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Korean Random


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  1. thx :) i nearly watched about 1 hour for myself, but didn't find it... ;)
  2. Hi... The link in the "minimapCircles.xc" sample config is broken: // Special circles dependent on vehicle type. // Many configuration lines for the same vehicle make many circles. // Only artillery top gun range by default. // See other vehicle types at: // http://code.google.com/p/wot-xvm/source/browse/trunk/src/xvm/src/wot/utils/VehicleInfoData2.as // Artillery gun fire range may differ depending on vehicle angle relative to ground // and vehicle height positioning relative to target. These factors are not considered.Where can i get the actual names for the new (8.6) Artis?
  3. Try to start it as Admin if you don't already so it...
  4. Hio... i have some Problems using a custom Macro, like it's shown in issue #171 (http://code.google.com/p/wot-xvm/issues/detail?id=171) I want to use some symbols for dmgtypes config file is like that: // Hit log (my hits calculator) "hitLog": { "enabled": true, // on/off switch "x": 285, // X position (negative values - bind to right side of screen) "y": 5, // Y position (negative values - bind to bottom side of screen) "w": 500, // Width "h": 1000, // Height "lines": 15, // Number of lines. Old lines will be pushed out "direction": "down", // Log direction: up - lines will be added from up to down, down - from down to up. "insertOrder": "end", // Insert order: begin - insert new values to begin, end - add to end "groupHitsByPlayer": true, // group hits by players name // Substitution for {{dead}} macro when tank is dead "deadMarker": "<font face='Wingdings'>N</font>", "blowupMarker": "<font face='Wingdings'>M</font>", // Hits header format, including last hit (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt) "formatHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Hits:</font> <font size='13'>#{{n}}</font> <font size='0{{vehicle}}'><b>{{dmg-total}}</b> <font color='#FFFFFF'>Last:</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b>{{m:dmgsymb}{{dead}}</font></font>", "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-6' tabstops='[20,60,120,145]'><font size='10'>#</font>{{n-player}}<tab>|<font color='#DD3333'><b>{{dmg-player}}</b></font><tab>|<font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>|<font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dead}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}}</font> <font size='10'>{{name}}<font color='#999999'>{{clan}}</font></font>", "shadow": { // Shadow options "alpha": 100, // Opacity "color": "0x000000", // Color "angle": 45, // Offset angle "distance": 0, // Offset distance "size": 5, // Size "strength": 150 // Intensity } },and the macro is inserted at the entire bottom of the file: [normal stuff from XVM Config up here] }, { "name": "dmgsymb", "type": "dmg-kind", "values": [ [ "attack", "<font face='Wingdings'>\u00B1</font>" ], [ "fire", "<font face='Webdings'>\u0066</font>" ], [ "ramming", "<font face='Webdings'>\u008D</font>" ], [ "world_collision", "<font face='Webdings'>\u00FC</font>" ], [ "other", "?" ] ] }i also tried in a macros section like the colors section but it doesn't work... where do i have to write the custom macros?
  5. ah okay... :) [edit] perhaps it would be nice, if we could use table tags in the hitlogs, as far it is even possible, i tried but it hasn't shown anything then...
  6. hi, I use {{teff}} in my configs, but it isn't working any more (it worked already some time ago). Is there anything wrong with it? It only shows -- My config entries: // Parameters of the Battle Statistics Form "statisticForm": { "showChances": true, // true - Enable display of "chance to win" (only with XVM-full). "showChancesExp": false, // Show experimental "chance to win" formula "removeSquadIcon": false, // true - Disable Platoon icons. This blank space can house, for example, clan logos. // Display options for Team/Clan logos (see battleLoading above) "clanIcon": { "show": true, "x": 0, "y": 6, "xr": 0, "yr": 6, "h": 16, "w": 16, "alpha": 90 }, // Display format for the left Players Panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt) "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}}</font> <font size='10'>B:<font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font> E:<font color='{{c:e}}'>{{teff}}</font> R:<font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{t-rating}}</font></font>", // Display format for the right Players Panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt) "formatRight": "<font size='10'>B:<font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font> E:<font color='{{c:e}}'>{{teff}}</font> R:<font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{t-rating}}</font></font> <font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>" },
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