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Posts posted by Zavar

  1. I use this in my XVM config for the players panel

        	// BotMarker
    		"BotMarker": {
    			"enabled": true,
    			"bindToIcon": false,
    	  		"x": -1,
    	  		"y": 0,
    	  		"textFormat": { "font": "xvm", "color": "#DCDCDC", "bold": "false", "size": 20, "align": "left" },
    	  		"format": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name={{py:replace('{{name}}', ':', '')}}?|&#x72;}}</font>"


    • Upvote 6

  2. It's similar, but not what I was looking for.  My understanding is that {{c:dmg-kind}} returns the actual color assigned in colors.xc for the dynamic color by damage kind, i.e. from the dmg_kind: shot, fire, ramming, etc.  The {{dmg-kind-key}} returns that actual key name that is being applied for the damage kind instead of the color.


    I'm looking for the equivalent for the {{c:dmg}} which is based on the damage source i.e. alley, enemy, etc. and returns the color (i.e. ally_enemy_hit -> red).  I want an equivalent function say {{dmg-source-key}} to return the key, not the color, so if an alley is shooting and hits an enemy it should return alley_enemy_hit.

  3. Hello all,


    I hope everyone is well.  Is there a macro that returns the key name for the damage source?  Not sure I'm explaining it properly, {{c:dmg}} returns the color value, is there a macro that instead returns the key name, similar to how {{sys-color-key}} returns the key name and {{c:system}} returns the color value?


    Thanks for any help,



  4. Hello there,


    I've been having some issues with the fragCorrelationBar not showing up properly in CW battles that have Fog of War enabled.  See: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/38779-маркеры-панели-счета-py_macro/?do=findComment&comment=491530



    Does anyone know if there is a way to detect if Fog of War is enabled for a battle, or if there is a python script that would help determine this?  I would like to disable the fragCorrelationBar in my config in battles that have fog of war enabled, such as below:

      "enabled": "{{fogofwar?false|true}}"


    I know that I could potentially go through this and exclude all the potential battles types currently using fog of war, but these can change if the game rules change.


    Thanks for any help!

  5. Hi night_dragon_on,

    I'm not having success is using the script.  For example, trying to use it to change an image based on the in-game setting doesn't work, unless I'm somehow using it incorrectly.  I was using:

    "format": "{{py:isColorBlind=True?<img src='cfg://Aslain/TotalHPBar/TotalHPBar_GvP.png'>|<img src='cfg://Aslain/TotalHPBar/TotalHPBar_GvR.png'>}}"

    Which seems to always use the second image, regardless of the in-game color blind setting.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Thank You,



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