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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. Thanks for the link, Mr 13! I've contacted about this issue to WG, but no reply so far. Yes, I am aware of that the information is provided by WoT API, and xvm is just a tool. But since xvm is the "middle-man" and majority people uses xvm I thought maybe this kind of little administration would be nice. I understand people can use just another mod that show up the stats anyway. What I was hoping for since xvm itself is very popular among WoT community, this problem would be partly solved. I understand your interests and timing for this mod. What I mean is I saw the xvm sources are publicly available. What if I fork, play around and see if I can implement such function and ask you guys if you allow to add such feature with your review, of course, would you approve the "pull request"?
  2. You said it yourself. Many people requested, why not give this option to them then? Is there some technical barriers or "political"?
  3. Hi XVM team, First of all, I want to point out that I love XVM mod and the work you do to the WoT community is priceless! As you probably know a lot of players complain about in-game stats and especially the winning chance. They say players with better stats insult those with lower, others rage-quit or recklessly die when see low winning chance, and some others with good stats complain that they are being deliberately focused by the enemy team giving them unfairly hard time playing the game. Some of the problems are easily solved by turning off the chat and hiding xvm stats, but some problems still stay. I mean the latter complaint about people with higher stats suffering by overwhelming attention of enemy fire. So I was thinking about if there is a way to implement an option (or options) that lets a player to hide his/her stats during game to the enemy team, and not being able to see the stats of enemy players as a trade-off. Sort of "Fog of War" feature. I'm aware this kind of feature will most likely ruin win chance feature by xvm, but I hope maybe win chance can be still calculated at server-side but without sending stats of players who hid them. What can you suggest about this?
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