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Korean Random


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Everything posted by TheDiamondBladeHD

  1. Now the font for the enemy changed back to normal, but why is the font for the allied vehicles still different?
  2. Does anyone have the 1.9.x.x fontconfig.xml? It has been edited in this update so it has to be the reason.
  3. @BuSH The old font is UniversCond. I have found it already but don't know how to change it back.
  4. Where can i find the the config for the fonts? Is it res/gui/flash/fontconfig.xml? I don't know what does what in the file so I left it as is for now. <fontconfig.xml> <gameface> <deffontfamily>Warhelios</deffontfamily> </gameface> <config> <name>All</name> <fontlib>fonts_sd.swf</fontlib> <map> <alias> <embedded>$TitleFont</embedded> <runtime>ZurichCondBold</runtime> </alias> <alias> <embedded>$FieldFont</embedded> <runtime>ZurichCond</runtime> </alias> <alias> <embedded>$TextFont</embedded> <runtime>Tahoma</runtime> </alias> <alias> <embedded>$UniversCondC</embedded> <runtime>UniversCondC</runtime> </alias> </map> </config> </fontconfig.xml>
  5. Hello, I have noticed that the font of the player panel was changed. I do not like this change and would like to revert it myself. Or is this just temporary and will it be reverted back in a stable release? This here is the new font: This here is the old font: Or tell me if i'm just crazy and that nothing was changed if that was the case :) xvm.log
  6. I just ran the 32 bit client, yet still the same problem. python.log
  7. Hello, I just installed the latest nightly XVM, but it doesn't load at all. I used the installer like always and everything in the XVM folder should be loaded, but it doesn't. This problem only occurred with XVM, since a mod for playing on multiple servers works with no problems. This is the first time XVM didn't load since I began using this service. The log also didn't show anything suspicious. Also, a non-XVM related thing is that the screenshots I took for this post weren't saved in the normal directory. python.log xvm.log
  8. The Nightly version is quite stable, but the damage log in battle has a little bit of a delay, ~3 seconds. If you can't play without xvm, you can use the Nightly version.
  9. Hello, recently, i've noticed that many national flags of the players are gone. Why did this happen, and will they be readded? Thanks.
  10. Hi, for a few days now, i had this problem. always when I install xvm, the shift key doesn't get recognized anymore. when i start wot in safe mode, the problem is solved, but is there a way to solve this without uninstalling xvm? It had no problems till now!
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