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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. It is not the same thing. WG rating is for post battle or out of battle analysis and it does not affect the battle, at least not in the huge way XVM does. But since so many use it, it is very hard for them to think objectively. Outside WoT, in any other games, since I've seen so far (maybe I haven't played enough games), mods are made to bring the gameplay a new perspective, a new skin, not to alter it or give any advantage for those who use them, at least not the legal ones... everywhere else, the ones that give any sort of advantage for those who use them are called cheats. Why not here as well? Sadly I can understand why, it is more or less about profit, and people are so greedy. Don't understand me wrong, I don't mean moders' greed, almost all of them I thing they do it out of passion... I mean WG greed, for more than one reasons.
  2. Why don't you make the stats available in-game only for other XVM users and for those who don't use it just hide them? Or only show the stats in your team and for the opponent team just hide them? High skilled players tend to stay more in the back and let others take the damage partly because of that (because they get focused so many times and can't play the game and try not to die without staying in the back)... and not only those but also the ones who play for statistics. I am not saying people camp and let their team die because of that, but it would be less. I consider it unfair for those who don't use it to be made part of it. And that win chance is such a burden for the outcome of the game. The team with a lower win chance tend either to suicide or to camp heavily. For the second case the team with the better win chance can rush mindlessly being overconfident and lose it even with a win chance of less than 30%. So many say that it is just a tool, but why this tool is affecting the outcome and the joy to play when it shouldn't. Make it less, make it simple.
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