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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Tobold

  1. If I compare the WN8 expected values today ( https://modxvm.com/en/wn8-expected-values/ ) with those from a month ago ( https://modxvm.com/en/wn8-expected-values-by-date/ ), I see that they haven't changed by much. Not even in the low tiers. For example a tier I 4TP still has an expected value of close to 200, like before. However, that 4TP now has 235 health instead of 110, so I would have expected patch 1.9 to result in a big change to WN8 expected values. Can anyone enlighten me on how the WN8 expected values are updated, and whether we can expect to see big changes? How would that affect existing WN8 player ratings? Is XVM able to make a difference between a player's pre-patch and post-patch games? Or is that going to be a mess, because there are only average data available, and how good XVM thinks that you were in your 4TP depends on how many of those games were before or after the patch?
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