is an image to show what I was thinnking:


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@Muerte92, what if you look at their markers?

I usually ask them on TS, it's even faster than checking the health ingame, but if there is some action going on, I prefer focusing on my enemies instead of moving the camera. It would be easier just to look over the chat. And I would not disturb their focus.

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