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Posts posted by rado84

  1. There is no space there - that was the first thing I checked for and made sure there is no space. I did that twice.






    This looks like C# and I know C# only on basic level (never seen the face of Python) but I wonder what would happen if you add this to the formula?

    else(clockSep1.width > 10)
    	txtAligned.Style[clockSep1] = "center";

    Or maybe you can add that formula to the xml file and allow us to experiment with it, so that we can fix such problems as the one I described?

  2. On 18.02.2018 г. at 8:36 PM, AntonVK said:

    Добрый вечер!


    Обновлено до текущей версии игры.

    Hi. I made my own configuration of your mod but there's one thing I couldn't change - the position of the semicolon separator. Is there any way I can center it between the numbers? As you can see on the screenshot below the semicolon is closer to the minutes number and farther from the hours number.



  3. 1. XVM restarts the game.

    When clicked "exit game" or used ALT+F4, the game closes and then immediately starts again going back to the login screen. I tried the game without XVM and the restart problem goes away.

    2. XVM slows down rendering textures.

    When a battle starts all tanks and bases are stuck in the middle of the minimap and it takes a few seconds to reposition them properly. Also, all the tanks appear as transparent shades before they return to normal view.

    I use other mods as well but after removing XVM files from the mod folder, everything goes back to normal.

  4. I did it as you said but they're still white.

     "nickFormatLeft": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:winrate}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",
          "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> {{name%.15s~..}} <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> <font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}' color='{{c:winrate}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font>",
  5. I think it's the same thing. And if I'm right, they've made this option in XVM because in an older version of the game the in-game option tended to bug and that box used to become unusable. So with having this option in XVM, you can still enable the dynamic camera, even if, for some reason, the in-game option becomes inoperable.

  6. In another topic I was told the NoScroll works differently than what I expected:


    it disables switching to sniper mode by using mouse wheel

    For previous versions of the game there were some mods named NoScroll which disabled exiting sniper mode by using mouse wheel. But none of these mods works anymore since, from what I've been told, the game doesn't work with AvatarInputHandler anymore. Well, actually, they do work but having them in the mod folder causes a great on-screen mess with the crosshair, so using them now is not an option, unless you wanna restart your game after each battle.

    So I wonder - is there any way I could customize XVM's NoScroll to work the way I need it to work?

    Or, if not, can you add this functionality and make the config file like this: instead of true or false, use numbers where 0 means NoScroll is disabled, 1 is "no switching to sniper mode using the mouse wheel" and 2 is "no exiting sniper mode using the mouse wheel"?

  7. Edited by rado84

    At first you must learn the principle of work of the radio in the game.

    You can communicate with other tanks, if the sum of the distances of both your radios larger than distance between you. If you have 750m radio and ally have 250m radio you can see enemies up to 1000m. 750m circle will not give the right information.


    But that only works if my ally is within my radio range. Once on Murovanka I was on K1 in the very corner of the map, trying stay as far as possible away from being spotted by the enemy spotters and when there were a few of them left, I didn't have any radio contact with my allies who were on E9 and D9 where the remaining enemies were, respectively I couldn't see the remaining enemies because of no radio contact.


    @Карапузик, if I get it right, if I type SU-8 there, it will work only for SU-8 and it will NOT change/remove the gun range circle for FV-304 (for instance)? Becuase FV-304 is my primary tank which I play often with and I suppose you know its firing range is 500 meters tops. And if I wanna add another arty, I just have to add a new line?

  8. Edited by rado84

    1. There were no changes in camera.xc and hotkeys.xc in the latest update. Read changelog every update.

    2. Did you enable it? camera.xc->camera->enabled->true

    3. It works other way round - it disables switching to sniper mode by using mouse wheel.

    2. Yes, I did and restarted the game. After that in the first battle I tested it and it didn't go any higher than what you've set, completely disregarding my newly entered numbers.

    3. Then I guess I'll have to post a suggestion to make it work the way I need.

  9. Since I have edited two config files in the previous version and I wanna keep these files (so that I don't have to edit them again), there are some questions.


    1. I read the new version has some new features. So, have the files camera.xc and hotkeys.xc been changed to work with these new features?

    2. I can't deal with the "Camera distance range" feature. I tried editing the numbers to increase the maximum zoom out just by little (I don't need space sight seeing camera, I just need about 50% increase of zoom out) but that didn't change anything. So the question is what numbers should I enter to get 50% zoom out increase?

    3. Also, the "NoScroll" feature doesn't seem to work. Setting it to "true" doesn't disable the feature allowing to exit sniper mode by scrolling down. What am I doing wrong?

  10. Hi. Can you add a new circle on the minimap to display how far the current radio range is (based on the currently equipped radio)? I think it would be very useful, especially for arties because even now with 750 meters of radio range sometimes I can't see spotted enemies (I play arty). Having this circle will help me decide my position and stay in radio contact with my allies.

  11. Is there any way I can have a no scroll through XVM? I tried installing a separate no scroll mod but somehow it conflicts with XVM in the scripts folder, so I had to delete it. But it's really annoying to scroll down a little more and the camera to go above the tank, so I'd be grateful if you can tell me how to have no scroll with XVM. Which file should I edit to have it?

  12. Edited by rado84

    Idk what that zoom indicator is for. I just installed the game yesterday evening (I had it uninstalled out of rage about 3 months ago), downloaded XVM because it shows the circle with 500 meters range, copied game preferencies folder to C:\Users and ran the game. And after the second battle, that bug appeared.

    Here, see for yourself - only XVM mod and the original readme file are there. There's also my preferencies folder in the archive - just in case:


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