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Korean Random


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Everything posted by kordiks

  1. Thanks, it works :) Could You tell me what exactly You changed so next time I don't have to bother You again?
  2. Could You put it in less complicated form? :D What to copy/paste and where?
  3. The thing is I want to use my own scales :) Am doing something wrong in those lines?
  4. What's wrong with this? Colors in game are not even close to what I want them to be. Very bad ends somewhere at 485. Please help :) // Custom dynamic colors by ratings. // If you want use your own color scales, // uncomment this block and replace "rating_name" to one of this values: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" // Динамический цвет по указанному рейтингу. // Если вы хотите использовать свои собственные границы цветов вместо стандартных, // раскомментируйте блок и замените "rating_name" на одно из следующих значений: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" "wn8": [ { "value": 850, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 0 - 500 - very bad { "value": 1000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, // 501 - 1000 - bad { "value": 1450, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, // 1001 - 2000 - normal { "value": 1800, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, // 2001 - 3000 - good { "value": 2300, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 3001 - 5000 - very good { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } // 5001 - 99999 - unique ], // Dynamic color by win percent // Динамический цвет по проценту побед colors.xc
  5. It works :) How can I change the values and the color of lightbulb on the right hand side?
  6. Can anyone show an example of what it should look like? :)
  7. I set it to WN8 on modxvm.com. The problem is the wrong color scale. I have no idea what {{c:r}} or {{c:wn8}} is xD colors.xc Sadly I'd managed to reinstall fresh xvm before You replied :(
  8. Hello I'd like to change xvm color ratings. I set is a shown and it does not work. Any ideas? P.S. I'm very BAD at this so don't blame me xD // Custom dynamic colors by ratings. // If you want use your own color scales, // uncomment this block and replace "rating_name" to one of this values: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" // Динамический цвет по указанному рейтингу. // Если вы хотите использовать свои собственные границы цветов вместо стандартных, // раскомментируйте блок и замените "rating_name" на одно из следующих значений: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" "wn8": [ { "value": 900, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 0 - 900 - very bad { "value": 1100, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, // 901 - 1100 - bad { "value": 1450, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, // 1101 - 1450 - normal { "value": 1850, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, // 1451 - 1850 - good { "value": 2500, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1851 - 2500 - very good { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } // 2501 - 99999 - unique ],
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