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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. I see. I have also noticed it's because of the light tanks. last patch I had good stats in my t8 light tanks, but since they are t9, the expectations have risen, and because of some reason XVM have adjusted these to all of the games I (and not just me) have played with them as t8. Other players i know have the same issue.
  2. Hello XVM Very suddenly, my wn8 dropped massively. Not just over a large period of time, but very random. Today (6 may 2017) i updated my account around 18:00 (CEST), and i was playing around 3000 WN8 for the past 28 hours. But suddently, very few minutes ago, (around 00:20, 7 may 2017) I updated it again, to see how I played last night. But now it says, my WN8 is 0,04 (past 24 hours), and all of my recent WN8 had droppen significantly. In the graphs on wot-life.com, it is very obvious that there is a huge, sudden peak down, of 40 WN8 in 1 day please fix this, because all of the progress I have made for the past weeks has been thrown away by this, and I'm very sure that it is impossible a difference of 19 games has made my WN8 drop by 41. And also because to have 0,04 WN8 i have to do 0 damage in multiple games, and I didn't have any 0 damage games for the past 24 hours at all. Extra data: I have played 19347 games in total, and average WN8 right now is 1545 (after this weird drop)
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