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Korean Random


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4 Noob
  1. This icon is new in the new version, what it means
  2. I copy ths old sound.xc(6.5.4) to new File address(6.5.5) , but is not function , WHY ?
  3. thx man !! I've changed it. Thank you for your suggestion
  4. thx man !! but after editing how to re-generate .pkg document? 7-zip can not generate a .pkg file.
  5. ??? I just use xvm Why I do not have this file under the folder ???
  6. where is file ? I can not find this file in world_of_tanks
  7. Can the color of this green triangle in minimap be changed? if yes how i can do for this ? thx
  8. "Gun_reloaded" sound is gone, my custom sound in the new version 6461 disappears this setting until 9.15 are working fine. 9.16 Has the sound changed? ps: this sound is the traditional "up" sound when gun_reloaded sounds.xc
  9. This feature was not required it was, everyone's needs are different. Just set with a switch like for example true or false, thank you for your hard work gives players more options thx
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