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Sixth Sense icon not centered

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I have this problem with the Sixth Sense icon.


When i play without XVM the Sixth Sense is centered.



When i install XVM with the default config the icon is moved to the left



When i use my personal config the icon is moved to the right



This is the Sixth Sense part of my elements.xc file

'Sixth Sense Code'

// Sixth sense lamp
        // Лампа шестого чувства
            "$delay": 100,
            // Sixth sense lamp duration (in milliseconds). Example: "sixthSenseDuration": 7000,
            // Время горения лампочки шестого чувства (в миллисекундах). Например: "sixthSenseDuration": 7000,
            "sixthSenseDuration": 9000,
            // Sixth sense lamp
            // Лампа шестого чувства
            "sixthSenseIndicator": {
                // To use some settings in this section, you may need to remove "//" before "$interval". Reduces the performance!
                // Чтобы использовать некоторые настройки этой секции, может понадобиться удалить "//" перед "$interval". Снижает производительность!
                "$interval": 0,
                "_alpha": 100,
                "_x": "WIDTH / 2",
                "_y": 70


This is driving me crazy.


I play with a resolution of 1680x1050 on window mode = 1680x987


It does the same on full screen mode.



Does this happens to anyone else?


Attached is my personal elements.xc config


Edited by wotpt.tk
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try to remove this line from your config:

"_x": "WIDTH / 2",

And why do you use "$inteval"? It degrades performance.

When i install XVM with the default config the icon is moved to the left

Did you change window size after starting battle?

Edited by sirmax
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try to remove this line from your config:

And why do you use "$inteval"? It degrades performance.

removing that line calls the default _X location and moves the icon to the left like in image 2


Did you change window size after starting battle?

No. I use this window size everytime. I even deleted the \AppData|Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\ folder to check if there was some weird or old config file messing this up, but it didn´t change anything.

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