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Setting up Player panels to look like default XVM

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can anyone help me how to set up XVM player panels like on the pictures. Basicly its default XVM look when I download it, but when i put my config file it changes it and I dont know how to change it back. So basically I will upload my Config file and will only want to change look of those player pannels and have flags etc like on the picture, markers and all other things are configured by me and I am happy with them.


Thanks :)    PS first 6 pictures is how i wont my panels to look, and last 6 pictures how they look when i put my config file...














Edited by Gh0st92x
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I wanted player pannels to look exactly like on first 6 images I posted (without flags and yellow X), here they look similar, but nvm this will do also, thanks :)

Also i tried to edit to show WN8 regular not 0-100 and it wont change I tried to switch all WN8 values in pannels but always stays 0-100 and it changes color when i put cwn8 and i tried cxwn8

ps here my new config only those nasty pannels wont work


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No not winrate, WN8 but from 0-100 wn8 not for example wn8 of 2050 is 75 it just calculates wn8 from 0 to 100

if i understood correctly, you want provided screens with 'battleLoading', 'statisticForm', 'playersPanel' to look like default?

in such case, open your config file. supposed you have default config files in 'default' sub-folder, replace following:

  "battleLoading": {
    "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 },
    "clockFormat": "H:i:s",
    "formatLeftNick": "{{name}}{{clan}}",
    "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}}<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{xwn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font></font>",
    "formatRightNick": "{{name}}{{clan}}",
    "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'><font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{xwn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}",
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "showBattleTier": false,
    "showChances": false
  "statisticForm": {
    "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 },
    "formatLeftNick": "{{nick}}",
    "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}}<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{xwn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font></font>",
    "formatRightNick": "{{nick}}",
    "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'><font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{xwn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}",
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "showBattleTier": false,
    "showChances": false,
    "showChancesLive": false
  "playersPanel": {
    "alpha": 60,
    "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 },
    "enemySpottedMarker": {
      "Xoffset": -22,
      "Yoffset": -2,
      "enabled": false,
      "format": {
        "artillery": { "dead": "", "lost": "", "neverSeen": "", "revealed": "" },
        "dead": "",
        "lost": "",
        "neverSeen": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"24\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">*</FONT>",
        "revealed": ""


  "battleLoading": ${"default/battleLoading.xc":"battleLoading"},
  "statisticForm": ${"default/statisticForm.xc":"statisticForm"},
  "playersPanel": ${"default/playersPanel.xc":"playersPanel"},
Edited by Helkar
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Finally yea it changes player panels just exactly I want it to be, but it also changes my player markes and hitlog and I cant open later XVM config in online configurator.

here few screenshots: first two screenshots shows how it changes player markers when i put those lines of code you suggested to me (1. picture normal, 2, alternate, when press Alt), and last two screens show how i want them to look (also 1. picture normal, 2. alternate, when press Alt), problem is I cant split those two either if player pannels look like default it also changes other things like hitlog and player markers :(







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Finally yea it changes player panels just exactly I want it to be, but it also changes my player markes and hitlog and I cant open later XVM config in online configurator.


here few screenshots: first two screenshots shows how it changes player markers when i put those lines of code you suggested to me (1. picture normal, 2, alternate, when press Alt), and last two screens show how i want them to look (also 1. picture normal, 2. alternate, when press Alt), problem is I cant split those two either if player pannels look like default it also changes other things like hitlog and player markers :(

you have an error there:


  "playersPanel": {
    "playersPanel": ${"default/playersPanel.xc":"playersPanel"},
    "iconAlpha": 100,
    "large": {
      "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate\u00252d~\u0025|--\u0025}}</font> {{nick}}",
      "nickFormatRight": "{{nick}} <font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate\u00252d~\u0025|--\u0025}}</font>",
      "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
      "vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
      "width": 170
    "medium": {
      "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{nick}}</font>",
      "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{nick}}</font>",
      "width": 46
    "medium2": {
      "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
      "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
      "width": 65
    "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false,
    "removeSquadIcon": false
  "fragCorrelation": { "hideTeamTextFields": true },
  "hotkeys": { "minimapZoom": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 17, "onHold": true } },
  "hitLog": {
    "visible": true,
    "x": 180,
    "blowupMarker": "<font face='Wingdings'>M</font>",
    "deadMarker": "<font face='Wingdings'>N</font>",
    "defaultHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font size='13'>#0</font>",
    "direction": "down",
    "formatHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font size='13'>#{{n}}</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Total}}: </font><b>{{dmg-total}}</b>  <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Last}}:</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b> {{dead}}</font>",
    "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-4' tabstops='[20,50,90,180]'><font size='12'>Ч{{n-player}}:</font><tab><font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| {{dmg-player}}<tab>|<font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}} {{dead}}</font><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|{{nick}}</font></textformat>",
    "groupHitsByPlayer": true,
    "h": 1000,
    "hpLeft": {
      "enabled": true,
      "format": "<textformat leading='-4' tabstops='[50,90,180]'><font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>     {{hp}}</font><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>/ </font>{{hp-max}}<tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|</font><font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}}</font><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|{{nick}}</font></textformat>",
      "header": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:hpLeftTitle}}</font>"
    "insertOrder": "end",
    "lines": 0,
    "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 5, "strength": 150 },
    "w": 500,
    "y": 38

should be only this:

"playersPanel": ${"default/playersPanel.xc":"playersPanel"},
Edited by Helkar
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nothing again it returnes evertyhing on default including hitlog and markers. But nevermind really can you just help me one more thing to set up on my config to show 4 digit wn8 (I menaged in online configurator to switch from 2 digit to 4 digit WN8 but only on loading screen but on player panels I also change c:xwn8 to c:wn8 but it changes nothing take a look)





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