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How to add eff to marker

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Can you tell me how to add eff to marker
You need to find markersAliveNormal.xc file and "textFields" section in it.
There you have to add one more field with same parameters, but different values for them. "format" should be like "{{eff%4d}}" (russian guide for macros formats) and the coordinates may be adjusted via testing on a replay. They will be different for ally and enemy sections.
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i have found markersAliveNormal.xc 


but i dont know where to add One more field parameters with Same, But Different values



================================================== =========================================


* Options for Alive without Alt Markers.
* /
"damageText": {// Floating Damage values.
"visible": True, false // - disable
"x": 0, // Axis field coordinates X
"y": - 90, // Axis field coordinates Y
"Alpha": 100, // Opacity (transparency allowed Dynamic, See README-EN.txt).
"color": "{{C:}} dmg", // Color (Dynamic colors allowed, See README-EN.txt).
"font": {
"name": "$ FieldFont", // Font name
"Size": 18, // Font Size
"align": "center", // Text alignment (left, center, right)
"bold": false, // True - bold
"Italic": false // True - Italic
"Shadow": {
"Alpha": 100, // Opacity
"color": "0x000000 "// color
"angle": 90, // Offset angle
"Distance": 0, // Offset Distance
"Size": 6, //
"strength": 200 // Intensity
"Speed": 3 / / Rising Speed ​​of Displayed Damage (float up Speed).
"Maxrange": 80, // Maximimum Distance of target for Damage Which Rises.
"damageMessage": "{{}} dmg", // Text for normal Damage (See description of macros in the README-EN.txt).
"blowupMessage": "{{l10n: blownUp}}" // Text for ammo explosion Rack (See description of macros in the README-EN.txt).
"contourIconPool" : {
"x": 6,
"y": -75,
"color": null,
"Alpha": 100,
"amount": 0
"vehicleIconPool": {
"scaleX": 0,
"x": 0 ,
"y": -23,
"color": null,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 200,
"color": "0x000000",
"Distance": 0,
"Size": 6,
"Alpha": 100 ,
"angle": 45
"scaleY": 16,
"maxScale": 80,
"showSpeaker": false,
"Alpha": 100
"HelpSupportPool": {
"name": "Help / Support Icon",
" x ": 0,
"y": -18,
"Alpha": 100,
"scaleY": 16,
"maxScale": 15,
"Maxrange": 40,
"scaleX": 0
"NicknamePool": {
"name ":" Nickname ",
"x": 0,
"y": -51,
"color": null,
"Format": "{{}} Nick",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength "1320,
"Alpha": 50,
"Distance": 1,
"Size": 5,
"color": "0x000000",
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name ":" $ FieldFont ",
"Size": 12,
"align": "center",
"Italic": false
"TanknamePool": {
"name": "Tankname",
"x": 0,
"y ": -62,
"color": null,
"Format": "{{}} Vehicle",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 1320,
"color": "0x000000",
"Distance ": 1,
"Size": 5,
"Alpha": 50,
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name": "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 12
" align ":" center ",
"Italic": false
"HP / HP-MaxPool": {
"name": "HP / HP-Max",
"x": 0,
"y": -32,
" color ":" 0xFFFFFF ",
// "Format": "{{}} hp / hp-{{}} Max",
"Format": "{{}} hp",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow" : {
"strength": 200,
"color": "0x000000",
"Distance": 1,
"Size": 6,
"Alpha": 60,
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name": "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 11,
"align": "center",
"Italic": false
"HP-RatioPool": {
"name": "HP-Ratio",
"x": 0,
"y": -32,
"color": "0xFFFFFF",
"Format": "{{hp}}-ratio \ u0025",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength ": 200,
"color": "0x000000",
"Distance": 1,
"Size": 6,
"Alpha": 60,
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name ":" $ FieldFont ",
"Size": 11,
"align": "center",
"Italic": false
"QuickColorMarkerPool": {
"name": "QuickColorMarker",
"visible": True,
"y ": -31 // 24
"color": null,
"Format": "\ u005C",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 200,
"color": "0x000000",
"Distance ": 1,
"Size": 2,
"Alpha": 100,
"angle": 90
"font": {
"bold": True,
"name": "Webdings",
"Size": 9,
"align ":" center ",
"Italic": false
"TurretMarkerPool": {
"name": "Turret Marker stok / top",
"x": 0,
"y": -75,
"color": null,
"Format": "{{}} Turret",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 200,
"Alpha": 100,
"Distance": 0,
"Size": 6,
"color" : "0x000000",
"angle": 90
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name": "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 13,
"Italic": false,
"align": "center "
"OverallRatingPool": {
"name": "Overall Rating for All appliances",
"x": 0,
"y": -62,
"color": "{{C:}} kb",
"Format ":" {{kb% 2.0d ~ k | --k}} {{wn8% 4.0d | ----}} {{eff% 4.0d | ----}} {{rating% 2.0d ~ % | -%}} ",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 1320,
"Alpha": 50,
"Distance": 1,
"Size": 5,
"color ":" 0x000000 ",
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name": "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 11,
"align": "center",
"Italic" : false
"NumberFightsTankPool": {
"name": "Number of fights on this Tank",
"x": -32,
"y": -10,
"color": "{{C: T-battles} } ",
"Format": "{{T-battles% 4.0d | ----}}",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength": 1320,
"Alpha": 50,
"Distance ": 1,
"Size": 5,
"color": "0x000000",
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name": "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 11 ,
"align": "center",
"Italic": false
"WinningPercentageTankPool": {
"name": "Winning percentage for this Tank",
"x": 32,
"y": -10,
"color" : "{{C: T-Rating}}",
"Format": "{{T-2.0D Rating% ~% | -%}}",
"Alpha": 100,
"Shadow": {
"strength" 1320,
"Alpha": 50,
"Distance": 1,
"Size": 5,
"color": "0x000000",
"angle": 45
"font": {
"bold": false,
"name" : "$ FieldFont",
"Size": 11,
"align": "center",
"Italic": false
"clanIconPool": {
"x": 0,
"y": -90,
"Alpha": 100,
"H": 24,
"W": 24
"actionMarkerPool": {
"x": 0,
"y": -115,
"Alpha": 100
"levelIconPool": {
"x": 0 ,
"y": -31,
"Alpha": 100
"healthBarPool": {
"x": -47,
"y": -50,
"color": null,
"Lcolor": null,
"Damage": {
"Alpha": 80,
"color": "0xFFFFFF",
"fade": 2
"width": 90,
"border": {
"color": "0x000000",
"Alpha": 80,
"Size" 2
"Alpha": 100,
"height": 2,
"fill": {
"Alpha": 80
"Ally": {
"contourIcon": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "contourIconPool"},
"visible": false
"vehicleIcon": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "vehicleIconPool"},
"visible": True
"textfields": [
"$ ref": {"path": "TanknamePool"}, ally /// - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {"path": "NicknamePool"}, /// ally - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {" path ":" HP / HP-MaxPool "}, /// ally - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {"path": "HelpSupportPool"}, /// ally - Alive - normal
"visible": True,
"Format": " "
"$ ref": {"path": "TurretMarkerPool"}, /// ally - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"clanIcon": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "clanIconPool"},
"visible": false
"actionMarker": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": " actionMarkerPool "},
"visible": True
"levelIcon": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "levelIconPool"},
"visible": false
"healthbar": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "healthBarPool"},
"visible": True
"damageText": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": { "path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.damageMessage"},
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.blowupMessage"}
"damageTextPlayer": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.damageMessage"} ,
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.blowupMessage"},
"color": "0xFFDD33"
"damageTextSquadman": {/// ally - Alive - normal
"$ ref": { "path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.damageMessage"},
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "ally.blowupMessage"} ,
"color": "0x9900FF"
"Enemy": {
"contourIcon": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "contourIconPool"},
"visible": false
} ,
"vehicleIcon": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "vehicleIconPool"},
"visible": True
"textfields": [
"$ ref": {"path ":" TanknamePool "}, /// Enemy - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {"path": "NicknamePool"}, /// Enemy - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {"path": "HP / HP-MaxPool"}, /// Enemy - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"$ ref": {"path": " HelpSupportPool "}, /// Enemy - Alive - normal
"visible": True,
"Format": "<img src='img://../xvm/res/icons/help/s{{c:hp-ratio}}.png' width='50' height='50'>"

"$ ref": {"path": "TurretMarkerPool"}, /// Enemy - Alive - normal
"visible": True
"clanIcon": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "clanIconPool"},
"visible": false
"actionMarker": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "actionMarkerPool"},
"visible": True
"levelIcon": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "levelIconPool"},
"visible": false
"healthbar": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "healthBarPool"},
"visible": True
"damageText": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "enemy.damageMessage"},
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc ":" enemy.blowupMessage "}
"damageTextPlayer": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc ":" enemy.damageMessage "},
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "enemy.blowupMessage"},
"color": "0xFFDD33"
"damageTextSquadman": {/// Enemy - Alive - normal
"$ ref": {"path": "damageText"},
"damageMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc": "enemy.damageMessage"},
"blowupMessage": $ {"Various / DamageBlowup.xc ":" enemy.blowupMessage "},
"color": "0x9900FF"

Edited by ufbreuf
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@ufbreuf, it was not a good idea to post this wall of text here. Edit it with a spoiler at least, please.
But a good way is to attach a file, not post it's content.
In your custom config the text fields are firstly declared and then substituted via links to their proper places. You may add one more declaration and substitution or simply declare the text field in the place it should be. This place is inside the "textfields": [...] array.

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can someone do this for me please
If you want that way, it's better to attach the file. Are you sure you'we copied from the correct file? Formats like  "Format": "{{}} Nick", are wrong and they will not show up the markers like you have on the screenshot.
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