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Korean Random


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Everything posted by CakeOrD3ath

  1. In previous patches, I had {{c:winrate}}, but once WoT updated to 9.8, it started reporting my values as a huge float, (i.e a winrate of 52.3958476, instead of just 52%) so to fix that, I was instructed by one of the Devs to change it to what it is now, which works just fine, except colors aren't being reported, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me because the colors are still listed towards the bottom of the config in the color section under "winrate%2d~%|--%": [
  2. Once again, it seems as though XVM have changed the name of a variable without any mention to anyone, as my XVM.xc no longer has colors on winrates even though I have changed nothing. Here is the current line in my config for the tab menu "<font color='{{c:winrate%2d~%|--%}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--%}}</font> {{vehicle}}", I presume something has changed with the color variable, so please fill me in. Thanks.
  3. Since updating to 9.8, my XVM no longer displays games played for anyone. "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}} <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font>", Apparently kb no longer works? Or what is the deal? Had a similar problem moving to 9.7 with the c:rating function being changed to c:winrate Any help would be super, thanks.
  4. So, since moving my config to 9.7, I have found a strange issue has arisen, and that is the winrate being reported by {{rating}} in the config has started giving a float variable instead of the usual integer. I have looked through the config and can't find any reference to the variable type, so if someone could point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated. Below is a picture of the problem, kind of hard to look at anyone's stats when that winrate dominates the whole menu
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