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battleLoading.xc issue

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I have changed the battleLoading.xc file to show wn8 instead of xwn8 and works the way I want it during battle loading (as per 'Battleloading.jpg'). However when in battle and I use the TAB button to view the stats it shows xwn8 and not wn8 (as per 'when tabbed.jpg'). Am I missing something obvious? or is the settings for the Tab button elsewhere?


"formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}}<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%}}</font></font>",
    // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt).
    // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. readme-ru.txt).
    "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Lucida Console' size='12'><font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}"


Using xvm 5.4.1-dev 3397






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