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Korean Random


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  1. Hi, I have some issues with xvm, I managed it to work, but statistics are not showing during the battleloading screen, I used the online config and I do have it enabled but stats are not showing, I used someone else configand the stats where on loading screen but the problem is that many people have very modified configs which I dont want, anyone can tell me what am I doing wrong? I have everything I want working except the loading screen, I attach the xvm folder, if anyone would be so kind and have a look at it xvm.rar
  2. Can anyone tell me how to disable the capture bar? I prefer it the way it was, without the info of how much tanks are capping and time left, I just want the standard green bar :) I turned in the config file to false in the line capture bar but it didn't work, on/off either, what should I do?
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