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Korean Random


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Everything posted by dziban303

  1. Issue began after installing nightly build 4565 for v9.8. I installed it Friday night and issue has been occurring since then. Specifically what happens is: Log in. Choose a tank from carousel. Play a battle. After battle, I'll view my battle results, then close the results window. I'll choose a different tank from the carousel. Immediately game quits to desktop; no error windows. It happens about every third time, that is, after every third battle when changing tanks. I didn't see anything in python.log and xvm.log that screamed error. I attached them anyway, as well as my xvm config files (which are modified sirmax configs). I notice build 4566 is available for 9.8, I will install that and see if problems persist. I don't see any changes between 4565 and 4566 in bitbucket though. ----------- No problems with crashing so far, after installing build 4566. python.log XVM.log theurge's configs 6-27.7z
  2. I noticed today that XVM is showing the T26E4's battle tiers as 8-10, when it should be 8-9 (unless they changed it in the past few days!)
  3. Removing that info was a really stupid thing to do. Though I'm glad its WG's fault and not an issue with XVM, since my config files look right.
  4. In my carousel.xc file, in the extra fields area, I'm trying to get the WN8 expected damage macro to work and it won't show up. "extraFields": [ { "x": 0, "y": 35, "align": "left", "format": "<b><font size='12' color='#C8C8B5'>{{v.wn8expd}} Test -</font></b>", "shadow": ${ "def.textFieldShadow" } }, I included the text "Test -" to make sure the line was being displayed, because otherwise nothing appears. The macro displays nothing at all. The next line includes some other macros that aren't working: {{v.dpm}} {{v.gunAvgDamage}} {{v.wn8effd}} Along with another "Test" to make sure the field is being displayed. It seems like most of the macros I try to use do not work. I'm using XVM 6.0.2, and the SirMax configuration as a base config, which I'm modifying. I'm looking at the default configurations for inspiration. Does anyone know why this isn't working?
  5. I think I've fixed it. Instead of using {{winrate}} and {{t-winrate}} I tried {{rating}} and {{t-rating}} which are apparently the same thing, and these macros work.
  6. That's because it's the source code, not the program itself. You'd have to compile it. The executable file has been removed from that post. From what I can understand via Google Translate, the dev stopped updating it and its no longer compatible with xvm configs. An editor with a preview function is sorely needed. XVM has gotten more and more complicated to configure and the tools to make it easier have all been dropped.
  7. 6.0.2. Like I said, this is your SirMax config that comes with XVM. The code is in xvm.xc (renamed from sirmax.xc). The full snippet of code is "def": { "formatNick": "{{name%.20s~..}}<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "formatVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'><img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'><img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{language|empty}}.png' width='16' height='11'> <font color='{{c:avglvl|#666666}}'>{{avglvl%d|-}}</font>|<font color='{{c:tfb|#666666}}'>{{tfb%0.1f|---}}</font>|<font color='{{c:tdv|#666666}}'>{{tdv%0.1f|---}}</font>|<font color='{{c:xwgr|#666666}}'>{{xwgr|--}}</font>|<font color='{{c:xeff|#666666}}'>{{xeff|--}}</font>|<font color='{{c:xwn8|#666666}}'>{{xwn8|--}}</font>|<font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font></font>", And then the defs are called later in battleLoading and statisticForm. What does the dark X, with the filename of xvm-user-off.png, mean? Thanks!
  8. I can't seem to get these macros to work. <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate|---}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-winrate|#666666}}'>{{t-winrate|---}}</font> Just displays --- I'm using the SirMax configuration that comes with the archive, and editing it to my preference. Any ideas why these macros--certainly common ones--aren't working in my config?
  9. Простите плохих русских, я использую Google Translate. Макрос не работает, я получаю только - Я с помощью файла конфигурации Sirmax, что приходит с архивом XVM Кто-нибудь знает, что это проблема? <font color='{{c:e|#666666}}'>{{e|-}}</font> Я приложил скриншот ниже. Спасибо!
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